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HR Announcements

​Recent Announcements

For a complete list of all policies, please visit our Online HR Manual.

Bay Area Commuter Benefits Program – Notification, Record Keeping, and Annual Reporting Requirements for Affected Agencies/Departments

February 7, 2025. The Bay Area Commuter Benefits Program (Program) applies to all affected agencies and departments in the nine San Francisco Bay Area counties (Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Solano, and Sonoma).

In order to comply with the Program requirements, all affected departments should electronically submit the following completed documents to CalHR at by February 28, 2025.

CalHR's Bay Area Commuter Benefits Program page provides additional information about the steps departments must complete to register and maintain Program compliance.

Affected state agencies and departments may contact for additional clarification.

2025 Updated Mileage Reimbursement Rates for Use of Personal Vehicle and Private Aircraft 

January 27, 2025. Effective January 1, 2025, the following mileage reimbursement rates apply:

  • The personal vehicle mileage reimbursement rate for all state employees is 70 cents per mile.
  • The relocation/moving mileage reimbursement rate for all current state employees and new-hires to state service is 21 cents per mile.
  • The private aircraft mileage reimbursement rate for all state employees is $1.75 per statute mile.

Related HR Manual Policy: 2202 - Mileage Reimbursement

2025 Monthly Deduction Amount for the Third-Party Pre-Tax Parking Reimbursement Account Program

January 7, 2025. For 2025, the monthly limit for a Third-Party Pre-Tax P​ar​king Reimbursement Account Program deduction from an employee's income to pay for qualified parking will be $325. This amount is an increase of $10 over the limit of $315 in effect for the year 2024.​​​

Bicycle Commuter Program Policy – Annual Report Reminder for Non-CalATERS Departments​

December 31, 2024. Effective May 1, 2018, CalHR implemented the Bicycle Commuter Program (Program). Through the Program, the State of California voluntarily provides a taxable benefit to eligible state employees. The Program encourages employees to consider bicycle commuting as a means of active transportation.

As a reminder, the HR Manual section 1425 – Bicycle Commuter Program requires non-CalATERS departments to complete and electronically submit the Bicycle Commuter Benefit Program Report for the previous calendar year to CalHR ( by January 31.

Mass Transit and Vanpool Commute Program – Increased 2025 Subsidies for Eligible Employees​

December 30, 2024. For 2025, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) maximum monthly exclusion amount (monthly limitation) will be $325 for eligible employees (R01, R02, R03, R04, R06, R07, R08, R09, R10, R11, R12, R13, R14, R15, R16, R17, R18, R19, R20, R21, and all excluded employees), including employees headquartered out of state, for:

  • Public transit (mass transit) passes
    • 100 percent discount on public transit passes sold by state agencies, up to the monthly exclusion amount provided by the IRS. 
    • 100 percent reimbursement on public transit passes purchased by state employees, up to the monthly exclusion amount provided by the IRS.
  • Vanpool drivers and riders
    • 100 percent reimbursement on the monthly fee, up to the monthly exclusion amount provided by the IRS.

This amount is an increase of $10 over the IRS limit of $315 in effect for 2024.

The combined maximum allowable monthly exclusion amount for employees who are eligible to claim both mass transit and vanpool shall not exceed the combined IRS maximum monthly exclusion amount.

California Code of Regulations section 599.936 (Transit and Vanpool Incentives – Excluded Employees) provides mass transit and vanpool commute language for excluded employees. The MOUs provide mass transit and vanpool commute language for represented employees. CalHR's Commute Programs page and Frequently Asked Questions page provide general information. ​

Mass Transit and Vanpool Commute Program – Increased Subsidies for Employees in Bargaining Unit 10​

November 4, 2024. Effective October 1, 2024, the following mass transit and vanpool subsidy increases apply to eligible employees, including employees headquartered out of state, in Bargaining Unit 10:

  • Public transit (mass transit) passes
    • 100 percent discount on public transit passes sold by state agencies, up to the monthly exclusion amount provided by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).  
    • 100 percent reimbursement on public transit passes purchased by state employees, up to the monthly exclusion amount provided by the IRS.
  • Vanpool drivers and riders
    • 100 percent reimbursement on the monthly fee, up to the monthly exclusion amount provided by the IRS.

