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Information Officer I (Specialist) (5601)

Information Officer I (Specialist)

California State Personnel Board Specification

  • Schematic Code: LZ17
  • Class Code: 5601
  • Established: 11/18/1955
  • Revised: 05/21/1985
  • Title Changed: 05/21/1985


Under direction, to perform the more difficult professional and technical tasks associated with the conduct of a comprehensive program to inform the public of the activities and objectives of a State agency; and to do other related work.

Distinguishing Characteristics

An Information Officer I is differentiated from an Information Officer II by the agency's program and by the level of responsibility delegated.


In an agency with a complex and extensive information program directed by an Information Officer II, an Information Officer I (Specialist) may be responsible for a wide range of general assignments (as designated below under Typical Tasks), or for a major segment of the total information program, or for an assigned geographical area. In an agency not utilizing an Information Officer II, an Information Officer I (Specialist) may have full responsibility for the conduct of the information program.

Typical Tasks

Plans, writes, edits, and otherwise prepares more complicated information material for dissemination through all major means of communication; disseminates such information material through appropriate channels; prepares replies to difficult and complicated correspondence, including letters for signature by superiors; plans exhibits; provides writing, editing and advisory service to other agency officials; acts as spokesperson for the agency before public groups, to the news media, and to individuals who inquire regarding the agency's activities; arranges participation of other agency officials as speakers before public groups, or on radio and television newscasts or other programs; collects, evaluates and distributes information from outside sources to the agencys' staff.

Minimum Qualifications

Either I


One year of experience in the California state service performing duties equivalent to those of an Assistant Information Officer.



Experience: Four years of successful experience in writing, reporting or editing for a newspaper, new service, radio or television station, or magazine, or in a position having major duties in the area of public relations or public information and involving communicating to the public. The experience must have developed the ability to be responsible for the conduct of a comprehensive public information program for a State agency. Writing experience, while an integral part of the above requirements, will not be considered qualifying in itself. and


Education: Equivalent to graduation from college. (Additional qualifying experience may be substituted for the required education on a year-for-year basis.)

Knowledge and Abilities

Knowledge of: Techniques of preparing, producing and disseminating information, utilizing all major media of communication; principles and techniques of establishing and maintaining good relations with news media and other public groups; California State Government and principles of public administration.


Ability to: Write, edit, and prepare for publication or reproduction news releases, magazine articles, correspondence, booklets, brochures, pamphlets, magazines, reports, speeches, scripts for radio, television or motion pictures, and other information material; speak effectively; analyze data; assume responsibility for the administration of a public information program.

Special Personal Characteristics

Appreciation of news values; ability to analyze situations accurately and adopt effective courses of action; demonstrated capacity for assuming progressively greater responsibility; emotional stability under stress; appreciation of the need to inform and educate the public on various phases of an agency's program; ability to establish and maintain cooperative working relations with the news media and other public groups; ability to gain and hold the confidence and respect of those contacted in the work.

Additional Desirable Qualifications

Training or experience developing skills in management or public administration, including budgeting skills.

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