2025 Monthly Deduction Amount for the Third-Party Pre-Tax Parking Reimbursement Account Program
Dental and vision enrollment form update
April 9, 2024.
Effective March 28, 2024, dental (STD-692) and vision (STD-700 and
CalHR-774) enrollment forms will have the ‘Disabled Child’ added to the
enrollment forms. All dependents certified as a Disabled Dependent
should be identified with the dependent type ‘Disabled Child’ when enrolling in benefits.
Program – Clarification Regarding Increased Meal and Lodging
Reimbursement Rates, Receipt Policy Update for Meal and Incidental
March 14, 2024. Effective
January 1, 2024, the State implemented increases to meal and short-term
lodging expense reimbursement rates within the existing business and
travel reimbursement policy (CalHR Manual Section 2203)
for all excluded state employees as well as all rank and file state
employees (pursuant to the Memorandums of Understanding) on authorized
travel status.
CalHR has updated CalHR Manual Section 2203
to provide additional clarification regarding the above changes that
took effect on January 1, 2024. State Controller's Office (SCO) CalATERS
Global has been configured to accept these changes. Please reference CalATERS Global Letter #24-001 for specific processing information.
addition, effective January 1, 2024, for travel that occurs on or after
January 1, 2024, CalHR has updated the receipt policy for meal and
incidental expenses in CalHR Manual Section 2203.
SCO is taking the necessary steps to implement this change in CalATERS.
SCO will release additional communications upon completion of related
system updates.
CalHR's Travel Reimbursements page provides general information. To learn more about this and upcoming changes to the travel program, please see CalHR's Travel Frequently Asked Questions page.
Changes to CalHR-1070 Form
January 11, 2024. In compliance with Government Code Section 8310.6 (Senate Bill 189 - 2022), the State Employee Race/Ethnicity Questionnaire (CalHR 1070 form) has been updated to include the following additional ethnicity categories for Black or African American groups:
- A descendant of a person or persons who were enslaved in the United States.
- Not a descendant of a person or persons who were enslaved in the United States, including, but not limited to, African Black, Caribbean Black, or other Black.
- Descendant status is unknown or choose not to identify.
In addition,
CalHR 1070
has been updated so that employees may identify themselves as
non-binary gender. Please use the new form effective January 2, 2024.
The State Controller’s Office
December 29, 2023, notice provides technical instructions to Personnel staff.
note that if an employee chooses not to identify their race/ethnicity,
visual identification is required by Title 29, Code of Federal
Regulations section 1602.30 to meet Equal Employment Opportunity
Commission EEO-4 reporting requirements. The information collected via
this form will be used for statistical analysis as required under
Government Code Sections 19792 subdivisions (h) and (i).
2024 Updated Mileage Reimbursement Rates for Use of Personal Vehicle and Private Aircraft
January 8, 2024. Effective January 1, 2024, the following mileage reimbursement rates apply:
- The personal vehicle mileage reimbursement rate for all state employees is 67 cents per mile.
- The
relocation/moving mileage reimbursement rate for all current state
employees and new-hires to state service is 21 cents per mile.
- The private aircraft mileage reimbursement rate for all state employees is $1.76 cents per statute mile.
Related HR Manual Policy:
2202 - Mileage Reimbursement
Mass Transit and Vanpool Commute Program – Increased 2024 Subsidies for Eligible Employees
January 5, 2024. For 2024, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) maximum monthly exclusion amount (monthly limitation) will be $315
for eligible employees (R01, R02, R03, R04, R06, R07, R08, R09, R11,
R12, R13, R14, R15, R17, R18, R19, R20, R21, and all excluded
employees), including employees headquartered out of state, for:
- Public transit (mass transit) passes
- 100 percent discount on public transit passes sold by state agencies, up to the monthly exclusion amount provided by the IRS.
- 100
percent reimbursement on public transit passes purchased by state
employees, up to the monthly exclusion amount provided by the IRS.
- Vanpool drivers and riders
- 100 percent reimbursement on the monthly fee, up to the monthly exclusion amount provided by the IRS.
This amount is an increase of $15 over the IRS limit of $300 in effect for 2023.
combined maximum allowable monthly exclusion amount for employees who
are eligible to claim both mass transit and vanpool shall not exceed the
combined IRS maximum monthly exclusion amount.