 For 2024, the maximum monthly exclusion amount provided by the IRS is $315.

 The combined maximum allowable monthly exclusion amount for employees who are eligible to claim both mass transit and vanpool shall not exceed the combined IRS maximum monthly exclusion amount.

 California Code of Regulations section 599.936 (Transit and Vanpool Incentives – Excluded Employees) provides mass transit and vanpool commute language for excluded employees. The MOUs provide mass transit and vanpool commute language for represented employees. CalHR's Commute Programs page and Frequently Asked Questions page provide general information. 

Travel Program – ​​​Updated Meal and Lodging Rates and Related Policy Effective for Travel on or after October 1, 2024​

October 1, 2024. As a follow up to CalHR's communications released on November 21, 2023, May 14, 2024, and September 13, 2024, the State is implementing the new business and travel expense reimbursement program that includes adopting the federal standard meal and incidental expense (M&IE) rates and lodging rates established by the federal General Services Administration (GSA) effective October 1, 2024. This new program shall also include:

  • Adopting the federal standard M&IE rate established by the GSA at time of travel for in-state and out-of-state travel.
  • Adopting federal standard and non-standard reimbursement rates at time of travel for in-state, out-of-state, and out-of-country lodging.
  • Simplifying current reimbursement policy and administration and providing up to 75 percent (75%) of the federal standard rate established by the GSA for M&IE on the first and last day of travel.
  • Eliminating the state's long-term travel reimbursement rates and adopting the federal standard M&IE reimbursement rates for long-term meals, and receipted lodging shall be reimbursed up to the maximum federal standard and non-standard reimbursement rates.​
​​The new business and travel expense reimbursement program will be implemented on October 1, 2024 for excluded employees. CalHR has amended excluded travel regulations effective October 1, 2024.

Application to rank and file employees is determined by the bargaining process. Pursuant to the express terms of the Memorandums of Understanding and/or Side Letter Agreements, these same updates shall also be applicable to all rank and file state employees in all bargaining units.

Accordingly, CalHR has updated the following CalHR Manual Sections:​Where applicable, the above-mentioned CalHR Manual Sections distinguish between language for:
  • Travel on or after October 1, 2024
  • Travel on or before September 30, 2024
​SCO is taking the necessary steps to implement this change in CalATERS. SCO will release additional communications upon completion of related system updates. 

CalHR will notify departments about related form updates and other materials related to implementing the new program. To learn more about these changes to the travel program, please review the above-mentioned CalHR Manual Sections and CalHR's Travel Frequently Asked Questions page.  

Excess Lodging Rate Requests and Annual Reports - Reminders​

August 7, 2024. In accordance with HR Manual section 2201 – Travel and Relocation policy, Excess Lodging Rate Requests are required if the requested lodging rate is more than the state rate. Typically, state employees who are required to​​ travel for official state business must submit Excess Lodging Rate Requests for advance approval of lodging rates that exceed the state's maximum lodging reimbursement rates. 

Effective September 18, 2023, CalHR delegated authority to departments to make determinations regarding Excess Lodging Rate Requests up to $350 per night as follows, for:

  • Requests submitted prior to the travel dates.
  • Requests submitted after the travel dates (after-the-fact requests).

All excess lodging rate requests for amounts above the delegated amount of $350 per night continue to require CalHR approval in advance. Departments shall continue to follow their current processes for completing and submitting excess lodging rate requests to CalHR.

