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​Delegation Project Frequently Asked Questions

​General Delegation

​Career Executive Assignment (CEA)

Does the CEA salary cap include “comma CEAs” or pay differentials?
How can a CEA be vacant for five years when Government Code 12439 sweeps vacancies after six months?
How long will PMD allow an inactive or vacant CEA concept to count toward the department’s CEA salary cap?
If a department converts a CEA position to an Exempt, how should that be handled on the monthly report to CalHR and how does that impact the CEA salary cap?
If there is overlap between an outgoing CEA and his/her replacement, does this impact the salary cap?
May a delegated department increase the pay of a CEA more than five percent annually?
May a delegated department negotiate pay for a new CEA candidate other than as defined in California Code of Regulations (CCR), title 2, Section 599.991?
May a delegated department pay a CEA above its level?
May a delegated department pay a CEA above the max of Level C even if it is not an attorney, engineer or physician?
May a department hire a retired annuitant into the CEA classification if that retired annuitant was a CEA prior to retirement?
When a new CEA is established, is the department’s CEA salary cap adjusted?
When does compaction with a CEA occur, and what are the considerations?

​Exceptional Allocations

Does delegation allow departments to exceed the Attorney IV allocation ratios found in the Bargaining Unit 2 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)?
How is a “truly exceptional allocation” different from a misallocation?
If a department has signed a delegation agreement, under what circumstances would it still have to submit a form STD. 625 and justification to PMD?
If a department previously received approval via form STD. 625 for use of a class that was restricted under PML 2007-026 or by its MCR code, do the positions have to be reported on the exceptional allocation worksheet?
If a department realizes a position has been a long-time exceptional allocation, but cannot find records that PMD approved it prior to delegation, should the department still report this on its monthly reporting worksheet?
If a department routinely uses another department’s classification, does it have to treat each one as an exceptional allocation?
Is the new Attorney V classification considered an exceptional allocation?
Is the new Information Technology (IT) Specialist III classification automatically considered an exceptional allocation? It is designated as MCR 0.
Is the use of the Staff Services Manager I (SSM I) classification in a specialist (non-supervisory) capacity an exceptional allocation that should be reported to PMD as a requirement of the delegation agreement?
Should a department include known “misallocations” on its monthly exceptional allocation reporting worksheet?

​Unlawful Appointments

Does a delegated department have to contact the State Controller’s Office when an unlawful appointment will stand?
Does an unlawful appointment have to be voided before the one-year statute elapses?
Government Code 19757 states that CalHR “may” void an unlawful appointment if action is taken within a year from the appointment. Does the word “may” imply that delegated departments have the discretion not to void an unlawful appointment?
If a delegated department discovers a potential unlawful appointment before it has been keyed but after the employee has begun working, should the department knowingly key the unlawful appointment?
If a delegated department discovers a potential unlawful appointment of an employee into a limited-term position, should the department simply terminate the limited-term appointment?
If a delegated department discovers a potential unlawful appointment of its current or potential employee that occurred at another department in the past, how should that investigation be handled?
If a delegated department discovers an unlawful appointment that is beyond the one-year statute, does it still have to investigate and send notification letters to the employee?
When an unlawful appointment is voided, may the employee still use the experience gained in the unlawful appointment to apply for other examinations or to count toward movement to a higher alternate range?
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