Political Reform Program Series
California State Personnel Board Specification
Series established February 27, 1990
This series specification describes three levels used in the Political Reform Division, Secretary of State, to provide expert consultative services; to prepare campaign and lobbying analyses to conduct special studies relating to the implementation of political reform laws; to act as lead or supervisor; and to do other related work.
Definition of Series
Positions in this series perform varied and complex tasks relating to statewide lobbying and campaign programs administered by the Secretary of State. Incumbents develop and implement systems and procedures to accomplish program mandates; create new public and filer products and services; disseminate campaign and lobbying information; conduct studies to resolve difficult program issues; develop reports, correspondence, and program data in response to a wide variety of written inquiries; serve as team leader and/or subject-matter expert on a variety of study projects; analyze political reform ballot initiatives and legislative amendments; develop and recommend new or modified administrative regulations; serve as liaison between the Political Reform Division and the Fair Political Practices Commission staff to coordinate shared program activities; respond to complex and sensitive technical requests from the media and executive staff; analyze problem areas in the Political Reform Act and recommend and work toward enactment of legislation approved by the Secretary of State for introduction; prepare training materials and provide ongoing staff training regarding changes in laws, regulations, and new methods of accomplishing work objectives.
Factors Affecting Position Allocation
Factors affecting position allocation include variety and complexity of work, independence of action and responsibility for decisions, urgency, sensitivity, scope and consequence of program determinations, nature and level of contacts, and leadership or supervision exercised and direction received.
Definition of Levels
Political Reform Program Specialist
This is the full journeyperson level in the series. Under direction, incumbents conduct complex program studies; review and edit publications for accuracy and statutory conformance; serve as a key resource and provide technical program advice to editors and staff of periodicals publishing information derived from Political Reform Division lobbying and campaign records; develop informational materials for use by public officials, business entities, candidates, lobbyists, and other persons in filing required documents with the Political Reform Division; assist in establishing new systems, procedures, and policies to accomplish program mandates; organize and present technical program and workload statistical information to secure appropriate administrative support resources; respond to difficult technical inquiries requiring the proper correlation of registration, disclosure, and regulatory laws; and recommend new or modified reporting forms and filer instructional manuals to the Fair Political Practices Commission. Incumbents typically work independently on specific assignments but may in a lead capacity review, coordinate, and evaluate the work of other staff.
Political Reform Program Senior Specialist
This is the advanced journey level of the series. Under general direction, incumbents independently work on the most sensitive or complex studies or as lead, highly skilled consultants on specific assignments. Incumbents develop specialized methodology for verifying, organizing, and disseminating lobbying and campaign financial activity data; provide leadership for the production and publication of public reports on campaign and lobbying financial activities; identify common reporting problems and develop solution recommendations to prevent filers from incurring costly filing violations; assess and recommend to grant, deny, or reduce campaign filer requests for late filing liabilities; prepare program legislative analyses and management studies; develop legislation to improve the Political Reform Act; respond to day-to-day requests for advice and information on campaign and lobbying technical issues; research and resolve the most difficult disclosure and liability issues encompassing numerous and diverse campaign activity factors; and serve as statewide liaison with local government officials in areas of shared program concerns and assist in analyzing the Political Reform Act's impact on the political system and election process.
Political Reform Program Administrator
This is the full supervisory level in the series. The incumbent will function as the Assistant Division Chief in planning, organizing, and supervising the work of lower-level staff in this series as well as other professional, technical, and clerical positions in the divi sion; independently or through subordinate staff, identify the work impact of complex new laws, administrative regulations, and other reporting requirements; develop and implement methods to update and improve campaign and lobbying record integrity; determine the appropriateness to grant or deny lobbying entities request to waive liabilities; work closely with the Fair Political Practices Commission regarding the administration of political reform law particularly in overlapping areas of authority; serve as a Political Reform Division spokesperson to representatives of the media on issues addressed by the division; work toward the enactment of the Political Reform Act legislation; oversee the preparation of analyses of new laws impacting the division; prepare written information and give testimony before legislative committees on political reform measures; develop and manage program efforts to promote electronic filing and specify policies and standards to guide staff document compliance determinations and work processing requirements; and direct team efforts to produce a variety of publications and timely campaign and lobbying financial public reports.
