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Rail Safety Inspector Series

​​California State Personnel Board Specification​​


​​Schem Code

​Class Code
​Class Titles
​Probation Period
3946​Rail Safety Inspector
​Rail Safety Inspector, Senior
​Rail Safety Inspector, Supervisor




Description of Series​

This series specification describes the Rail Safety Inspector; Rail Safety Inspector, Senior; and Rail Safety Inspector, Supervisor classifications. Incumbents perform a variety of tasks in support of the State Rail Safety Program within five technical disciplines or closely related emerging rail disciplines: Track, Signal and Train Control (Signal), Operating Practices (Operations), Motive Power and- Equipment (Equipment), and Hazardous Materials (Hazmat).

Incumbents inspect railroad or rail transit operations, track, equipment, signal, and hazmat; work on safety assessments and special assignments; prepare correspondence related to inspection activities; investigate rail accidents, derailments and complaints of unsafe rail practices or noncompliance with State and Federal laws, regulations, rules and standards; conduct and supervise rail field inspections for compliance with Federal and State regulations, California Public Utilities Commission General Orders and Public Utilities Codes; and train other rail safety inspectors.


Rail Safety Inspector​​

​This is the journey level for this series. Under supervision, incumbents act independently to conduct a full range of rail system field inspections, including operations, tracks, and equipment; perform periodic inspections of all signal systems and highway-rail grade crossing warning systems; monitor regulatory compliance for transporting hazardous materials by rail; gather investigative background data and records of rail accidents and derailments; investigate and document non-compliant conditions with State laws and California Public Utilities Commission General Orders for safe operations of rail common carriers; perform and prepare technical correspondence, reports, and exhibits which relate to rail common carriers.​​


Rail Safety Inspector,​​​ Senior

​​​This is the full journey level for this series. Incumbents may function as lead for a team of inspectors conducting the more difficult or complex reviews and inspections with broad discretion and independence of action; assist the supervisor in planning, organizing and directing work; informally mediate controversial issues which arise between representatives of carrier management and employees; lead investigations into the cause of rail accidents, interview witnesses, analyze transcripts, prepare and review reports, and make recommendations and assist in the preparation of evidence and exhibits for formal investigation proceedings.


​Rail Safety Inspector, Supervi​​​sor

This is the full supervisory level. Incumbents supervise and direct the work of rail inspection staff; are responsible for staff development, performance evaluation, budgeting, and workforce planning; and may perform the most difficult or sensitive work.

At this level, incumbents also make recommendations to rail agencies and to the California Public Utilities Commission; investigate the cause of rail accidents; interview witnesses; review transcripts; analyze data; prepare and review reports; direct or conduct negotiations with senior management of rail agencies; mediate controversial issues on rail operating standards and polices; and work with upper management and other department personnel on department policies and objectives.​

Minimum Qualifications​​

​All Levels​

Possession of a valid driver’s license. Applicants who do not possess the license will be admitted to the examination but must secure the license prior to appointment.

Education: Equivalent to completion of the twelfth grade; and


Rail Safet​​y Inspector

Five years of work experience, including testing, inspection and/or maintenance of signal systems, equipment, track, hazardous materials and/or rail operations, in one of the five rail technical disciplines or closely related emerging rail disciplines: Track, Signal, Operations Equipment and/or Hazmat.

Equivalent to graduation from college with a major in engineering, transportation, or a related field may be substituted for two years of experience. A Master’s Degree in engineering, transportation, or a related field may be substituted for three years of experience.


Rail Safety Insp​ector, Senior

Six years of work experience including testing, inspection and/or maintenance of signal systems, equipment, track, hazardous materials and/or rail operations, in one of the five rail technical disciplines or closely related emerging rail disciplines: Track, Signal, Operations, Equipment and/or Hazmat, which shall include at least one year of experience performing duties at a level of responsibility equivalent to the Rail Safety Inspector.

Equivalent to graduation from college with a major in engineering, transportation, or a related field may be substituted for two years of experience. A Master’s Degree in engineering, transportation, or a related field may be substituted for three years of experience.


Rail Safety Inspector, S​upervisor

Eight years of work experience including testing, inspection and/or maintenance of signal systems, equipment, track, hazardous materials and/or rail operations, in one of the five rail technical disciplines or closely related emerging rail disciplines: Track, Signal, Operations,​ Equipment and/or Hazmat, which shall include at least two years performing duties at a level of responsibility equivalent to that of a Rail Safety Inspector, Senior.

Equivalent to graduation from college with a major in engineering, transportation, or a related field may be substituted for two years of experience. A Master’s Degree in engineering, transportation, or a related field may be substituted for three years of experience.

Knowledge and Abilities​​

​Knowledge of:

Knowledge of: Rail transportation functions, the organization of railroad or rail transit, shipper, and manufacturer companies, and standard industry rules for personal safety; railroad or rail transit rules, practices, record systems, and terminology common to operating and maintenance functions; and the scope and major requirements of all the federal railroad or rail transit safety laws and regulations. Possession of a technical knowledge and background that applies to the testing and inspection or maintenance of rail signal systems, and equipment, track, hazmat and operations.

Ability to: Read and comprehend written materials such as training and enforcement manuals, regulations, operating and safety rules of the railroad or rail transit systems, and similar materials; compose narrative reports of investigative findings that are clear, complete, and grammatically acceptable; analyze information and evaluate results to choose the best solution to solve problems; record data on standard report forms with a high degree of accuracy; apply federal, state, departmental and organizational policies and procedures; and maintain cooperative relations with those contacted in the course of work.

Rail Safety Inspec​tor, Senior

Knowledge of: All of the above, and current technologies and their application to the rail industry; broad knowledge of all disciplines in rail industry; and enforcement processes and interaction with relevant agencies.

Ability to: All of the above, and establish and maintain project priorities; mediate between parties; review work; analyze data and make recommendations; lead, train or oversee inspectors in the field; and prepare, review and edit reports.


Rail Safety Inspe​​ctor, Supervisor

Knowledge of: All of the above, and the principles of personnel management, supervision, and training; the organization’s mission, policies, principles and practices; the coordination of people and resources; the methods to effectively promote equal opportunity in employment and maintain a work environment that is free of discrimination and harassment.

Ability to: All of the above, and carry out the organization’s mission, vision, values, policies, principles, practices and procedures; supervise technical personnel; plan, coordinate, and direct the activities of multi-disciplinary staff; develop and maintain collaborative relationships with other agencies and utilities to accomplish goals; effectively promote equal opportunity in​ employment and maintain a work environment that is free of discrimination and harassment; and effectively contribute to the department’s Equal Employment Opportunity objectives.

All employees must have general qualifications as described by California Code of Regulations, title 2, section 172​.

Class History​


​Date Established
​Date Revised
​Date Abolished
​Title Changed
​Rail Safety Inspector

​Rail Safety Inspector, Senior
​Rail Safety Inspector, Supervisor

  Updated: 2/21/2025
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