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Special Agent Series

Special Agent Series

California State Personnel Board Specification


Special Agent Series Specification - Class Titles and Codes
Schem CodeClass CodeClassProbation Period
XE209766​Special Agent12 Months
XE159767Senior Special Agent12 Months
XE219764Senior Special Agent-In-Charge12 Months





This series specification describes three Special Agent classifications defined in California Penal Code section 830.2, subdivision (d)(1) and (2). Incumbents in these classifications conduct, supervise, or manage complex and sensitive criminal and administrative investigation activities. Special Agents investigate allegations of administrative and criminal misconduct involving inmates, youthful offenders, parolees, department personnel, and civilians.


Incumbents plan, coordinate, and participate in law enforcement actions involving criminal suspects, and work undercover as well as participate in covert stationary, mobile, and aerial surveillance. Incumbents interrogate and interview suspects and witnesses; confer with prosecutors in preparing cases for court; serve search warrants to seize evidence of criminal activity; appear as witnesses; advise and consult with law enforcement agencies; make arrests of law violators; gather intelligence data; provide training and technical assistance in the latest law enforcement and investigation techniques to department staff and law enforcement agencies; serve in special assignments; make public presentations; participate and successfully complete personal training requirements; ensure preparation of required reports are accurate, timely, complete, concise, and thorough; provide protective services to department administration staff as required; use reasonable force consistent with Title 15 of the California Code of Regulations to overcome resistance; adapt to unforeseen circumstances by responding to crimes in progress; and work in high crime areas during all hours. May be designated second responders by the State of California for deployment to areas or situations of a dangerous or catastrophic nature; and perform other related duties.


Incumbents in this series meet and confer with the Office of the Attorney General and other Control Agencies; may be assigned to provide technical assistance and training to department staff or other Federal, State, and local law enforcement officers; and may assist other law enforcement agencies to conduct complex investigations.


Special Agents perform the full range of peace officer duties and responsibilities in accomplishing their assignment. Special Agents' authority extends to any place in the State pursuant to Penal Code section 830.2, subdivision (d)(1) and (2).


Special Agent

Under direction of a Senior Special Agent, incumbents are considered the entry level, and progress to the full journey level, conducting criminal and administrative investigation activities.


At the entry level, incumbents will receive on-the-job training in the application of the principles and techniques of conducting law enforcement investigations and activities for the department, and conduct the routine investigations while learning the department's operating procedures and investigative techniques.


At the full journey level, under general supervision, incumbents will independently, or as a member of a team, perform the most difficult and complex cases, projects, or assignments, including acting in a lead capacity; provide guidance and training to the department's hiring authorities regarding investigations; gather background data; and aid law enforcement agencies in the resolution of crimes involving offenders and/or those employed by the department.


Senior Special Agent

Under direction, incumbents in this classification are considered to be a working supervisor coordinating and directing a team of Special Agents, in addition to other peace officers, non-peace officers, and other law enforcement personnel, and may be assigned the most difficult and/or complex cases with broad discretion and independence of action.


Incumbents may work closely with other law enforcement agencies to coordinate respective investigative efforts; provide high-level technical assistance and training in law enforcement activities and investigations; provide guidance and training to departmental hiring authorities regarding investigations; conduct the more difficult and complex investigations; and aid law enforcement agencies in the resolution of crimes involving offenders and/or those employed by the department.


Special Agent-In-Charge

Under general direction, incumbents in this classification are considered the full managerial level responsible for planning, organizing, and directing investigations in the department's designated regional offices or headquarters. The area of responsibility is to be sufficiently large and complex as to require a minimum of two subordinate supervisors. These positions are distinguished from Senior Special Agents based upon the span of control, level, and classification of subordinates, program complexity, and responsibility.


Minimum Qualifications

All Levels

  • Possess a valid driver's license prior to appointment;
  • Have qualifying peace officer experience consistent with Penal Code section 830, and specifically defined in one of the following Penal Code sections: 830.1, 830.2, 830.3, subdivisions (a), (c), (d), (f), (h), (i), (k), (p), (q), or (s), 830.33, subdivision (a), 830.38, subdivision (a), or 830.5 to meet the minimum qualifications.

Education requirements for all levels may be substituted with additional qualifying experience on a year-for-year basis. 

 Candidates who are within six months of satisfying the experience requirement for this class series will be admitted to the examination, but they must fully meet the experience requirement before being eligible for appointment.


Special Agent

Education: Equivalent to completion of 60 semester units of college credits; and


Experience: Six years of experience as a peace officer in a California State or local governmental agency. Experience applied toward this pattern must include  at least two years of full-time work performing investigative duties* in an investigative unit, or in a specialized unit or taskforce, and one year of experience performing duties at a level of responsibility comparable to a Parole Agent I, Adult Parole, or Parole Agent I, Youth Authority.