California Code of Regulations
section 599.936 (Transit and Vanpool Incentives – Excluded Employees) provides mass transit and vanpool commute language for excluded employees. The
MOUs provide mass transit and vanpool commute language for represented employees.
CalHR’s Commute Programs page and Frequently Asked Questions page provide general information.
Bicycle Commuter Program Policy – Annual Report Reminder for Non-CalATERS Departments
December 21, 2023.
Effective May 1, 2018, CalHR implemented the Bicycle Commuter
Program (Program). Through the Program, the State of California
voluntarily provides a taxable benefit to eligible state employees. The
Program encourages employees to consider bicycle commuting as a means of
active transportation.
As a reminder, the HR Manual section 1425 – Bicycle Commuter Program requires non-CalATERS departments to complete and electronically submit the Bicycle Commuter Benefit Program Report for the previous calendar year to CalHR (Travelmanager@calhr.ca.gov) by January 31.
Area Commuter Benefits Program – Notification, Record Keeping, and
Annual Reporting Requirements for Affected Agencies/Departments
December 21, 2023. The Bay Area Commuter Benefits Program (Program)
applies to all affected agencies and departments in the nine San
Francisco Bay Area counties (Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, San
Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Solano, and Sonoma).
In order
to comply with the Program requirements, all affected departments
should electronically submit the following completed documents to CalHR
at travelmanager@calhr.ca.gov by January 31, 2024.
CalHR's Bay Area Commuter Benefits Program page provides additional information about the steps departments must complete to register and maintain Program compliance.
Affected state agencies and departments may contact travelmanager@calhr.ca.gov for additional clarification.
Travel Program – Increased Meal and Lodging Reimbursement Rates
December 12, 2023.
Effective January 1, 2024, the State is implementing increases to
meal and short-term lodging expense reimbursement rates within the
existing business and travel reimbursement policy (CalHR Manual Section 2203)
for all excluded state employees as well as all rank and file state
employees (pursuant to the express terms of the Memorandums of
Understanding) on authorized travel status.
CalHR has released the updated CalHR Manual Section 2203
to reflect the above changes that will take effect on January 1, 2024.
In addition, the State Controller’s Office (SCO) is taking necessary
steps to implement these changes in CalATERS. SCO will release
additional communications upon completion of system updates.
CalHR’s Travel Reimbursements page provides general information. To learn more about this and upcoming changes to the travel program, please see CalHR’s new Travel Frequently Asked Questions page.
Transit and Vanpool Commute Program – Increased Subsidies for Employees
in Bargaining Units 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 11, 12, 14, 15, 17, 19, 20, and 21
and Excluded Employees
October 19, 2023.
Effective October 1, 2023, the following mass transit and vanpool
subsidy increases apply to eligible employees, including employees
headquartered out of state, in Bargaining Units 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 11, 12,
14, 15, 17, 19, 20, and 21, and all excluded employees, regardless of
- Public transit (mass transit) passes
- 100
percent discount on public transit passes sold by state agencies, up to
the monthly exclusion amount provided by the Internal Revenue Service
- 100 percent
reimbursement on public transit passes purchased by state employees, up
to the monthly exclusion amount provided by the IRS.
- Vanpool drivers and riders
- 100 percent reimbursement on the monthly fee, up to the monthly exclusion amount provided by the IRS.
For 2023, the maximum monthly exclusion amount provided by the IRS is $300.
combined maximum allowable monthly exclusion amount for employees who
are eligible to claim both mass transit and vanpool shall not exceed the
combined IRS maximum monthly exclusion amount.
California Code of Regulations
section 599.936 (Transit and Vanpool Incentives – Excluded Employees) provides mass transit and vanpool commute language for excluded employees. The
MOUs provide mass transit and vanpool commute language for represented employees.
CalHR’s Commute Programs page and
Frequently Asked Questions page provide general information.
Delta Dental Address Change for Direct Payments
August 24, 2023.
August 23, 2023. Effective immediately, the addresses for submitting
dental premium payments directly to Delta Dental for State-Sponsored
Dental Plans (excluding COBRA) by departments have changed. Departments
should use the following updated addresses to send dental premium
payments directly to Delta Dental:
PPO Mailing Address:
Delta Dental of California
Attn: Accounts Receivable
PO Box 884460
Los Angeles, CA 90088-4460
Delta Care Mailing Address:
Attn: Accounts Receivable
Delta Dental Insurance Company
PO Box 647006
Dallas TX 75264-7006
The Attorney General Added Three States to the Restricted Travel List for Out-of-State Travel
August 2, 2023.
