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About CalHR

Overview of CalHR

The California Department of Human Resources (CalHR) was created on July 1, 2012, by Governor Brown's Reorganization Plan Number 1 of 2011.  The reorganization plan consolidated the State of California's two personnel departments, combining the Department of Personnel Administration with certain programs of the State Personnel Board.

CalHR is responsible for issues related to employee salaries and benefits, job classifications, civil rights, training, exams, recruitment and retention.  For most employees, many of these matters are determined through the collective bargaining process managed by CalHR.

CalHR Programs and Divisions


Administers dental, vision, the Employee Assistance Program, workers' compensation and other benefits to state employees; and partners with the California Public Employees Retirement System to administer health benefits.

Civil Rights

Provides leadership and guidance to departments to protect the civil rights of all state employees.

Labor Relations

Represents the Governor as the "employer" in issues involving employer-employee relations, including collective bargaining pursuant to the Ralph C. Dills Act.   

Legal Division

The Legal Division provides the same full range of legal services that a private law office specializing in labor relations and employment law would provide to government clients.  It represents the Governor and state departments in various judicial, administrative, and arbitral forums.  Under its Hou​se Counsel Program, the division offers cost effective consultation, customized training, investigations, mentoring to assist with succession planning, and experienced guidance with complex personnel issues.

Personnel Management

Administers the state's classification plan, salaries and manager/supervisor programs and other personnel related programs.

Savings Plus

Administers the state employees' 401(k) and 457 programs and the part-time, seasonal and temporary and Alternate Retirement programs.   


Creates and administers civil service exams providing a fair and open process to hire the most qualified candidates to serve the state. 

Workforce Development Division​

Responsible for statewide training and ensuring the recruitment and retention of a diverse workforce. ​

​State Leadership Accountability Act (SLAA) 

Government Code sections 13400 through 13407, known as the State Leadership Accountability Act (SLAA), was enacted to reduce the waste of resources and strengthen internal control. SLAA requires each state agency to maintain effective systems of internal control, to evaluate and monitor the effectiveness of these controls on an ongoing basis, and to biennially report on the adequacy of the agency's systems of internal control. To learn more about CalHR's efforts, read CalHR's SLAA Report.


  • January 26, 2016: CalHR presents the CalHR Workforce Plan 2016-2021.
  • June 9, 2015: CalHR holds the 2015 CalHR Conference - Creating Tomorrow's Workforce Today.
  • June 10, 2014: CalHR presents the CalHR Strategic Plan 2014-2018.
  • September 9, 2013: CalHR holds the 2013 CalHR Conference.
  • July 1, 2013: CalHR becomes part of the Government Operations Agency.
  • July 9, 2012: CalHR holds the 2012 CalHR Conference.
  • July 1, 2012: CalHR becomes a new department.
  • February 23, 2012: SB 1308 and SB 1309, to implement the merger, introduced in the Legislature.
  • September 14, 2011: CalHR project team addresses the Classification Supervisors Forum.
  • September 9, 2011: Reorganization plan is effective as a result of the Legislature's favorable consideration.
  • August 25, 2011: Project team addresses Ad Hoc Personnel Forum and invites comments from audience.
  • August 23, 2011: Joint hearing of Senate Governmental Organization Committee and Senate Public Employment and Retirement Committee to consider Governor's reorganization.
  • August 9, 2011: Project team hosts informational forum at the Health Care Services Auditorium and responds to comments and questions.
  • June 23, 2011: Little Hoover Commission issues report recommending the Legislature allow plan to take effect.
  • June 9, 2011: Governor submits reorganization plan to Legislature along with proposed legislative language to implement it.
  • June 2, 2011: Little Hoover Commission holds hearing on Governor's reorganization plan.
  • May 10, 2011: Governor Brown announces Governor's Reorganization Plan Number 1, consolidating the Department of Personnel Administration and most functions of SPB into one department, CalHR, and submits his plan to Little Hoover Commission.
  • March 2011: Little Hoover Commission recommends the Administration consider abolishing the SPB completely.
  • June 2005: Little Hoover Commission urges changes to the State's recruitment, hiring, training, managing, and compensation systems.
  • 2005: California Performance Review Report recommends consolidating the Department of Personnel Administration and the non-constitutionally mandated functions and staff of the State Personnel Board into a single entity.
  • 1999: Little Hoover Commission reports that the "State needs a coordinated personnel infrastructure."
  • 1995: Little Hoover Commission recommends consolidating personnel management authority to one entity.
  • 1984: Responsibility for allocating positions passes from the State Personnel Board to the Department of Personnel Administration through a Governor's reorganization act.
  • 1981: A Governor's reorganization act creates the Department of Personnel Administration to administer those aspects of the State personnel system that had become subject to collective bargaining under the Ralph C. Dills Act. Prior to DPA's creation, the State Personnel Board was the sole personnel agency in the executive branch.
  • 1934: The State Personnel Board was constitutionally created to administer the civil service system and ensure that state employment is based on merit and free of political patronage.

Laws and Regulations

CalHR operates under the following laws and regulations:

California Code of Regulations

Regulatory detail on CalHR programs: California Code of Regulations, Title 2, sections 599.600 through 599.995

Lookup Regulations in ​the California Code on the Office of Administrative Law's website

California Government Codes

Establishing code and functions: Government Code sections 19815 through 19999.7

Ralph C. Dills Act governing collective bargaining in State government's executive branch: Government Code sections 3512 through 3524 

Lookup California Government Codes on the Legislative Information website

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