General Reminders

  • Departments shall review whether the requested lodging is in the best interest of the state before submitting requests to CalHR. All moderately priced lodging options are to be considered in order to determine the lodging that is in the best interest of the state. If an employee's preferred hotel chain is not the lodging that is in the best interest of the state, then the lodging that is in the best interest of the state shall be selected.
  • Moderately priced lodging may include 2- and 3-star hotels in the state's current online booking system.
  • Per DGS Management Memo 14-03, all travel is to be booked through the state's current online booking system. It is CalHR's understanding from DGS that conference rates and short-term rentals are allowable exceptions to booking lodging via the state's current online booking system. Reasonable accommodations may also be allowable exceptions. For additional questions regarding the requirement to book travel via the state's current online booking system, please contact DGS's Statewide Travel Program at
  • Lodging booked outside of the state's current online booking system due to an allowable exception (such as a conference rate) must be clearly explained in the “justification for alternate booking arrangement" section of the Excess Lodging Rate Request Form (STD 255C).
  • The three required comparison quotes must clearly include the requested travel dates (such as printout or screenshot from the state's current online booking system).
  • “Headquarters City" refers to the employee's headquarters city.
  • The current Excess Lodging Rate Request Form (STD 255C) has been available since October 2019. As noted in CalHR's July 11, 2019, HR Announcement, CalHR will not accept requests submitted on outdated versions of the STD 255C.
  • Only submit completed forms to CalHR for review. Please include all department contact information and approval signatures.
  • For rank-and-file employees, departments should review applicable Memoranda of Understanding for specific language governing travel.

After-the-Fact Requests

  • Effective September 18, 2023, CalHR delegated authority to departments to make determinations regarding Excess Lodging Rate Requests up to $350 per night as follows, for:
    • Requests submitted prior to the travel dates.
    • Requests submitted after the travel dates (after-the-fact requests).
  • All after-the-fact requests must be submitted to CalHR with three comparison quotes for the requested travel dates (if available) along with an explanation for the late submission.
  • CalHR reviews after-the-fact requests on a case-by-case basis.

Annual Reports for Delegated Excess Lodging Rate Requests

  • The reporting period for annual reports is July 1 – June 30 of each year. All departments who have approved delegated excess lodging rate requests are required to submit their annual reports to by August 31. Each department's report must include all approved delegated requests. Please include department contact information in the submission email.
  • An Excel template for annual reports is available in the “Forms" section of HR Manual section 2201- Travel and Relocation policy.

Mass Transit and Vanpool Commute Program – Increased Subsidies for Employees in Bargaining Unit 16

June 10, 2024. Effective July 1, 2024, the following mass transit and vanpool subsidy increases apply to eligible employees, including employees headquartered out of state, in Bargaining Unit 16:

  • Public transit (mass transit) passes
    • 100 percent discount on public transit passes sold by state agencies, up to the monthly exclusion amount provided by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).  
    • 100 percent reimbursement on public transit passes purchased by state employees, up to the monthly exclusion amount provided by the IRS.
  • Vanpool drivers and riders
    • 100 percent reimbursement on the monthly fee, up to the monthly exclusion amount provided by the IRS.​

For 2024, the maximum monthly exclusion amount provided by the IRS is $315.

The combined maximum allowable monthly exclusion amount for employees who are eligible to claim both mass transit and vanpool shall not exceed the combined IRS maximum monthly exclusion amount. 

California Code of Regulations section 599.936 (Transit and Vanpool Incentives – Excluded Employees) provides mass transit and vanpool commute language for excluded employees. The MOUs provide mass transit and vanpool commute language for represented employees. CalHR's Commute Programs page and Frequently Asked Questions page provide general information. 

Travel Program – Method of Travel – Electric Rental Vehicles

June 05, 2024. Effective June 1, 2024, in accordance with the new “Method of Travel – Electric Rental Vehicles" language in CalHR Manual Section 2201, state employees may receive reimbursement for using electric rental vehicles, such as Zero Emission Vehicles (ZEVs), while conducting approved state business if such use is feasible, available, in the best interest of the state, and through an applicable state contract that supports approved statewide initiatives. ​

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