Assembly Bill 1887 prohibits state agencies from requiring any of its
employees, officers or members to travel to, or approving a request for
state-funded or state-sponsored travel to, any state that has enacted
discriminatory laws or practices on the basis of sexual orientation,
gender identity, or gender expression, subject to certain exceptions.
July 14, 2023, the Attorney General added the following three states to
the restricted travel list with the following effective dates:
- Missouri – Effective August 28, 2023
- Nebraska – Effective October 1, 2023
- Wyoming – Effective July 14, 2023
To view the entire list of banned states, visit the
California Attorney General's website.
approved discretionary travel to these states must be cancelled. All
mission critical travel to banned states must be resubmitted to
Department Directors and Agency Secretaries (or their designees) to
ensure they meet the exception criteria. New mission critical trips not
already submitted within an approved out-of-state travel blanket will
require final approval from the Governor's Office through the individual
trip request process.
For additional information regarding AB 1887 and out-of-state travel, please review HR Manual section
2201 – Travel and Relocation Policy.
To see this and other recent human resources announcements, please visit our
HR Announcements web page.
Excess Lodging Rate Requests and Annual Reports - Reminders
July 18, 2023.
Excess lodging rate requests are required if the requested lodging rate
is more than the state rate. All excess lodging rate requests for
amounts above the delegated amount of $250 per night continue to require
CalHR approval in advance. Departments shall continue to follow their
current processes for completing and submitting excess lodging rate
requests to CalHR.
General Reminders
- Departments
shall review whether the requested lodging is in the best interest of
the state before submitting requests to CalHR. All moderately priced
lodging options are to be considered in order to determine the lodging
that is in the best interest of the state. If an employee’s preferred
hotel chain is not the lodging that is in the best interest of the
state, then the lodging that is in the best interest of the state shall
be selected.
- Moderately priced lodging may include 2- and 3-star hotels in Concur.
- Per DGS Management Memo 14-03, all travel is to be booked through CalTravelStore/Concur.
It is CalHR’s understanding from DGS that conference rates and
short-term rentals are allowable exceptions to booking lodging via
CalTravelStore/Concur. Reasonable accommodations may also be allowable
exceptions. For additional questions regarding the requirement to book
travel via CalTravelStore/Concur, please contact DGS’s Statewide Travel
Program at statewidetravelprogram@dgs.ca.gov.
- Lodging
booked outside of Concur due to an allowable exception (such as a
conference rate) must be clearly explained in the “justification for
alternate booking arrangement” section of the Excess Lodging Rate Request Form (STD 255C).
- The three required comparison quotes must clearly include the requested travel dates (such as a Concur printout or screenshot).
- “Headquarters City” refers to the employee’s headquarters city.
- The current Excess Lodging Rate Request Form (STD 255C)
has been available since October 2019. As noted in CalHR’s July 11,
2019, HR Announcement, CalHR will not accept requests submitted on
outdated versions of the STD 255C.
- Only submit completed forms to CalHR for review. Please include all department contact information and approval signatures.
- State
departments are prohibited from requiring any of their employees,
officers or members to travel to, or approving a request for
state-funded or state-sponsored travel to, any state that has enacted
discriminatory laws or practices on the basis of sexual orientation,
gender identity, or gender expression, subject to certain exceptions. To
view the list of banned states, visit the California Attorney General's website.
- For rank-and-file employees, departments should review applicable Memoranda of Understanding for specific language governing travel.
After-the-Fact Requests
- All
after-the-fact requests must be submitted to CalHR with three
comparison quotes for the requested travel dates (if available) along
with an explanation for the late submission.
- CalHR reviews after-the-fact requests on a case-by-case basis.
Annual Reports for Delegated Excess Lodging Rate Requests
- The
reporting period for annual reports is July 1 – June 30 of each year.
All departments who have approved delegated excess lodging rate requests
are required to submit their annual reports to travelmanager@calhr.ca.gov
by August 31. Each department’s report must include all approved
delegated requests. Please include department contact information in the
submission email.
