Armory Custodian Consolidated Series
California State Personnel Board Specification
Series established December 18, 1984
This consolidated series specification describes three classes in which employees perform or supervise and participate in the performance of property care, and janitorial, security, and general maintenance work in a facility of the California National Guard.
Definition of Series
Incumbents in positions allocated to these classes store, safeguard, and keep records of State property; maintain buildings and grounds; make simple repairs required in the upkeep of buildings such as replacing windows, light switches and electrical outlets, painting, and repairing faulty plumbing; use high ladders and scaffolding as necessary; use hand and power tools; perform miscellaneous janitorial tasks such as sweeping, dusting, washing windows, polishing floors, and emptying waste baskets; mow lawns and prune shrubs; plant and cultivate flowers and perform other miscellaneous gardening and laboring work; direct visitors about the facility; prepare reports of work done; schedule and oversee use of a National Guard facility by private and public organizations.
Factors Affecting Position Allocation
Independence of action, number of employees supervised, degree of supervision received and exercised, consequence of error are factors used in differentiating between levels.
Definition of Levels
Armory Custodian I
This is the entry and journey level class. Under direction, the incumbent has responsibility for the maintenance, repair and protection of the property, equipment, and grounds of a California National Guard facility. The incumbent may work alone in one of the smallest facilities of the California National Guard or as a member of the maintenance staff of a larger facility.
Armory Custodian II
This is the first supervisory level class. Under direction, the incumbent supervises and works with one to three full-time employees engaged in the janitorial, security and general maintenance work in a facility of the California National Guard.
Armory Custodian III
This is the second full supervisory level class. Under direction, the incumbent supervises and works with four or more full-time employees engaged in janitorial, security, and general maintenance work in a facility of the California National Guard.
Minimum Qualifications
NOTE: "Experience in building maintenance and repair work" as used below includes such activities as spot painting; replacing windows, light switches and electrical outlets; and repairing roofs, flooring and defective plumbing.
Armory Custodian I
Either I
One year of experience as a Corpsmember with the California Conservation Corps.
Successful completion of a formal building maintenance and repair work experience training program or a program providing comparable training, knowledge and abilities, such as those under the Career Opportunities Development (COD) and Work Incentive (WIN) Programs, or similar Federal, State of local programs.
Six months of experience in general building maintenance and repair work.
Six months of experience in janitorial, housekeeping, or custodial work, preferably including building maintenance and repair work.
Armory Custodian II
Either I
One year of experience performing the duties of an Armory Custodian I in the California state service.
Two years of experience in general building maintenance and repair work.
Armory Custodian III
Either I
One year of experience performing the duties of an Armory Custodian II in the California state service.
Three years of experience in general building maintenance and repair work, including one year in a supervisory capacity.
Knowledge and Abilities
Armory Custodian I
Knowledge of: Materials, tools, equipment, methods, and procedures used in the care and repair of buildings and grounds; records of State property.
Ability to: Make various minor building repairs and do janitorial work; work from ladders, scaffolds, and in high places; follow oral and written directions; write clear and concise reports; analyze situations accurately and adopt an effective course of action; keep records of State property; read and write at a level appropriate to the classification.
Armory Custodian II
Armory Custodian III
Knowledge of: All of the above, and principles of effective supervision, and the State's Affirmative Action Program.
Ability to: All of the above, and supervise a staff engaged in the care and maintenance of buildings and grounds, and effectively contribute to the Department's affirmative action objectives.
Special Personal Characteristics
All Levels:
Willingness to work irregular hours; willingness to work in a military installation.
Class History