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Discrimination Complaint Tracking and Monitoring

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The Equity and Accessibility Management Services Division (EAMSD), Discrimination Complaint Tracking and Monitoring Unit maintains statewide oversight of the collection and analysis of Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) complaint data across all state departments. Oversight consists of monitoring agency EEO programs for trends, patterns, and overall fitness of the complaint process. Consultants are available to assist department EEO Officers in their efforts to implement effective EEO Programs and to develop action plans for challenging circumstances as they arise. ​​​

Annual Reporting:

Discrimination Complaint Activity in California State Service 2022​

Discrimination Complaint Activity in California State Service 2021​

Discrimination Complaint Activity in California State Service​ 2020​

​​Discrimin​​​​ation Complaint Tracking System (DCTS​)

Reporting EEO Complaint Data

​​​The Discrimination Complaint Tracking System (DCTS) is California’s system of record to track and monitor statewide discrimination, harassment, retaliation, and denial of reasonable accommodation complaint activities. Departments log pertinent complaint data and provide quarterly reporting to the EAMSD. CalHR uses the ​DCTS to collect and report statewide data relevant ​to EEO complaints.

​​Note:​​ Employees wishing to file a complaint may contac​t their department EEO Officer, the California Civil Rights Department (CRD), or the Equal Employment Opportunity ​Commission (EEOC)​. CalHR does not receive or process EEO complaints.

​Accessing DCTS

​Strict guidelines exist to protect against unauthorized access to DCTS. Department users are advised to read and follow Security and Access Guidelines at all times. To obtain new user authorization or change access from one department to another, a signed Access Request For​m​​​​ a​nd Security Agreement are required to be submitted to The Access Request Form is also used to deactivate users.  All access requests must be approved by CalHR  EAMSD​ prior to training.

​​Note: User access credentials are approved only after completion of DCTS training.​

​DCTS Resources and Links


​​​​​NoteAn Access Request form signed at the appropriate approval level and a signed Security Agreement must be submitted and access granted by EAMSD​​ prior to registering for training. 

Register for DCTS​ User T​raining​​​ here. ​  

Help creating an​ account and registering for a course​ in CalLearns.

Legal Authorities

Government Code Sections 18573​, 19790​, et seq., 19792(k)19795​, and 7400​(a)(1) can be found at: under Government Code. ​​Information Practices Act of 1977 (California Civil Code, § 1798 et seq.) can be found at ​ under Civil Code​. The Federal Privacy Act​ (Public Law 93-579) can be found at​ ​​

  Updated: 3/19/2025
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