- An updated Excel template for annual reports is now available in the “Forms” section of HR Manual section 2201- Travel and Relocation Policy.
Related HR Manual Policy:
2201- Travel and Relocation Policy
Date of Entitlement, Appointment Backdates, and $25 MSA
May 12, 2023. Effective immediately, with the implementation of the CalHR Online HR Manual,
PML’s became obsolete, but are still accessible online for historical
purposes. As such, information found in PMLs should not be used as
guidance unless specifically referenced by someone at CalHR. Currently,
CalHR is working to draft policies covering subjects that previously may
have been in a PML but that now require change.
This communication is to address a few aspects of PML 2007-026.
Code of Regulations section 599.668 states departments can make salary
corrections up to one year from the time corrective action was initiated
and references various salary rules. Additionally, Government Code
section 19815.8 limits the amount of time employees can seek relief
concerning laws administered by CalHR. For this reason, while we are
working on a policy to address this, departments are not delegated to
back date pay beyond one year. To request a backdate that changes an
employee’s salary or pay history, including pay differentials and merit
salary adjustments beyond one year, please email psb@calhr.ca.gov. The
request should include a summary of the issue, the employee’s name, how
the issue came to your attention, and what you are requesting.
allocation backdates beyond 60 work days must be submitted to PMD for
approval. This includes, but is not limited to, corrections that are the
result of an appointment to the wrong alternate range of a deep class.
departments are no longer allowed to place the employee at maximum of
the classification if their Merit Salary Adjustment (MSA) places them at
$25 or less to maximum of the classification.
regarding position allocation backdates can be sent directly to your
department’s designated PMD analyst. Questions about pay backdates and
$25 to max of the MSA can be emailed to psb@calhr.ca.gov.
Current STD 692 Dental Enrollment Form
April 18, 2023.
Effective May 1, 2023, the State Controller’s Office (SCO) will no
longer accept outdated versions of the STD 692 Dental Enrollment form.
Departments should confirm that all dental plan enrollments,
cancellations, and changes are submitted to SCO on the most current
version of the STD 692 Dental Enrollment form. The current version of
the form can be accessed through the Benefits Calculator and features a
revision date of 3/2021. CalHR strongly encourages departments and
employees to utilize the Benefits Calculator to fill out the Dental Enrollment form to ensure that the form is completed accurately.
Related HR Manual Policy: 1403 - Dental
Dependent Re-Verification (DRV) – Dental and Premier Vision
January 27, 2023.
Beginning with the March birth month DRV cycle, HR offices are required
to re-verify eligibility of employee dependents for continued
enrollment in Dental and Premier Vision benefits through the Family
Connect Portal (FCP).
Detailed information for state personnel
offices, including procedures and FAQs can be found on the DRV page on
the CalHR Benefits website.
Applicable updates have been made to the CalHR Human Resources Manual 1424- Dependent Re-verification (DRV).
2023 Updated Mileage Reimbursement Rates for Use of Personal Vehicle and Private Aircraft
January 23, 2023. Effective January 1, 2023, the following mileage reimbursement rates apply:
- The personal vehicle mileage reimbursement rate for all state employees is 65.5 cents per mile.
- The
relocation/moving mileage reimbursement rate for all current state
employees and new-hires to state service is 22 cents per mile.
- The private aircraft mileage reimbursement rate for all state employees is $1.74 cents per statute mile.
Related HR Manual Policy:
2202 - Mileage Reimbursement Bay
Area Commuter Benefits Program – Notification, Record Keeping, and
Annual Reporting Requirements for Affected Agencies/Departments
December 20, 2022. The Bay Area Commuter Benefits Program (Program)
applies to all affected agencies and departments in the nine San
Francisco Bay Area counties (Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, San
Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Solano, and Sonoma).
In order
to comply with the Program requirements, all affected departments
should electronically submit the following completed documents to CalHR
at travelmanager@calhr.ca.gov by January 31, 2023.
CalHR’s Bay Area Commuter Benefits Program page provides additional information about the steps departments must complete to register and maintain Program compliance.
Affected state agencies and departments may contact
travelmanager@calhr.ca.gov for additional clarification.
