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Exhibit Electronics Technician, California Museum of Science and Industry Series

Exhibit Electronics Technician, California Museum of Science and Industry Series

California State Personnel Board Specification

Series established May 23, 1989


This series specification describes classes used in the California Museum of Science and Industry for positions primarily concerned with performing and supervising the design, fabrication, repair and maintenance of complex electronic and electro-mechanical systems used in interactive exhibits, related displays and presentations.


Exhibit Electronics Technician, California Museum of Science and Industry Series Specification - Class Titles and Codes
Schem Code Class Code Class
FJ74 2928 Exhibit Electronics Technician, California Museum of Science and Industry
FJ76 2929 Exhibit Electronics Supervisor, California Museum of Science and Industry

Definition of Series

The Exhibit Electronics Technician, California Museum of Science and Industry, classification series describes work involving the performance of all aspects of the design, fabrication, repair and maintenance of complex electronic and electro-mechanical systems used in interactive exhibits, related displays and presentations; the use of basic electronics materials, tools and equipment as necessary in the execution of the assigned work; and ordering tools, materials, parts, supplies and support literature as needed.


Incumbents interact, in the course of work, with the public, other museums, private vendors, contractors, as well as Museum of Science and Industry and Museum Foundation staff.


Entry into the series is typically at the Exhibit Electronics Technician level.

Factors Affecting Position Allocation

Scope of responsibility assigned; level, variety and complexity of work; nature of contact; independence of action; consequence of error; degree of originality and initiative required; degree of technical knowledge and specialized abilities required; and degree of responsibility for providing direction to others in a supervisory capacity or supervision received.

Definition of Levels

Exhibit Electronics Technician, California Museum of Science and Industry

Range�A is the entry/training and first working level in the series. Under supervision, incumbents perform skilled work of average difficulty where products and performance required is clearly established. Work products are closely reviewed by the Exhibit Electronics Supervisor. Positions are allocated to this level when the major functions do not include the complete range of more skillful, varied and difficult assignments. At Range�B, the journey level, under general supervision, incumbents are specialists responsible to perform the full range of the more skilled, varied and complex work where products and performance require considerable initiative and ability.

Exhibit Electronics Supervisor, California Museum of Science and Industry

This is the full supervisory level in the series. Under direction, incumbents plan, organize and direct the work of a small crew of technicians; and, in some instances, perform the most skilled and complex exhibit related work.

Minimum Qualifications

Both Levels:

Education: Equivalent to successful completion of a basic electronics course [typically, a Certificate of Achievement or equivalent degree (certificate) (diploma) approved by the California Superintendent of Public Instruction under the provisions of California Education Code Section 94310]. (Applicable experience may be substituted for the required education on a year-for-year basis.); and

Exhibit Electronics Technician, California Museum of Science and Industry

Experience: One year of experience in the design, fabrication, repair or maintenance of complex electronic or electro-mechanical systems used in interactive exhibits or related display work in a museum, scientific or industrial setting with an emphasis in servicing one of the�following: (1)�computers, (2)�VCRs, (3)�laser discs or other video equipment, or (4)�high-tech equipment, i.e., computer controlled systems.

Exhibit Electronics Supervisor, California Museum of Science and Industry

Either I


Experience: One year of experience in a museum or exhibit related display service performing the duties at a level equivalent to a Exhibit Electronics Technician, California Museum of Science and Industry, Range�B.



Experience: Three years of experience in the design, fabrication, repair or maintenance of complex electronic or electro-mechanical systems used in interactive exhibits or related display work in a museum, scientific or industrial setting with an emphasis in servicing one of the�following: (1)�computers, (2)�VCRs, (3)�laser discs or other video equipment, or (4)�high-tech equipment, i.e.,�computer controlled systems, at least one year of which shall have been in a supervisory capacity.

Knowledge and Abilities

Exhibit Electronics Technician, California Museum of Science and Industry

Knowledge of: State of the art computer hardware and electronic circuitry; design, fabrication, repair and maintenance of interactive electronic and electro-mechanical components and systems in a museum, scientific or industrial setting; imaging systems; computer software programming; and electro-mechanical systems fabrication and interfacing.


Ability to: Work with materials, methods, tools and equipment used in the design, fabrication, repair and maintenance of electronic and electro-mechanical exhibits and exhibits related displays and presentations; and analyze situations accurately and take effective action.

Exhibit Electronics Supervisor, California Museum of Science and Industry

Knowledge of: All of the above; principles of supervision and training; the Department's Affirmative Action Program objectives; and a supervisor's role in the Affirmative Action Program and the processes available to meet affirmative action objectives.


Ability to: All of the above; do research and development related to new exhibits, systems and displays; estimate labor and materials; set deadline schedules; and effectively contribute to the Department's affirmative action objectives.

Special Personal Characteristics

Exhibit Electronics Technician, California Museum of Science and Industry

Willingness to work irregular hours, cooperate in team efforts, work overtime as required; proven ability to work independently without supervision; and maintain effective relationships with the public, other departments, contractors and suppliers.

Exhibit Electronics Supervisor, California Museum of Science and Industry

All of the above, and ability to speak and write effectively; maintain written records and write reports.

Alternate Range Criteria

Exhibit Electronics Technician, California Museum of Science and Industry

This criteria will be used to allocate incumbents to Alternate Range�A or B.


Range A. This range shall apply to incumbents who do not meet the criteria for payment in Range�B.


Range B. This range shall apply to persons who have satisfactorily completed (1) one year in the California state service performing the duties of an Exhibit Electronics Technician, Range�A; (2)�an Associate Degree in Electronics; or (3)�two years of applicable experience with an emphasis in servicing more than one of the following: (a) computers, (b) VCRs, (c) laser discs or other video equipment or (d) high tech equipment, i.e., computer controlled systems. (Applicable experience is defined as experience equivalent to Exhibit Electronics Technician, Range�A, gained after meeting the "Minimum Qualifications" for entry into the Exhibit Electronics Technician class.) (Additional qualifying specialized education may be substituted for one year of the experience on a year-for-year basis.)

Class History

Exhibit Electronics Technician, California Museum of Science and Industry Series History - Dates Established, Revised, and Title Changed
Class Date Established Date Revised Title Changed
Exhibit Electronics Technician, California Museum of Science and Industry 05/23/1989 -- --
Exhibit Electronics Supervisor, California Museum of Science and Industry 05/23/1989 -- --
  Updated: 6/3/2012
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