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​​Part-time Seasonal and Temporary Retirement Program (PST)

The Part-time, Seasonal, and Temporary (PST) Employees Retirement Program is a mandatory retirement savings program authorized by federal law for employees who are not covered by a retirement system. Savings Plus, part of the California Department of Human Resources, administers the PST Program for California State employees and California State University (CSU) employees.

If you are a state or CSU employee who is not covered by Social Security and you are excluded from coverage under the California Public Employees Retirement System (CalPERS), you are automatically enrolled in the PST Program.

For more information about the PST Program, visit savingspl​ You may also contact Savings Plus toll free at (855) 616-4776. To speak with a Customer Service Representative, say “representative".

  Updated: 4/29/2014
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