Child Support Technician, Department of Child Support Services
California State Personnel Board Specification
Schematic Code: JJ15
Class Code: 8623
Established: 04/01/2009
Revised: --
Title Changed: --
Under general supervision, to perform paraprofessional tasks of child support collection, and regulation and policy enforcement at the Department of Child Support Services; and to do other related work.
Typical Tasks
Collection Program: Respond via telephone, correspondence, and the internet to contacts regarding automated enforcement actions and Non IV-D payment issues; analyze less complex collection accounts to determine what action is appropriate and the type of action warranted; initiate action to secure and evaluate financial statements; request parent information from various agencies; collect information from various databases to determine information associated with noncustodial parents; review and analyze child support enforcement requests; recommend payment arrangement plans; initiate and respond to correspondence regarding child support cases including interstate and international; apply business rules to identify the appropriate county to work multicounty collections; make calls to employers to collect information needed to process Non IV-D suspended collections; and perform other related duties.
Program Support: Perform paraprofessional, staff, or administrative duties equivalent to the above duties in support of the Department�s programs. This includes completion of the less complex research, analysis, modification, and implementation of legislative proposals, operational changes, and quality maintenance procedures and systems used to support and maintain the Department�s operational programs; and perform other related duties.
Minimum Qualifications
Either I
Experience: One year of experience in the California state service performing duties at a level of responsibility equivalent to that of an Office Assistant (General), Range B, which includes performing duties that involve customer or public contact.
Experience: One year of technical experience in either county child support caseload management or county child support financial, accounting, or statistical record keeping experience involving extensive public contact.
Education: Sixty semester or ninety quarter units of college which must include at least two courses in basic accounting or at least one course each in basic accounting and business or commercial law (persons who will complete the course work requirements during the current quarter or semester will be admitted to the examination, but must produce evidence of successful completion of the curriculum and the prescribed courses before they may be considered eligible for appointment).
Experience: Three years of increasingly responsible experience in a financial, commercial, or governmental establishment, at least one year of which shall include one or a combination of activities involving the (1) marketing, distribution, and sale of merchandise; (2) approval of loans; (3) collection on delinquent accounts; or (4)�contact or client-customer services which involves the explanation of policies, regulations, or procedures for a public agency or private institution such as a bank, insurance company, credit bureau, or title company.
Knowledge and Abilities
Knowledge of: Provisions of the rules, regulations, organization, and procedures of the Department of Child Support Services; business and financial practices; the sources, including automated and nonautomated databases and sources of information used to locate individuals and assets; effective and assertive interviewing techniques; child support enforcement and collection procedures; current office methods, technologies, and equipment; mathematics; and English language usage, grammar, and spelling.
Ability to: Read, understand, apply, and explain Federal and California child support laws and regulations and the Department�s procedures and policies; analyze and interpret written and numerical data accurately and adopt an effective course of action; perform arithmetic calculations and understand financial records; communicate effectively and tactfully; elicit information from difficult, disagreeable, hostile, and/or uncooperative individuals; research and analyze situations and factual information and take effective action; prepare complete and concise oral and written reports; maintain confidentiality; establish and maintain effective working relationships; exercise tact, diplomacy, and flexibility; operate computer equipment and utilize computer databases and programs common to child support enforcement activities; accurately and quickly enter data into a computerized database; recognize questions or situations outside the employee�s area of responsibility or knowledge and refer them to appropriate sources; utilize automated tools to communicate with customers; and work productively in a team environment.
Special Personal Characteristics
Employees should have a demonstrated capacity for assertiveness, firmness, and discretion in communications with the public, while maintaining courtesy, efficiency, and effectiveness.