Mass Transit and Vanpool Commute Program – Increased 2023 Subsidies for Eligible Employees
December 20, 2022. For 2023, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) maximum monthly exclusion amount (monthly limitation) will be $300
for eligible employees (R02, S02, M02, R08, S08, M08 and related CEA
positions (CEAs must be directly tied to Bargaining Unit 8), R09, S09,
M09, R13, S13, R18, S18, and M18), including employees headquartered out
of state, for:
- Public transit (mass transit) passes,
- 100 percent discount on public transit passes sold by state agencies, up to the monthly exclusion amount provided by the IRS.
- 100
percent reimbursement on public transit passes purchased by state
employees, up to the monthly exclusion amount provided by the IRS.
- Vanpool drivers and riders
- 100 percent reimbursement on the monthly fee, up to the monthly exclusion amount provided by the IRS.
This amount is an increase of $20 over the IRS limit of $280 in effect for 2022.
combined maximum allowable monthly exclusion amount for employees who
are eligible to claim both mass transit and vanpool shall not exceed the
combined IRS maximum monthly exclusion amount.
California Code of Regulations
section 599.936 (Transit and Vanpool Incentives – Excluded Employees) provides mass transit and vanpool commute language for excluded employees. The
MOUs provide mass transit and vanpool commute language for represented employees. CalHR’s
Commute Programs page and
Frequently Asked Questions page provide general information.
Bicycle Commuter Program Policy – Annual Report Reminder for Non-CalATERS Departments
December 19, 2022.
Effective May 1, 2018, CalHR implemented the Bicycle Commuter Program
(Program). Through the Program, the State of California voluntarily
provides a taxable benefit to eligible state employees. The Program
encourages employees to consider bicycle commuting as a means of active
As a reminder, the HR Manual section 1425 – Bicycle Commuter Program requires non-CalATERS departments to complete and electronically submit the Bicycle Commuter Benefit Program Report for the previous calendar year to CalHR (Travelmanager@calhr.ca.gov) by January 31.
2023 Monthly Deduction Amount for the Third Party Pre-Tax Parking Reimbursement Account Program
Mass Transit and Vanpool Commute Program – Increased Subsidies for Employees in Bargaining Unit 8 and Related Excluded Employees
November 23, 2022.
Effective December 1, 2022, the following mass transit and vanpool
subsidy increases apply to eligible employees, including employees
headquartered out of state, in Bargaining Unit 8, related excluded
employees designated S08 and M08, and related CEA positions (CEAs must
be directly tied to Bargaining Unit 8):
- Public transit (mass transit) passes
- 100
percent discount on public transit passes sold by state agencies, up to
the monthly exclusion amount provided by the Internal Revenue Service
- 100 percent reimbursement on public transit passes
purchased by state employees, up to the monthly exclusion amount
provided by the IRS.
- Vanpool drivers and riders
- 100 percent reimbursement on the monthly fee, up to the monthly exclusion amount provided by the IRS.
For 2022, the maximum monthly exclusion amount provided by the IRS is $280.
combined maximum allowable monthly exclusion amount for employees who
are eligible to claim both mass transit and vanpool shall not exceed the
combined IRS maximum monthly exclusion amount.
California Code of Regulations section 599.936 (Transit and Vanpool Incentives – Excluded Employees) provides mass transit and vanpool commute language for excluded employees. The MOUs provide mass transit and vanpool commute language for represented employees. CalHR’s Commute Programs page and Frequently Asked Questions page provide general information.
Affordability and Access to Healthcare – Bargaining Units R01, R03,
R04, R11, R14, R15, R17, R20, R21, and Related Excluded Employees
October 25, 2022.
Under the “Improving Affordability and Access to Healthcare”
provision in the Memorandum of Understanding with the Service Employees
International Union – Local 1000 (SEIU), the state agreed to provide 24
monthly payments in the amount of $260 during the period of July 1,
2020, to June 30, 2022, to SEIU-represented employees and related
excluded employees who were eligible for health benefits, including
those who were not enrolled in a health plan.
SEIU-represented and related excluded employees who enrolled in the
FlexElect or CoBen Cash Option program effective July 1, 2022, did not
receive their last monthly $260 cash payment for June 2022. Instead,
they received the applicable FlexElect or CoBen Cash Option payment.
state will issue payment for the gross difference between the FlexElect
or CoBen Cash received by employees and the $260 monthly cash benefit.
information for state personnel offices, including specific
instructions regarding distribution of the employee announcement, is
contained in this memorandum to departmental personnel offices.
