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Workforce Analysis and Census of Employees

​California State agencies conduct an annual workforce analysis for use in equal employment opportunity and workforce planning efforts.  This page includes reports compiled from this data as well as information about the process and instructions for employees conducting the analysis.


Census of Employees

CalHR strives to make employment with the State of California a diverse and fair working environment that is free from discrimination and retaliation. The Annual Census of Employees in State Civil Service report provides data on civil service employee demographics, and in some instances, on comparable California labor force and population demographics. It indicates how civil service composition changed between a five year period and includes civil service appointment and separation data as well as salary comparisons.​

2022 Annual Census of Employees in State Civil Service​

2021 Annual ​Census of Employees in Sta​te Civil Service

2020 Annual ​Census of Employees in Sta​te Civil Service​​​

2019 Annual ​Census of Employees in Sta​te Civil Service​​​

2018 Annual Census of Employees in State Civil Service

​​​​​For questions r​​egarding the Annual Census of Employees in State Civil Service email: ​​.​​​

Three Components of Workforce Analysis

​1. Workforce Composition: departments conduct an analysis of significant underutilizations among racial/ethnic and gender groups.

2022 Census Dashboard​

​​2. Persons with Disabilities: departments conduct an analysis of representation of persons with disabilities, set annual goals and create action plans.

2022 Persons With Disabilities Dashboard

​​3. Upward Mobility: departments identify their upward mobility classifications; the number of employees that are participating in upward mobility; and the number of employees expected to advance from low paying, entry-level classifications to entry-level tec​hnical, professional, and administrative classifications; set annual goals and create action plans.​

20​22 Upward​ Mobility Dash​board

Conducting the Workforce Analysis

​​The analysis of employees in state civil service is due annually on June 1st.  Forms, instructions, and training materials are available via the CalHR Equity and Accessibility Management Services Division (EAMSD) WFA Dashboard.  ​​EEO Officers should submit the names and email addresses of staff that need access to the WFA Dashboard to  Employees that encounter technology challenges with the WFA Dashboard should first contact their respective information technology office to troubleshoot and resolve the issue before contacting EAMSD.

Departments download the blank WFA Forms from the dashboard and upload them again upon completion.  The WFA Manual available on the dashboard provides  instructions on how to complete the forms. Annually, a list of  departments that are exempt from completing the WFA is published in the WFA dashboard. Departments that believe they meet the criteria to receive an exemption from any of the WFA components ​may contact the WFA Program at Departments must provide documentation supporting a request for an exemption.​

​​Workforce analysis is conducted because it is a requirement of the law that all employees and applicants are afforded equal employment opportunity.  A portion of the data in the workforce analysis reports is included in the Annual Census of Employees in State Civil Service report which is submitted annually to the Governor and Legislature.

Workforce analysis is a way for departments to track their EEO efforts and develop goals and action plans to improve their EEO programs.  It also provides an opportunity for departments to share their EEO successes with CalHR. The Equity and Accessibility Management Services Division at CalHR is responsible for overseeing department EEO programs, providing feedback and recommendations for improvement, and scheduling compliance hearings.

Employee Demographic Data Collection

The California Department of Human Resources (CalHR) collects specific federal and state demographic information of the civil service workforce to evaluate equal employment opportunities. The data collected is analyzed through the Annual Workforce Analysis to identify any barriers to equal employment opportunity and to gauge the success of each department’s efforts to recruit and retain a diverse workforce. CalHR collects the data and reports its findings to the Legislature annually.

Around-the-clock access to this confidential online survey is available on the CalHR Human Resources Manual, Section 1009 - Employee Demographic Data Collection.  Information collected through the survey is used for statistical purposes only.

For questions regarding the data collected email

​​Legal Authority and References

​Workforce Composition: Government Code Sections 19791(b) and 19797 can be found at under Government Code, and California Code of Regulations Section 599.980 can be found at

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