The State of California's Upward Mobility (UM) Program is a career mobility program designed to give state employees in Low-Paying Entry-Level (LPEL) classifications an opportunity to advance to Entry-Level Technical, Professional, and Administrative (ELTPA) classifications. The UM Pay Scale Report lists each department's LPEL and ELTPA classifications.
Each state department is required to have an effective UM Program.
If you are a state employee in an LPEL classification and interested in participating in the UM Program, please contact your department's UM Program Coordinator. You may contact your Equal Employment Opportunity Officer for assistance in identifying your UM Program Coordinator.
Departments are required to develop an effective UM Program, which includes a plan, including a policy statement and procedures. Departments may review and incorporate the contents of the Upward Mobility Program Guidelines into their UM Program procedures as part of their responsibility to develop an effective UM Program.
As required by Government Code section 19402 and California Code of Regulations, title 2, section 599.985, departments must track their UM Program efforts and report them to the California Department of Human Resources (CalHR) as part of their Annual Workforce Analysis. The annual report should include the following:
- List of the department's LPEL and ELTPA classifications
- Number of employees formally participating in the Upward Mobility Program
- Number of employees expected to promote from LPEL classifications to ELTPA classifications
- Upward Mobility training budget
- Annual Upward Mobility goals
Please contact for inquiries regarding Upward Mobility data and reporting requirements.