Senior Special Agent

Education: Equivalent to completion of 60 semester units of college credits; and


Either I

Experience: One year of experience in the California state service performing the duties of a classification with a level of responsibility equivalent to Special Agent, Range B; or



Experience: Eight years of experience as a peace officer in a California State or local governmental agency. Experience applied toward this pattern must include at least four years of full-time work performing increasingly responsible investigative duties* in an investigative unit, or in a specialized unit or taskforce, and one year of experience performing duties at a level of responsibility comparable to a Special Agent, Range B.


Special Agent-In-Charge

Education: Equivalent to graduation from an accredited college with a bachelor's degree; and


Either I

Experience: Two years of experience in the California state service performing the duties of a classification with a level of responsibility equivalent to Senior Special Agent; or



Experience: Ten years of experience as a peace officer in a California State or local governmental agency. Experience applied toward this pattern must include at least six years of full-time work performing increasingly responsible investigative duties* in an investigative unit, or in a specialized unit or taskforce, and two years of experience in a supervisory capacity at a level of responsibility comparable to a Senior Special Agent.


*Definition of Investigative Duties to Meet Minimum Qualifications for All Patterns

In order to meet the minimum qualifications, investigative experience  must have been in an investigative unit, or in a specialized unit or task force, performing  duties such as:  apprehend and arrest suspects; develop field operation/investigation plans, and safely execute them; develop relationships with informants; examine a variety of records to locate links in chains of evidence or information; gather in-depth background data and information;  identification and surveillance of suspected criminal activity and location;  identify, gather, preserve, verify, and analyze pertinent records and all types of evidence including photographs and taking measurements and drawing diagrams/sketches;  identify, locate, and interview/interrogate suspects or witnesses and analyze their testimony;  investigate complaints of civil, criminal, and/or administrative misconduct;  monitor electronic surveillance equipment;  plan, coordinate, and participate in law enforcement actions involving criminal suspects, and work undercover as well as participate in covert investigations and raids;  prepare the case for legal proceedings and/or testify in court proceedings;  report facts and statements;  work with other law enforcement agencies and the courts;  write and serve search warrants and administrative subpoenas; and,  write arrest and investigative reports.


Knowledge and Abilities

Special Agent

Knowledge of: The department's mission, activities, laws, rules, and regulations; provisions of the California Penal Code, Evidence Code, and Code of Civil Procedure; investigative operational plans; gang management; criminal and administrative investigation techniques and procedures; interrogate, interview, information and intelligence gathering processes and procedures; principles, procedures, and recent trends in corrections and parole administration; illegal drugs, controlled substances, paraphernalia, packaging, trafficking, and addiction; laws of arrest; constitutional rights including proper tactics, and use of force in effecting arrests of suspects; search and seizure and the service of legal process, techniques for collecting, securing, and preserving evidence and the rules of evidence, and court procedure; tactical operations; officer safety; training techniques and methods used in creating, modifying, and delivering training.


Ability to: Collect, process, and secure evidence; develop techniques, methods, and skills and apply applicable laws required to conduct criminal and administrative investigations; establish and maintain cooperative relationships, and promote collaborative participation with law enforcement, governmental agencies, and others; prepare and present well organized, accurate, timely, clear, and thorough written reports and presentations; maintain written and electronic files; communicate effectively for successful job performance; represent the department; analyze situations accurately and take effective action; exercise good judgment; demonstrate good work habits; remain observant for prolonged periods of time; recall an incident, and retain the memory of names, faces, have and maintain sufficient strength, dexterity, and good physical agility, including endurance to perform during stressful (physical, mental, and emotional) situations encountered on the job without compromising their health and well-being or that of their fellow employee or offender; judge an emergency situation and maintain mental and emotional stability, determine the appropriate use of force, and carry out that use of force; not be psychologically manipulated by offenders; operate a motor vehicle safely and effectively; maintain a satisfactory record as a law-abiding citizen; maintain and ensure confidentiality of department information; effectively organize, prioritize, and handle changing priorities; prepare and present well-organized accurate court testimony; gather, analyze, and evaluate facts and evidence; successfully use, maintain, and qualify with approved firearms and required safety equipment; use current technology; utilize a variety of weaponry and communication technology; remain functional with exposure to fumes, gases, or various chemicals (e.g., pepper spray, tear gasses, etc.);.


Successful completion of all proficiency courses in firearms and all other training qualifications are required to remain in this classification. All departmental peace officers who are issued a departmental weapon as part of their regular or special assignment shall successfully complete a proficiency course on a quarterly basis as defined by the hiring authority.