Minimum Qualifications
Political Reform Program Specialist
Either I
Experience: One year of experience in the California state service performing duties involving political reform law relating to the analysis of campaign and lobbying disclosure comparable in level of responsibility to those of a Staff Services Analyst, Range C.
Experience: Three years of experience in the analysis, interpretation, or implementation of technical and sensitive laws or programs, at least one year of which must have pertained specifically to California political reform law. (One year of graduate work in public or business administration, law, political science, or a related field may be substituted for six months of the required experience.) and
Education: Equivalent to graduation from college. (Additional qualifying experience may be substituted for the required education on a year-for-year basis.)
Political Reform Program Senior Specialist
Either I
Experience: One year of experience in the California state service performing duties involving political reform law relating to the analysis of campaign and lobbying disclosure comparable in level of responsibility to those of a Political Reform Program Specialist.
Experience: Four years of experience performing complex analyses, interpretation, or implementation of technical and sensitive laws or programs, at least two years of which must have pertained specifically to California political reform law with one year of experience in an assignment comparable in level, duties, and responsibilities to a Political Reform Program Specialist in the California state service. (One year of graduate work in public or business administration, law, political science, or a related field may be substituted for six months of the required experience.) and
Education: Equivalent to graduation from college. (Additional qualifying experience may be substituted for the required education on a year-for-year basis.)
Political Reform Program Administrator
Either I
Experience: One year of experience in the California state service performing duties involving political reform law relating to the analysis of campaign and lobbying disclosure comparable in level of responsibility to those of a Political Reform Program Senior Specialist.
Experience: Five years of increasingly responsible experience performing complex analyses, interpretation, and implementation of sensitive laws or programs, at least three years of which must have pertained specifically to California political reform law. One year of this experience must have been in an assignment comparable in level, duties, and responsibilities to a Political Reform Senior Specialist in the California state service. (One year of graduate work in public or business administration, law, political reform, political science, or a related field may be substituted for six months of the required experience.) and
Education: Equivalent to graduation from college. (Additional qualifying experience may be substituted for the required education on a year-for-year basis.)
Knowledge and Abilities
Political Reform Program Specialist
Knowledge of: Political reform laws, regulations, and other technical requirements relating to program functions administered by the Secretary of State, Political Reform Division; political systems and election campaigns in California; techniques of preparing, producing, and disseminating technical informational materials; California state and local government structure and administrative practices; and techniques of social science research and analysis.
Ability to: Plan, develop, and coordinate program activities required to implement statewide lobbying and campaign laws administered by the Secretary of State; conduct workshops, classes, seminars, and forums; speak at meetings and address concerned groups; establish and maintain effective working relationships with the staff and the general public; conduct research and analysis of quantitative and qualitative data; analyze sensitive and controversial situations and take appropriate action; lead and evaluate the work of others in accomplishing complex tasks; prepare reports; and communicate effectively.
Political Reform Program Senior Specialist
Knowledge of: All of the above, and a thorough knowledge of lobbying techniques.
Ability to: All of the above, and effectively communicate difficult technical concepts to high government officials, develop specialized methodology for verifying, organizing, and disseminating lobbying and campaign financial activity; identify common reporting problems and develop recommendations to prevent officeholders, candidates, and lobbying entities from incurring costly filing violations; recommend correct liability assessment for campaign filer requests for late filings; develop legislation; respond to requests for advice on campaign and lobbying technical issues and research and resolve the most difficult disclosure and liability issues.
Political Reform Program Administrator
Knowledge of: All of the above, and a supervisor's responsibility for promoting equal opportunity in hiring and employee development and promotion, and for maintaining a work environment which is free of discrimination and harassment.
Ability to: All of the above, and supervise technical personnel performing a complex function; effectively communicate difficult technical concepts to high government officials; gain and maintain the confidence and cooperation of those contacted during the course of work; review and edit written reports; utilize interdisciplinary teams effectively in the conduct of studies and projects; oversee the preparation of analyses of new laws; determine the appropriateness to grant or deny requests to waive lobbying entities liabilities; identify the workload impact of new laws, administrative regulations, and other reporting requirements; oversee the development and implement methods to update and improve campaign and lobbying record integrity; and effectively promote equal opportunity in employment and maintain a work environment that is free of discrimination and harassment.
Class History