ABOLISHED 12/01/2014 PER PAY LETTER 15-04 - Air Quality Representative, Department of Consumer Affairs Series
California State Personnel Board Specification
Series established December 9, 1998
This series specification describes two levels of technical classes used by the Department of Consumer Affairs to perform automotive inspection and enforcement or administrative duties within the Smog Check Program. Incumbents in this series inform motorists of the activities and objectives of the program, perform vehicle emission control test and inspection duties, and other general duties related to motor vehicle pollution control programs. Incumbents at the Air Quality Representative II, Department of Consumer Affairs, level assume a greater degree of responsibility and activities, and act as regional team leaders for two or more pull-over inspection teams.
Entry into this class is typically from outside State service.
Definition of Levels
As a member of a pull-over inspection team (team members may also include California Highway Patrol officers, contractors, etc.), incumbents at the Air Quality Representative I, Department of Consumer Affairs, level ensure that roadside inspection test lanes are set up properly and safely; operate, monitor, and make adjustments to automotive diagnostic test instruments and equipment; perform routine audits of various test equipment; perform underhood inspections on vehicles; ensure vehicles emitting excessive emissions are properly identified and inspected; and issue notices to motorists to appear for out-of-cycle testing. Incumbents may perform various duties such as: research, analyze, and evaluate data and make recommendations to management; develop various reports; provide training and give presentations; and do other related work.
Regional team leader responsibilities at the Air Quality Representative II, Department of Consumer Affairs, level include all of the above and coordinate and monitor the performance of two or more pull-over enforcement teams within a specific region; evaluate the program's effectiveness and recommend appropriate changes; develop and/or evaluate set-up and inspection procedures and verify that updated policies and procedures are implemented by teams; confer with equipment manufacturers and contractors; conduct data analysis which includes traffic patterns, equipment maintenance logs, fleet coverage, model year distribution, and tamper and failure rates; make recommendations to management relating to the determination of policies or actions; and do other related work.
Minimum Qualifications
All Levels:
Possession of a valid driver license of the appropriate class issued by the Department of Motor Vehicles and a current statewide, Advanced Smog Check Technician license or equivalent, prior to appointment. Applicants who do not possess these two licenses will be admitted to the examination but must secure the licenses prior to appointment.
Air Quality Representative I, Department of Consumer Affairs
Four years of experience performing automotive diagnosis and repair of motor vehicle engines and emission control systems and/or inspecting and certifying motor vehicle emission control systems; and experience in the operation of physical and electronic test instrumentation similar to that used in the emissions, performance, or fuel economy testing of vehicles or their components. (College or trade school education in automotive engineering or automotive mechanics may be substituted for the required experience on a year-for-year basis.)
Air Quality Representative II, Department of Consumer Affairs
Satisfactory completion of 12 months of experience in the California state service performing the duties of an Air Quality Representative I, Department of Consumer Affairs.
Knowledge and Abilities
All Levels:
Knowledge of: Automotive systems and equipment terminology; makes and models of vehicles suitable for testing; provisions of the Automotive Repair Act and the Motor Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program related to emissions systems; industry standards for diagnosis and repair of automobiles; tools, equipment, and methods used in the repair, adjustment, and servicing of automobiles and automotive pollution control systems; methods of maintenance and calibration of test equipment; use and operation of automotive emissions measuring devices; methods of testing safety-related automotive equipment such as engine cooling systems, fluid systems, and brake systems, in conformance with the California Vehicle Code; Department of Consumer Affairs' policies and procedures.
Ability to: Plan, organize, and set up roadside test equipment; perform vehicle emissions inspections including underhood visual/functional inspections, idle and loaded mode emissions tests, and vehicle compliance certification; follow simplified flow charts; coordinate the work of others; meet the public and establish and maintain cooperative relationships with those contacted in the course of work; effectively communicate the importance of air quality programs; answer motorists' questions and handle irate motorists; effectively communicate ideas and information; follow directions.
Gain the confidence and respect of persons contacted in the course of the work; secure the cooperation of motorists and respond tactfully to questions from motorists; maintain emotional stability under stress; maintain records; communicate effectively; analyze situations accurately and take effective action; exercise independent judgment and leadership; interpret laws, rules, and regulations governing the Smog Check Program; properly conduct roadside inspections without detailed instructions or close supervision.
Special Personal Characteristics
All Levels:
Ability to stand, stoop, and bend for extended periods of time; ability to perform occasional heavy lifting (up to 75 pounds) to set up and break down roadside test equipment; and keyboard skills and the ability to read a monitor from a distance of four feet.
Class History