ABOLISHED 06/04/2015 PER PAY LETTER 15-17 - Job Agent
California State Personnel Board Specification
Schematic Code: WD25
Class Code: 9155
Established: 08/07/1969
Revised: 03/17/1976
Title Changed: --
Under general direction, as required by the Human Resources Development Act of 1968, to be responsible for the development of individualized job training and placement plans for eligible clients of the Employment Development Department, for the delivery of all such services required by the plan and for successful completion of the plan by the client; and to do other related work.
Typical Tasks
On an individualized basis provides eligible clients with the most difficult problems of unemployment and underemployment with training and related services leading to continued self-sufficient employment; develops, gains approval, and implements innovative, new, and original ways of achieving continued employment for clients; diagnoses clients' problems and develops individual training and employment plans; personally provides services or obtains training and related services required by clients from other units of the Department and public and private agencies; purchases required services for clients; negotiates contracts and agreements with employers and community and public agencies; as required, functions as an advocate in representing clients in dealing with community institutions; evaluates and reports to management on the adequacy and effectiveness of services rendered to clients under contract and agreements; stimulates and encourages clients to achieve goals and provides clients with any required assistance in overcoming obstacles to clients' progress and success in training and related programs and employment; conducts personally, or through staff, regular and continuous evaluation of clients' progress in achievement of plans up to and including placement and relationships in employment, and carries out post-employment follow up; conducts or directs individual and group counseling of clients; consults with and advises employers, community, public, and private organizations on the problems and solution of the hardcore unemployed and the underemployed disadvantaged; encourages and solicits participation in Department efforts at assisting clients; provides assistance to groups and employers and public agencies in developing programs and service of assistance to clients; talks before groups in explaining purposes of Employment Development Department programs, and needs of clients; seeks new and original ways to reduce barriers to employment of unemployed and underemployed; evaluates local economic patterns of employment and poverty to develop necessary background and information required to serve clients; provides training to departmental staff to enable them to work with, understand, and assist the most difficult cases of underemployment and unemployment; prepares reports on clients and services rendered.
Minimum Qualifications
Either I
Equivalent to two years of experience in the Employment Development Department performing casework, counseling, or placement work with the unemployed and/or underemployed.
Four years of technical or professional experience providing services to the culturally or economically disadvantaged. This must have included direct contact with client groups, employers, and social service, community and related organizations.
Knowledge and Abilities
Knowledge of: Problems of culturally, economically and ethnically disadvantaged individuals, groups and communities; nature, scope and availability of programs and services designed to alleviate social problems; principles and techniques of vocational guidance and casework; principles and techniques of individual appraisal, including interviewing, occupational testing, and evaluation of personal traits; personality development and adjustment; general functions and purposes of public employment offices; employment and industrial conditions, in terms of skills, abilities and personal qualifications needed and the training required; labor market characteristics and trends.
Ability to: Understand the underlying causes of social and economic deprivation; communicate effectively with disadvantaged persons, and in some positions speak fluently one or more variations of a specified second language, in addition to English; develop and maintain the confidence of disadvantaged persons, employers, community organizations, other employees, and others contacted in the course of the work; observe and evaluate personal characteristics, physical capacities, education, work background, aptitudes, and interests of clients, and to interpret these factors in terms of their occupational significance; inspire confidence and motivate individuals to carry out employability plans; speak and write effectively.