Drafting Services Series
California State Personnel Board Specification
Series established October 29, 1975
The classes in this series are used to perform a wide variety of drafting services including the production of drawings, maps, sketches, charts and graphs, roadway design plans and other construction drawings, orthographic, isometric and perspective drawings and other graphic applications for use in engineering and other reports and bulletins by drafting, scribing and the use of state-of-the-art technology, i.e.,�computer-aided drafting equipment, reprographic processes, automated lettering equipment and various other technical aids; making calculations and plots from field notes; working with engineers and other staff members in determining the most appropriate and effective methods of graphic presentations; and performing special and complex assignments; and does other related work.
Entry Level:
Entry into this series is typically at the level of Drafting Services Aid and/or Delineator.
Factors Affecting Position Allocation:
1.Complexity and variety of assignments.
2.Degree of independent action and creative skill.
3.Supervision exercised and received.
Definition of Levels
The Delineator class is the entry and journey working level for the series. Under direction incumbents perform skilled drafting work using detailed engineering sketches in the preparation of roadway design, construction, right of way and as-built plans and prepare maps, drawings, charts, and diagrams by drafting, scribing and the use of computer-aided drafting and various other technical aids.
Senior Delineator
This is the advanced journey level for the series. Under direction, incumbents either (1)�act as a lead over a small group of draftspersons; or (2)�independently perform highly complex drafting and graphics work requiring a high level of skill, initiative and accuracy. Incumbents prepare roadway design and construction drawings from engineering notes using conventional drafting procedures and computer-aided drafting; make engineering calculations related to drafting and plots data from field notes.
Supervisor of Drafting Services
This is the first full supervisory level. Under direction incumbents supervise a group of draftspersons. Responsibilities include the maintaining of standards and priorities for planning and assigning work in the preparation of a wide variety of maps, drawings, plans and engineering graphic representations. Incumbents also direct the use of computer-aided drafting equipment and check completed drawings for accuracy and completeness of detail.
Drafting Services Manager
This is the second supervisory level responsible for supervision of the largest centralized drafting services sections. Under direction, incumbents supervise two or more of a department's large centralized drafting services units where size warrants separate units, each under the direction of a Supervisor of Drafting Services. Incumbents plan, organize and assign work; supervise the review of proofs and finished products, and serve as liaison with other divisions of the department to provide full drafting and engineering graphic services needs in Caltrans' Headquarters and Districts; provides guidance and, in Headquarters only, coordinates statewide drafting activities.
Minimum Qualifications
Either I
One year of experience performing the duties of a Drafting Services Aid, Range�B, in the California state service.
Three years of experience in drafting involving ink, scribe or computer-aided drafting including or supplemented by one year of experience, comparable to a Drafting Services Aid, Range�B, in an engineering office. (College education in engineering or drafting may be substituted for the required experience in an engineering office on the basis of one year of education being equivalent to six months of experience.)
Senior Delineator
Either I
Two years of experience performing the duties of a Delineator in the California state service.
Five years of experience in an engineering office, two years of which shall have been comparable to that of a Delineator in the California state service. (College education in engineering or drafting may be substituted for a maximum of two years of the experience in an engineering office on the basis of one year of education being equivalent to six months of experience.)
Supervisor of Drafting Services
Either I
Two years of experience in the California state service performing the duties of a Senior Delineator.
Broad and extensive (more than five years) experience in drafting and engineering graphics work in an engineering office, at least two years of which shall have been in a lead capacity over other draftspersons. (College education in engineering or drafting may be substituted for a maximum of two years of the experience on the basis of one year of education being equivalent to six months of experience.)
Drafting Services Manager
Either I
Two years of experience in California state service performing the duties of a Supervisor of Drafting Services.
Broad and extensive experience (more than five years) in directing a large group of individuals engaged in the preparation of a wide variety of drafting representations, at least two years of which shall have been comparable in level of responsibility to a Supervisor of Drafting Services in California state service. (College education in engineering or drafting may be substituted for a maximum of two years of experience on the basis of one year of education being equivalent to six months of experience.
Knowledge and Abilities
All Levels:
Knowledge of: Materials, methods, and equipment used in mechanical and freehand drawing and lettering, in making engineering drawings, charts, maps, and diagrams; details, methods, and layouts used in the preparation of roadway design drawings and engineering graphic presentations; simple engineering mathematics, drawing layout, and simple computer-aided drafting techniques.
Skill in: Mechanical and freehand lettering, pencil, ink work, paste-up techniques, utilizing reproduction processes effectively, and effective use of state-of-the-art equipment including computer-aided drafting.
Ability to: Communicate effectively with, and work with engineers and technicians in developing engineering graphic presentations; draft neat accurate and legible drawings; interpret and plot from detailed engineering sketches; read and write English at a level required for successful job performance; follow oral and written directions.
Senior Delineator
Knowledge of: All of the above, and all phases of computer-aided drafting and reprographic techniques; engineering mathematics and terminology, construction plan drafting; engineering graphics and mapping work.
Skill in: All of the above, and map and construction plan drafting; and computer-aided drafting.
Ability to: All of the above, and check and plot from field notes or engineering calculations; work independently, use good judgment and complete difficult drafting assignments; assist engineers in developing the appropriate format for final plans; draft neat, legible and accurate construction drawings; use computer terminals for entry of data related to computer-aided drafting; and work in the capacity of a lead person.
Supervisor of Drafting Services
Knowledge of: All of the above and principles of effective supervision; departmental policies and procedures relating to the drafting function; a supervisor's role in safety, health, affirmative action and labor relations and the processes available to meet these program objectives.
Ability to: Do all of the above, and plan, organize, coordinate and direct the work of drafting personnel and maintain standards; analyze situations accurately and adopt an effective course of action; establish and maintain effective and cooperative relationships with those contacted in the course of the work; maintain records and prepare correspondence and reports; effectively contribute to the department's safety, health, affirmative action, and labor relations objectives.
Drafting Services Manager
Knowledge of: All of the above and department policies, as they apply to drafting functions, and personnel management practices.
Ability to: All of the above and manage a large group of drafting technicians; in Caltrans Headquarters only, exercise functional responsibility over statewide drafting functions, establish and maintain statewide standards, and prepare drafting manuals.
Class History