For information on the FlexElect or CoBen cash option benefit please visit the benefits website.
Transit and Vanpool Commute Program – Increased Subsidies for Employees
in Bargaining Units 2, 9, and 18 and Related Excluded Employees
September 29, 2022.
Effective October 1, 2022, the following mass transit and vanpool
subsidy increases apply to eligible employees, including employees
headquartered out of state, in Bargaining Units 2 (R02), 9 (R09), and 18
(R18) and related excluded employees designated S02, M02, S09, M09,
S18, and M18:
- Public transit (mass transit) passes
- 100
percent discount on public transit passes sold by state agencies, up to
the monthly exclusion amount provided by the Internal Revenue Service
- 100 percent reimbursement on public transit passes
purchased by state employees, up to the monthly exclusion amount
provided by the IRS.
- Vanpool drivers and riders
- 100 percent reimbursement on the monthly fee, up to the monthly exclusion amount provided by the IRS.
For 2022, the maximum monthly exclusion amount provided by the IRS is $280.
combined maximum allowable monthly exclusion amount for employees who
are eligible to claim both mass transit and vanpool shall not exceed the
combined IRS maximum monthly exclusion amount.
California Code of Regulations section 599.936 (Transit and Vanpool Incentives – Excluded Employees) provides mass transit and vanpool commute language for excluded employees. The MOUs provide mass transit and vanpool commute language for represented employees. CalHR’s Commute Programs page and Frequently Asked Questions page provide general information.
The Attorney General Added Georgia to the Restricted Travel List for Out-of-State Travel
August 29, 2022.
Assembly Bill 1887 prohibits state agencies from requiring any of its
employees, officers or members to travel to, or approving a request for
state-funded or state-sponsored travel to, any state that has enacted
discriminatory laws or practices on the basis of sexual orientation,
gender identity, or gender expression, subject to certain exceptions.
Effective August 19, 2022, the Attorney General added Georgia to the restricted travel list.
To view the entire list of banned states, visit the California Attorney General's website.
approved discretionary travel to Georgia must be cancelled. All mission
critical travel to banned states must be resubmitted to Department
Directors and Agency Secretaries (or their designees) to ensure they
meet the exception criteria. New mission critical trips not already
submitted within an approved out-of-state travel blanket will require
final approval from the Governor's Office through the individual trip
request process.
For additional information regarding AB 1887 and out-of-state travel, please review HR Manual section 2201 – Travel and Relocation Policy.
Transit and Vanpool Commute Program – Increased Subsidies for Employees
in Bargaining Unit 13 and Related Excluded Employees Designated S13
July 28, 2022.
Effective August 2, 2022, the following mass transit and vanpool
subsidy increases apply to eligible employees, including employees
headquartered out of state, in Bargaining Unit 13 and related excluded
employees designated S13:
- Public transit (mass transit) passes
- 100
percent discount on public transit passes sold by state agencies, up to
the monthly exclusion amount provided by the Internal Revenue Service
- 100 percent reimbursement on public transit passes
purchased by state employees, up to the monthly exclusion amount
provided by the IRS.
- Vanpool drivers and riders
- 100 percent reimbursement on the monthly fee, up to the monthly exclusion amount provided by the IRS.
For 2022, the maximum monthly exclusion amount provided by the IRS is $280.
combined maximum allowable monthly exclusion amount for employees who
are eligible to claim both mass transit and vanpool shall not exceed the
combined IRS maximum monthly exclusion amount.
California Code of Regulations section 599.936 (
Transit and Vanpool Incentives – Excluded Employees) provides mass transit and vanpool commute language for excluded employees. The
MOUs provide mass transit and vanpool commute language for represented employees.
CalHR’s Commute Programs page and Frequently Asked Questions page provide general information.
Removal of Dental Cash Option Three-Year Commitment
July 21, 2022.
Effective August 1, 2022, there will no longer be a three-year
commitment for the dental cash option. Once enrolled in the cash option
in lieu of dental benefits, the employee will no longer be prohibited
from reenrolling in a state-sponsored dental plan for three plan years.
Employees who are currently enrolled in the dental cash option may
enroll in a state sponsored dental plan during the next open enrollment
period or due to a permitting event.
Excess Lodging Rate Requests and Annual Reports - Reminders
July 20, 2022.
