ABOLISHED 04/12/2018 PER PAY LETTER 18-10 - Office Manager, California Energy Commission Series
California State Personnel Board Specification
Series established July 9, 1975
Under general direction, to plan, organize, and direct the activities of a major technical program within one of the line divisions of the California Energy Commission; to advise Division Administrators, the Executive Director and Commissioners on program and policy matters relating to office program responsibilities; and to do other related work. Incumbents in this series are typically specialists in energy resources conservation and development who have demonstrated possession of intellectual abilities, analytical techniques and personal qualifications to succeed in a variety of energy program assignments within a particular area of energy expertise. They identify energy program issues, through subordinate staff conduct and/or review analytical studies and surveys; formulate program procedures, alternatives, and policies; and make recommendations to Commission management regarding their specific programs, divisional goals and the State's energy policy.
This series is available for use in the California Energy Commission. Entry into the series typically is from Senior and Supervising level professional staff in State civil service and from comparable professional levels outside State service.
Factors Affecting Position Allocation
All Levels:
Positions in this class series are responsible for the management of the line office program found in the California Energy Commission's line divisions.
Factors that affect the level of positions include: the scope of responsibility assigned, the complexity of work, the independence of action, program responsibilities, impact of decisions on Commission programs and the State's energy policy, and program diversity (number of program elements and staff composition). In addition, the following criteria are used in all allocation decisions:
1. The extent to which the Office Manager influences decisions which affect Division policy, Commission policy and State energy policy.
2. The relative complexity, variety and magnitude of the Office Manager's programs.
3. The rate and intensity of program change.
4. The intensity and significance of interest group pressures.
5. The magnitude of the resources allocated to the program and the extent to which these resources are under the control of the Office Manager.
Definition of Levels
All Levels:
Serves as a line program manager within a division of the California Energy Commission responsible to the Division Administrator, Executive Director and Commissioners for a significant program which constitutes part of the basic mission of the Commission; plans, organizes staffs and controls the functions assigned to the office; develops expert program knowledge in assigned energy areas; identifies policy and program issues which bear upon the State's energy policy; conducts energy research and/or energy policy projects which require the services of outside contractors, and arranges for and monitors the work of such contractors; advises the Division Administrator, Executive Director and the Commissioners on decisions relating to the office's programs and legislative proposals which affect areas for which responsible; carries out internal program analysis projects and research evaluation projects to evaluate office program and contractor effectiveness; serves as an energy resources conservation and/or development expert to the Commission, Governor, Legislature and general public in the areas of assigned responsibility.
Office Manager I, California Energy Commission
Positions are allocated to this level based upon an evaluation and analysis of�the programs and responsibilities attendant to the office in terms of the criteria discussed under Factors Affecting Position Allocation. Assignments are typically to offices whose programs are judged to be complex and sensitive as evidenced by Commission commitments in terms of staff, budget and program. As such, these programs typically are of a high priority to the Division's operations and contribute significantly to the operational effectiveness of the Commission, but are not contributing to the same degree as other more sensitive programs to the State's energy policy. In addition, incumbents, generally, have been associated with the office's program to the extent sufficient to provide accepted expertise in the program areas, and make major contributions to the decision-making process which are widely accepted within the Commission and the State's energy community.
Office Manager II, California Energy Commission
Positions are allocated to this level based upon an evaluation and analysis of�the programs and responsibilities attendant to the office in terms of the criteria discussed under Factors Affecting Position Allocation. Assignment to this level represents the Office Manager who is responsible for programs which constitute major Commission resource commitments in terms of staff, budget and program sensitivity. As such, these programs constitute the major thrusts of a division and contribute significantly to the State's energy policy.
Typically, Office Manager II assignments include policy-influencing recommendations in dynamic and controversial energy program areas. Incumbents bring an expertise to the assignment gathered over a period of association with the office programs involved, and are alert in recognizing significant issues and creative in generating alternative solutions. Incumbents have considerable influence on the Commission's decision-making process, and must apply their knowledge, analytical ability and judgment to decisions made by the Commission and the national energy community.
Minimum Qualifications
All Levels:
The following education is required when non-California state service experience is used to qualify at any level.
Education: Equivalent to graduation from college. (Additional qualifying experience may be substituted for the required education on a year-for-year basis.)
Office Manager I, California Energy Commission
Either I
One year of energy or resources management experience in a class with a level of responsibility not less than that of Staff Services Manager II or Senior Engineer over a line function in the California Energy Commission. (Candidates who are within six months of meeting this qualification will be admitted to the examination, but they must complete the required experience before they can be considered eligible for appointment.)
Experience: Three years of management experience over a program or projects involving energy research; utilization, or conservation, resources conservation or management; environmental protection; facilities planning or construction; or economic analysis. A graduate degree may be substituted for one year of the required experience. Individuals with two different recognized graduate degrees (each of which constitutes a full degree program, such as law or engineering) may substitute this achievement for two years of management experience. and
Education: Equivalent to graduation from college. (Additional qualifying experience may be substituted for the required education on a year-for-year basis.)
Office Manager II, California Energy Commission
Either I
One year of energy or resources management experience in a class with a level of responsibility not less than that of Staff Service Manager III or Supervising engineer over a line function in the California Energy Commission. (Candidates who are within six months of meeting this qualification will be admitted to the examination, but they must complete the required experience before they can be considered eligible for appointment.)
Two years of energy or resources management experience at a level of responsibility not less than that of Staff Services Manager II or Senior Engineer over a line function in the California Energy Commission. (Candidates who are within six months of meeting this qualification will be admitted to the examination, but they must complete the required experience before they can be considered eligible for appointment.)
Experience: Three years of management experience over a program or projects involving energy research, utilization, or conservation; resources conservation or management; environmental protection; facilities planning or construction; or economic analysis. A graduate degree may be substituted for one year of the required experience. Individuals with two different recognized graduate degrees (each of which constitutes full degree program, such as law or engineering) may substitute this achievement for two years of management experience. and
Education: Equivalent to graduation from college. (Additional qualifying experience may be substituted for the required education on a year-for-year basis.)
Knowledge and Abilities
All Levels:
Knowledge of: California Public Resources Code pertaining to energy conservation and development; principles of physical sciences and engineering involved in energy production, transmission, utilization and conservation; Federal, State, local government and private agencies involved in energy research and regulations; general provisions of Federal and State laws and regulations applicable to the construction and operation of utilities; general social and economic implications of energy demand forecasting and facility construction; recent research and development projects in the fields of electrical, nuclear, geothermal, solar and other energy sources; principles and methods of personnel management and supervision; Commission's Affirmative Action Program objectives; a manager's role in the Affirmative Action Program and the processes available to meet affirmative action objectives.
Ability to: Plan, direct, and coordinate the work of a multidisciplinary staff of Engineers, Scientists, Economists, Energy Specialists, and other assistants; plan and supervise research work; analyze complex data; prepare and present complex and comprehensive reports and recommendations orally and in writing; analyze situations accurately and take effective action; effectively contribute to the Commission's affirmative action objectives.
Additional Desirable Qualifications
All Levels:
Possession of a doctorate degree in one of the physical sciences, engineering, economics, or other field closely related to energy resources conservation and development.
Experience in managing an energy program or project dealing specifically with�energy supply and demand analysis, energy policy analysis, economic forecasting, energy conservation, environmental protection, facility planning, facility construction, electric power systems regulation, energy resource systems or power plant systems research and development and energy program budget analysis.
Class History