Willingness to: travel and work throughout the State and out of state at unusual hours; associate with criminally-inclined persons in their environment during the performance of duties with the possibility of potential life-threatening contact; work under-cover and participate in covert moving, stationary, and aerial surveillance; pursue violent repeat offenders and effect their arrest; use all appropriate means, including deadly force, to carry out peace officer duties; and accept constructive criticism.


Senior Special Agent

Knowledge of: All of the above; principles and techniques of personnel management and supervision; a supervisor's role in Equal Employment Opportunity and the prevention of discrimination and harassment in the workplace; advanced peace officer training techniques and methods; applicable collective bargaining memorandum of understanding and related issues; and disciplinary guidelines and personnel rules.


Ability to: All of the above; plan, direct, and conduct the more difficult and complex criminal and administrative investigations; plan for and allocate resources to achieve the department's goals and objectives; effectively supervise the work of a group of Special Agents, in addition to other peace officer, and non-peace officer classifications, and other law enforcement personnel; initiate and review personnel matters; and effectively contribute to establishing equal opportunity in hiring and employee development.


Willingness to: All of the above.


Special Agent-In-Charge

Knowledge of: All of the above


Ability to: All of the above; plan, organize, and direct investigative programs and personnel; effectively direct and supervise the activities of subordinate supervisory staff; develop and maintain administrative and operational quality control measures; manage sworn peace officers and non-sworn personnel in carrying out the functions of the department; implement, develop, and evaluate training programs or projects; and effectively contribute to establishing equal opportunity in hiring and employee development.


Willingness to: All of the above.


Preferred or Desirable Qualifications

Peace Officer Standards

All Levels:

Felony Disqualification: Pursuant to Government Code section 1029, persons convicted of a felony are disqualified from employment as peace officers, except as provided under Welfare and Institutions Code sections 1179, subdivision (c), or 1772, subdivision (b). Except as provided for by these statutes, persons convicted of a felony are not eligible to compete for, or be appointed to, positions in these classifications.


Disqualification: Any person prohibited by State or Federal law from possessing, using or having in their custody any firearm, firearm device, or other weapon or device authorized for use by the California Department of Corrections is no eligible to compete for, be appointed to, or continue employment in these classifications.


Citizenship Requirement: Pursuant to Government Code section 1031, subdivision (a), in order to be a peace officer, a person must be either a U.S. Citizen or be a permanent resident alien who is eligible for and has applied for U.S. Citizenship.  Permanent resident aliens who are employed as peace officers shall be disqualified from holding that position if their application for citizenship is denied.


Background Investigation: Pursuant to Government Code section 1029.1, persons successful in peace officer examinations shall be required to undergo a thorough background investigation prior to appointment. Persons who have previously undergone a background investigation may be required to undergo only a partial background investigation.


Pursuant to Penal Code section 6065, “(a) The Legislature finds and declares that investigations of the Department of Corrections and the Department of the Youth Authority that are conducted by their respective offices of internal affairs, or any successor to these offices, require appropriately trained personnel, who perform their duties with honesty, credibility, and without any conflicts of interest. (b) To meet the objectives stated in subdivision (a), the following conditions shall be met: (1) Prior to training any peace officer who is selected to conduct internal affairs investigations, the department shall conduct a complete and thorough background check. This background check shall be in addition to the original background screening that was conducted when the person was hired as a peace officer. Each person shall satisfactorily pass the second background check. . ."


Training Requirements: Pursuant to Penal Code section 832, successful completion of a training course in laws of arrest, search and seizure, and in firearms and chemical agents is a requirement for permanent status in these classifications.


Medical Requirement: Pursuant to Government Code section 1031, persons appointed to a peace officer classification shall undergo a medical examination to determine that they can perform the essential functions of the job safely and effectively.


Psychological Requirement: POST Regulation 1955 requires psychological screening of applicants for these classifications. (California Code of Regulations title 11, section 1955.)


Drug Testing Requirement: Applicants for positions in these classifications are required to pass a drug-screening test. (The drug-screening test will be waived for employees who are currently in a designated "sensitive" classification for which drug testing is required under State Personnel Board Rule 213.) (California Code of Regulations, title 2, section 213.)


All employees must have general qualifications as described by California Code of Regulations, title 2, section 172.


Class History

​Class Title​Date Established​Date Revised​Date Aboished​Date Title Changed
​Special Agent​07/07/1966​07/02/1998​05/07/2020
​Senior Special Agent​11/19/196907/07/1998​​05/07/2020
​Special Agent-In-Charge​07/02/1998​05/07/2020
  Updated: 7/23/2020
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