Physical Therapist, Correctional Facility Series
California State Personnel Board Specification
Series established June 15, 1993
This series specification describes two classes used in the Department of Corrections to perform, plan, and administer a wide variety of physical therapy work in a State correctional facility; and to do other related work. All classifications in this series are responsible to maintain order and supervise the conduct of inmates and maintain the safety of persons and property; to prevent escapes of and injury by persons committed to the Department of Corrections to themselves or others or to property; to maintain security of working areas and work materials; to inspect premises and search inmates for contraband, such as weapons or illegal drugs.
Definition of Series
The Physical Therapist, Correctional Facility, series specification describes two levels of classes used in the Department of Corrections to perform, plan in conjunction with a physician, and administer a wide variety of physical therapy work in a State correctional facility and coordinate these activities with other medical services programs; train technical and nontechnical assistants; observe the physical conditions and reactions of patients and report unusual occurrence to medical officers; carry out instructions of the physician in charge of the individual case as to the physical therapy prescribed; make reports; and care for equipment and quarters.
Definition of Levels
Physical Therapist I, Correctional Facility
The Physical Therapist I, Correctional Facility, is the entry and journey working level in this series. Incumbents, in conjunction with a physician, evaluate patients and develop treatment plans and administer active, passive, and resistive therapeutic exercises and local or general massage, muscle training and corrective exercises, and coordination work; administer hydrotherapy treatments; document progress in patient's health record; assist in administering various types of electrotherapy; teach patients exercises which are to be continued and interpret to them the significance of physical therapy services; instruct patients in walking, standing, balance, use of crutches, cane, or wheelchair or walker and in the care of braces and artificial limbs; take pulse, temperature, weights, and measurements of patients; observe patients undergoing treatment and report unusual occurrence and physical condition of patients to medical officers and supervisors; make reports; maintain the treatment room and equipment in sanitary condition; order necessary equipment and supplies.
Physical Therapist II, Correctional Facility
The Physical Therapist II, Correctional Facility, class is the advanced journey level in the series. Incumbents in this class, in conjunction with a physician, evaluate patients and develop treatment plans, lead and perform the physical therapy program in a State correctional facility and coordinate these activities with other instructional programs; document progress in patient's health record; train students and technical and nontechnical assistants; assign, direct and administer active, passive, and resistive therapeutic exercises and local or general massage, muscle training, and corrective exercises and coordination work; direct the administration of hydrotherapy treatments; administer various types of electrotherapy; instruct patients in walking, standing, balance, use of crutches, cane, wheelchair or walker and in the care of braces and artificial limbs; take pulse, temperature, weights, and measurements of patients; observe patients undergoing treatment and report unusual occurrence and physical condition of patients to medical officers and supervisors; make reports; maintain the treatment room and equipment in sanitary condition; order necessary equipment and supplies; observe the physical conditions and reactions of patients and report unusual occurrence to medical officers; carry out instructions of the physician in charge of the individual case as to the physical therapy prescribed.
Minimum Qualifications
Physical Therapist I, Correctional Facility
Possession of the legal requirements for the practice of physical therapy in California as determined by the California Medical Board. (Applicants may be admitted to the examination prior to meeting these requirements, but the California Medical Board must determine that all legal requirements have been met before candidates will be eligible for appointment.)
Physical Therapist II, Correctional Facility
Either I
One year of experience in the California state service performing the duties of a Physical Therapist I, Correctional Facility.
Possession of the legal requirements for the practice of physical therapy in California as determined by the California Medical Board. and
One year of supervised physical therapy experience. and
Graduation from a recognized school of physical therapy.
Knowledge and Abilities
Physical Therapist I, Correctional Facility
Knowledge of: Principles and methods of physical therapy; operations of therapeutic machines, including ultraviolet, infrared, diathermy, and inductothermy, and the physical effects resulting from such treatment; skeletal anatomy and the basic pathology involved in diseases or injuries resulting in physical and mental disabilities.
Ability to: Administer various types of physical therapy; teach the disabled the fundamentals of self-care and other suitable activities; interpret physical therapy treatments to nurses, attendants, and patients, and teach others the treatment which must be continued after hospitalization; prepare reports and keep records and case histories; analyze situations accurately and take effective action.
Physical Therapist II, Correctional Facility
Knowledge of: Same as above.
Ability to: All of the above, and train and direct the work of others.
Special Personal Characteristics
Both Levels:
Empathetic understanding of patients of a State correctional facility; willingness to work in a State correctional facility; patience; alertness; keenness of observation; tact; and emotional stability.
Special Physical Characteristics
Both Levels:
Persons appointed to this position must be reasonably expected to have and maintain sufficient strength, agility and endurance to perform during stressful (physical, mental and emotional) situations encountered on the job without compromising their health and well-being or that of their fellow employees or that of inmates.
Assignments may include sole responsibility for the supervision of inmates and/or the protection of personal and real property.
Class History