Disability Insurance Program Supervisor and Disability Insurance Program Manager Series
California State Personnel Board Specification
Series established February 7, 1979
This series specification describes professional supervisory classes used in the Employment Development Department to perform a variety of supervisory work in administering the State Disability Insurance Program.
The positions in the Disability Insurance Program Supervisor and Disability Insurance Program Manager classes are typically first-or second-level supervisors in field offices and in the Central Office or are Field Office Managers. Positions at all levels require some public and community contact.
Positions in these classes are responsible for: planning, organizing, leading, and evaluating disability insurance program activities to support program objectives in an automated environment; supervising, coaching, and developing subordinate staff; ensuring quality customer service and effective customer relations; analyzing policy and procedures and recommending changes; leading and involving staff in formulating and implementing departmental or branch policy and procedures, program changes, and reporting requirements; and carrying out a variety of administrative tasks including budget and personnel.
Some of the positions in this series require fluency in both English and a second language to facilitate communication with claimants. Persons interested in qualifying for special language positions must pass both the proficiency test for a specified non-English language and the general examination administered to all candidates for positions in the class.
Positions in the classes of Disability Insurance Program Supervisor and Disability Insurance Program Manager I, II, and III are designated as supervisory. Incumbents spend a substantial portion of their time supervising subordinates and performing duties that differ from those of their subordinates. Incumbents have the authority to hire, transfer, suspend, lay off, recall, promote, discharge, assign, reward, discipline, or responsibly direct other employees, adjust grievances if appropriate, or effectively recommend such activities Lead positions are not appropriate for allocation to this series.
Factors Affecting Position Allocation
The scope of responsibility, independence of action, the degree of supervisory and administrative responsibilities exercised, the scope and volume of services provided by subordinate operating units, decision-making authority, and consequence of action.
Definition of Levels
Disability Insurance Program Supervisor
This may be the first supervisory level in some field offices within the Disability Insurance Program. Disability Insurance Program Supervisors may plan, organize, and lead the activities of small program units comprised of clerical, technical, and professional staff.
Disability Insurance Program Manager I
Typically, this is the first supervisory level in a field office setting. Incumbents (1) plan, organize, and lead the activities of a small office and may supervise clerical and technical staff, Disability Insurance Program Representatives, and Disability Insurance Specialists I; or (2) in a medium or large field office, supervise one or more operating units, including Disability Insurance Specialists I.
Disability Insurance Program Manager II
Typically, this is the second supervisory level in a field office setting. Incumbents (1) function as the manager of a medium office; or (2) provide leadership in administering the activities of three or more program units in a field office; or (3) supervise one or more staff units of technical specialists in the Central Office responsible for policy and procedural development requiring statewide coordination.
Disability Insurance Program Manager III
Typically, the Disability Insurance Program Manager III functions in an administrative capacity (1) providing second-level supervision; (2) as a manager in a large field office, plans, organizes, and directs the activities of the office; or (3) supervises a group of staff units responsible for a major activity or program area in the Central Office.
Minimum Qualifications
Disability Insurance Program Supervisor
Either I
One year of experience in the California state service performing the duties of a Disability Insurance Program Representative, Range C. (Candidates who are within six months of completing the required experience will be admitted to the examination; however, they must complete the required experience before they can be considered eligible for appointment.)
Four years of experience performing technical or managerial work in claims determinations or adjustments under public or private insurance or health and welfare benefit plans. One year of the required experience must have been in a supervisory or managerial capacity.
(Experience in the California state service applied toward this requirement must include at least one year of experience performing the duties of a Disability Insurance Program Representative, Range C.)
Disability Insurance Program Manager I
Either I
Two years of full-time equivalent experience in the California state service performing the duties of a Disability Insurance Program Representative, Range C, or one year of experience in the California state service performing the duties of a Disability Insurance Program Supervisor or Disability Insurance Specialist I, Range B. (Candidates who are within six months of the required experience will be admitted to the examination; however, they must complete the required experience before being considered eligible for appointment.)
Five years of experience performing technical or managerial work in claims determinations or adjustments under public or private insurance or health and welfare benefit plans. Three years of the required experience must have been in a supervisory or managerial capacity.
(Experience in the California state service applied toward this pattern must include at least two years of full-time equivalent experience performing the duties of a Disability Insurance Program Representative, Range C, or one year of experience performing the duties of a Disability Insurance Program Supervisor.)
Disability Insurance Program Manager II
Either I
One year of experience in the California state service performing the duties of a Disability Insurance Program Supervisor; Disability Insurance Program Manager I; Disability Insurance Specialist I, Range B; or Disability Insurance Specialist II. (Candidates who are within six months of completing the required experience will be admitted to the examination; however, they must complete the required experience before they can be considered eligible for appointment.)
Five years of experience performing technical or managerial work in claims determinations or adjustments under public or private insurance or health and welfare benefit plans. Four years of the required experience must have been in a supervisory or managerial capacity.
(Experience in the California state service applied toward this requirement must include at least one year of experience performing the duties of a Disability Insurance Program Supervisor.)
Disability Insurance Program Manager III
Either I
One year of experience in the California state service performing the duties of a Disability Insurance Program Manager I, Disability Insurance Program Manager II, Disability Insurance Specialist II, or Disability Insurance Specialist III. (Candidates who are within six months of completing the required experience will be admitted to the examination; however, they must complete the required experience before they can be considered eligible for appointment.)
Five years of supervisory or managerial experience in claims determinations or adjustments under public or private insurance or health and welfare benefit plans.
(Experience in the California state service applied toward this requirement must include at least one year of experience performing the duties of a Disability Insurance Program Manager I.)
Knowledge and Abilities
All Levels:
Knowledge of: Interviewing techniques; principles of insurance payments programs; provisions of the California Unemployment Insurance Code; the rules, regulations, policies, and procedures of the Employment Development Department; precedent decisions of the California Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board relating to the disability insurance program; medical terminology and common medical references used in interpreting medical findings; employment practices and conditions and physical demands of occupations in California; Workers' Compensation and employer liability laws affecting California workers and provisions of State and Federal laws affecting disability insurance programs; practices followed by insurance companies in California in underwriting disability insurance coverage and by other states in disability insurance programs; principles and practices of public or business administration, including budget, personnel management, policy formulation and analysis, quantitative analysis, and program evaluation; effective vertical and lateral communication techniques; teamwork tools and methods, such as developing charters, setting ground rules, and brainstorming; employee development processes, such as the Leadership Performance Process and Individual Development Plans; conflict resolution techniques which respect the dignity of those involved; principles and practices of the Ralph C. Dills Act.
Ability to: Act as a leader and create a clear vision, set goals and expectations, and encourage leadership and initiative at all levels; build and maintain effective working relationships with internal and external customers, as well as staff; plan, organize, direct, and evaluate program operations, projects, and the work of others; delegate assignments and empower staff to make independent decisions, as appropriate; coach employees and create an environment that stimulates learning, encourages growth, and recognizes individual achievements to ensure peak performance; use data and information management to achieve quality, improve staff performance, and provide appropriate feedback; reason logically and creatively and utilize a variety of analytical techniques and decision-making processes to develop policies and procedures and to resolve complex operational, policy, and managerial issues; demonstrate accountability; create an atmosphere for professional open communication and share information accurately; incorporate the Employment Development Department's vision, mission, and values into everyday work activities and clarify for staff how these concepts apply to their jobs; maintain effective employee relations and carry out the Ralph C. Dills Act and Memoranda of Understanding's principles and requirements.
Class History