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Equal Employment Opportunity

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The State of California is an equal opportunity employer to all, regardless of the protected categories identified by the Fair Employment and Housing Act. 

​All state departments have an affirmative duty to take reasonable steps to prevent and promptly address discrimination and harassment in the workplace. Departments are responsible for integrating equal employment opportunity into every aspect of human resource management policies and practices in the recruitment, examination, selection, training, and advancement of employees.

Government Code Section 19792 requires the California Department of Human Resources (CalHR) to "provide statewide leadership, coordination, technical guidance and enforcement regarding efforts to fully achieve equal employment opportunity and non-discriminatory employment practices within the state civil service."​

​​​Employment Discrimination

Employment discrimination is prohibited by law.

Each state department has an obligation to actively prevent unlawful discrimination, and to take immediate and effective action to eliminate it when it is discovered. This includes administering non-discrimination policies and procedures and a discrimination complaint filing process. Each department's Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Officer is responsible for administering the EEO program and for assisting department employees with civil rights issues, including discrimination complaints.

CalHR's Equity and Accessibility Management Services Division (EAMSD) does not have the authority to receive or investigate discrimination complaints. State employees may file discrimination complaints with one or all ​of the following civil rights regulatory agencies​​​:

​The Role of the EEO Officer

Each state department is responsible for implementing non-discrimination policies, procedures and practices and ensuring they are integrated into every aspect of employment. The appointing power of each department shall appoint, at the managerial level, an EEO Officer whose primary role is to objectively monitor and assess agency personnel policies and practices, recommend administrative changes to prevent discrimination, and to continuously facilitate EEO.

Relevant Resources:

Quarterly New EEO Officer Orientation (NEEOOO)​​

​The NEEOOO is a one and a half-hour meeting designed to provide new EEO Officers a brief overview of their roles and responsibilities, available resources, and introductions to CalHR Civil Rights Program consultants. Participant s will have the opportunity to connect with EEO Officers from other departments, ask questions, and engage in meaningful discussions on key EEO topics. 

To register, please click on one of these dates:

February 11, 2025 | 10:00-11:30 AM
May 13, 2025 | 10:00-11:30 AM 
August 12, 2025 | 10:00-11:30 AM
November 4, 2025 | 10:00-11:30 AM

NEEOOO Presentations

Department Disability Advisory Committees

Government Code Section 19795(b) requires each department to establish a Disability Advisory Committee (DAC). The purpose of the DAC is to advise the departmental director of issues of concern to the department's employees with disabilities. ​​​

​Statewide Disability Advisory Council

The Statewide Disability Advisory Council (SDAC) was established to assist departments in maintaining their respective DACs. SDAC helps departmental DACs by sharing ideas for improving the representation of state employees with disabilities, and how to have an effective DAC. SDAC serves as an advisory council to CalHR to help California State government increase and improve employment opportunities for people with disabilities.


Bobby Dutta

Alex Pineda

For more information about SDAC or to request SDAC documents​, please contact Bobby Dutta, SDAC Co-Chair via email  or at 916-768-1800.​

​CalHR SDAC Presentations​​​​​​​​

​Workplace Conflict and Mediation

Conflict in the workplace is inevitable; how it is addressed and managed requires proper oversight with relevant solutions to diminish disruption and bring about harmony in the work environment. At times two or more parties are faced with issues not easily resolved without assistance. Swift and effective intervention is key to de-escalate growing tensions among employees. The success of conflict resolution rests in large part on managers and supervisors knowing what actions to take and having access to helpful resources when disputes arise.

Please visit the Workplace Conflict and Mediation webpage for a list of resources.  ​

​Legal Authority and References

Persons with Disabilities: Government Code Sections: 19232, 19233( c), 19234, 19795; can be found at: under Government Code.

Americans with Disabilities Act 

California Fair Employment and Housing Act ​​

​Contact Us ​​

  Updated: 2/12/2025
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