Museum Curator Series
California State Personnel Board Specification
Series established January 1, 1987
Definition of Series
The Museum Curator classes plan, organize, and manage programs of acquisition, conservation, registration, interpretation, and/or storage of museum objects at established museum facilities. Classes supervise a subordinate staff engaged in curatorial and preservation duties.
Incumbents in these classes develop, organize, implement, and supervise intricate conservation, preservation, and restoration work on artifacts by museum staff and/or conservators; plan and supervise the display of museum collections; plan, organize, and oversee acquisition and collection research, and the cataloging of museum collections; coordinate and supervise the storage and/or transfer of artifacts for displays; provide technical assistance, guidance, and training to staff; coordinate public relation activities for the museum collection; and prepare budgets and schedules.
Factors Affecting Position Allocation
Factors that affect the level of positions include: amount and type of artifacts in the collection, loans of artifacts, exhibit variety, interpretive programs, conservation activities, storage facilities, contact with artifact donors, contact with outside organizations, staff size, and budget.
Definition of Levels
Museum Curator I
Under general direction, incumbents plan, organize and manage programs of acquisition, conservation, registration, interpretation, and/or storage of museum objects at established park area/house museums. Positions at this level are characterized by one of the following criteria:
1. Responsible for an entire museum program at an established facility.
2.In a large museum facility, reporting to a Museum Curator�II or III, is responsible for managing a portion of a larger program.
Museum Curator II
Under general direction, incumbents plan, organize, and manage programs of acquisition, conservation, registration, interpretation, and/or storage of museum objects at museum facilities with moderate sized, active collections.
Museum Curator III
Under general direction, incumbents plan, organize, and manage programs of acquisition, conservation, registration, interpretation, and/or storage of museum objects for a major collection in the department. Positions at this level have full responsibility for a major collection and possess extensive skills in public relations, museum exhibits, artifact care, and preservation techniques. Positions may serve as program specialists in statewide collections programs.
Minimum Qualifications
Museum Curator I
Either I
Two years of experience performing the duties of a Museum Technician, Range�B, in California state service.
One year of professional level experience in museum work involving collections management such as registration, preservation, or interpretation; and experience with management functions such as budgeting, scheduling, and supervision. and Education: Equivalent to graduation from college with major work in museum studies, history, anthropology, archeology, art, or natural sciences. (Additional qualifying experience may be substituted for the required education, with two years of experience being equivalent to one year of college for up to two years.
Museum Curator II
Either I
One year of experience performing the duties of a Museum Curator�I in California state service.
Two years of professional experience in museum work, at least one of which must be at the level and responsibility of a Museum Curator�I. This experience must include responsibility for managing programs, budgeting, and personnel. and Education: Equivalent to graduation from college with major work in museum studies, history, anthropology, archeology, art, or natural sciences. (Additional qualifying experience may be substituted for the required education, with two years of experience being equivalent to one year of college for up to two years.)
Museum Curator III
Either I
One year of experience performing the duties of a Museum Curator�II in California state service.
Two years of experience performing the duties of a Museum Curator�I in California state service.
Three years of professional experience in museum work, at least two of which must be at the level and responsibility of a Museum Curator�II. This experience must include responsibility for managing programs, budgeting, personnel, research, and the preparation of reports for a museum or educational institution. and Education: Equivalent to graduation from college with major work in museum studies, history, anthropology, archeology, art, or natural sciences. (Additional qualifying experience may be substituted for the required education, with two years of experience being equivalent to one year of college for up to two years.)
Knowledge and Abilities
All Levels:
Knowledge of: Interpretive collections record-keeping methods; special techniques for artifact maintenance, preservation, restoration, storage, packaging, and shipping; familiarization with the properties of cultural and natural objects including fine art, antiques, relics, woods, stone, textile materials, metals, and natural history specimens; methods of identifying and classifying objects with cultural or natural history significance; California history; principles of museum administration and exhibit practices; purposes, cultural and natural features, and values of the California State Park System; principles of personnel management and supervision; administrative and budgeting practices; the department's Affirmative Action Program; and a manager's role in the Affirmative Action Program and the processes available to meet affirmative action objectives.
Ability to: Implement a registration and control system for collections coordination; conduct research to determine historic and interpretive data; evaluate objects for their appropriateness to remain in or be added to the collection; inspect and recommend necessary maintenance, preservation, restoration, storage, display, safety, and handling methods; plan and conduct training programs in museum collections procedures; establish and maintain cooperative working relationships with individuals, organizations, and other agencies contacted in the course of the work; and effectively contribute to the department's affirmative action objectives.
Special Personal Characteristics
Willingness to travel throughout the State and work irregular hours.
Additional Desirable Qualifications
A graduate degree in museum studies with a concentration in museum studies, fine arts, or a related field.
Class History