ABOLISHED 01/01/2017 PER PAY LETTER 17-04 - Deputy Division Chief, California Energy Commission
California State Personnel Board Specification
Schematic Code: JZ70
Class Code: 4521
Established: 10/04/1978
Revised: --
Title Changed: --
Under the general direction of the Division Chief, to assist in the planning, organization and direction of the activities of a technical line division of the California Energy Commission; to advise the Division Chief on program and policy matters relating to division responsibilities; and to do other related work.
Distinguishing Characteristics
Positions in this class are responsible for assisting the Division Chief in the management of one of the technical divisions in the California Energy Commission. These include:
Engineering and Environmental Division: Assures power generating facilities are planned, sited, and built with a minimum of regulatory delay while accomplishing Commission reliability, public health and safety, economic and environmental protection goals.
Development Division: Defines, monitors, and performs research and development of new energy resources and advanced energy technologies in California.
Assessment Division: Provides independent assessment of the need for energy including new electric power facilities and the relative desirability of alternative means, both short-and long-term, of meeting or providing substitutes for that need.
Conservation Division: Assures reliable, economic, sustainable, environmentally acceptable and socially beneficial supply of energy to meet the State's present and future needs through a reduction in the wasteful, inefficient, and inappropriate use of all energy resources.
Typical Tasks
Assists in the development, implementation, and direction of technical programs within the various line divisions of the California Energy Commission; coordinates the activities of the division with those of other divisions and offices of the Commission; assists in determining division policies and procedures; obtains, monitors and allocates available budgetary and personnel resources within which the division must function; assists in the prioritization of the various programs and demands placed on the division and allocates available resources; consults with the Division Chief and members of the Commission's top management team regarding policy and program development and evaluation; responsible for special projects as directed by the Division Chief, Executive Officer, or the Commissioners; acts as Division Chief in the Division Chief's absence.
Minimum Qualifications
Either I
One year of management experience over a line program in the California Energy Commission at a responsibility level equivalent to Office Manager I, California Energy Commission.
Three years of management experience in an energy intense industry or organization over a program or projects involving at least one of the following: energy research, utilization or conservation; resources conservation or management; environmental protection; facilities planning or construction; economic analysis; research and development; or energy program budget analysis. A graduate degree in one of the physical or biological sciences engineering, economics, public administration, political science, operations research, public policy analysis or other closely related field may be substituted for one year of the required experience.
Knowledge and Abilities
Knowledge of: California Public Resources Code pertaining to energy conservation and development; principles of physical sciences and engineering involved in energy production, transmission, utilization and conservation; Federal, State, local government and private agencies involved in energy research and regulation; general provisions of Federal and State laws and regulations applicable to the construction and operation of utilities; general social and economic implications of energy demand forecasting and facility construction; recent research and development projects in the fields of electrical, nuclear, geothermal, solar and other energy sources; principles and methods of personnel management and supervision; Commission's Affirmative Action Program objectives; a manager's role in the Affirmative Action Program and the processes available to meet affirmative action objectives.
Ability to: Plan, direct, and coordinate the work of a multi- disciplinary staff of engineers, scientists, economists, environmentalists and other disciplines; plan and supervise research work; analyze complex data; prepare and present complex and comprehensive reports and recommendations orally and in writing; analyze situations accurately and take effective action; effectively contribute to the Commission's affirmative action objectives.