Excess lodging rate requests are required if the requested lodging rate
is more than the state rate. All excess lodging rate requests for
amounts above the delegated amount of $250 per night continue to require
CalHR approval in advance. Departments shall continue to follow their
current processes for completing and submitting excess lodging rate
requests to CalHR.
General Reminders
- Departments
shall review whether the requested lodging is in the best interest of
the state before submitting requests to CalHR. All moderately priced
lodging options are to be considered in order to determine the lodging
that is in the best interest of the state. If an employee’s preferred
hotel chain is not the lodging that is in the best interest of the
state, then the lodging that is in the best interest of the state shall
be selected.
- Moderately priced lodging may include 2- and 3-star hotels in Concur.
- Per DGS Management Memo 14-03, all travel is to be booked through CalTravelStore/Concur.
It is CalHR’s understanding from DGS that conference rates and
short-term rentals are allowable exceptions to booking lodging via
CalTravelStore/Concur. Reasonable accommodations may also be allowable
exceptions. For additional questions regarding the requirement to book
travel via CalTravelStore/Concur, please contact DGS’s Statewide Travel
Program at statewidetravelprogram@dgs.ca.gov.
- Lodging
booked outside of Concur due to an allowable exception (such as a
conference rate) must be clearly explained in the “justification for
alternate booking arrangement” section of the Excess Lodging Rate Request Form (STD 255C).
- The three required comparison quotes must clearly include the requested travel dates (such as a Concur printout or screenshot).
- “Headquarters City” refers to the employee’s headquarters city.
- The current Excess Lodging Rate Request Form (STD 255C) has
been available since October 2019. As noted in CalHR’s July 11, 2019,
HR Announcement, CalHR will not accept requests submitted on outdated
versions of the STD 255C.
- Only submit completed forms to CalHR for review. Please include all department contact information and approval signatures.
- State
departments are prohibited from requiring any of their employees,
officers or members to travel to, or approving a request for
state-funded or state-sponsored travel to, any state that has enacted
discriminatory laws or practices on the basis of sexual orientation,
gender identity, or gender expression, subject to certain exceptions. To
view the list of banned states, visit the California Attorney General's website.
- For rank-and-file employees, departments should review applicable Memoranda of Understanding for specific language governing travel.
After-the-Fact Requests
- All
after-the-fact requests must be submitted to CalHR with three
comparison quotes for the requested travel dates (if available) along
with an explanation for the late submission.
- CalHR reviews after-the-fact requests on a case-by-case basis.
Annual Reports for Delegated Excess Lodging Rate Requests
- The
reporting period for annual reports is July 1 – June 30 of each year.
All departments who have approved delegated excess lodging rate requests
are required to submit their annual reports to travelmanager@calhr.ca.gov
by August 31. Each department’s report must include all approved
delegated requests. Please include department contact information in the
submission email.
- An updated Excel template for annual reports is now available in the “Forms” section of HR Manual section 2201- Travel and Relocation Policy.
Related HR Manual Policy:
2201- Travel and Relocation Policy The Attorney General Adds Four States to the Restricted Travel List for Out-of-State Travel
July 20, 2022.
Assembly Bill 1887 prohibits state agencies from requiring any of its
employees, officers or members to travel to, or approving a request for
state-funded or state-sponsored travel to, any state that has enacted
discriminatory laws or practices on the basis of sexual orientation,
gender identity, or gender expression, subject to certain exceptions.
June 30, 2022, the Attorney General added the following four states to
the restricted travel list with the following effective dates:
- Arizona – Effective September 28, 2022
- Indiana – Effective July 1, 2022
- Louisiana – Effective August 1, 2022
- Utah – Effective July 1, 2022
To view the entire list of banned states, visit the
California Attorney General's website.
approved discretionary travel to these states must be cancelled. All
mission critical travel to banned states must be resubmitted to
Department Directors and Agency Secretaries (or their designees) to
ensure they meet the exception criteria. New mission critical trips not
already submitted within an approved out-of-state travel blanket will
require final approval from the Governor's Office through the individual
trip request process.
For additional information regarding AB 1887 and out-of-state travel, please review HR Manual section
2201 – Travel and Relocation Policy.
2022 Updated Mileage Reimbursement Rates for Use of Private Aircraft