Printing Trades Specialist Consolidated Series
California State Personnel Board Specification
Series established June 17, 1976
Definition of Series
This consolidated series specification describes 7 classes that either (1) learn to operate, (2) perform at the journey level, (3) perform at the advanced journey level, or (4) supervise the operation of a variety of machines associated with various reproduction and duplication methods. Employees in this series select proper paper and film; select proper mixtures of chemicals and inks; process different types of masters; change and adjust lights and regulate machines according to paper speeds and nature of originals; develop and fix reproductions; compare copies with originals; order and maintain supplies; make minor adjustments to machines; oil, clean, and make minor machine repairs; trim, sort, and assemble finished material; train and give instruction; lay out, assign, coordinate, supervise, and check work; maintain discipline; review the quality and quantity of production; maintain cost and production records; prepare cost distribution and statistical records; act as consultant and advise on best methods of reproduction and duplication; perform production control and job scheduling tasks; manage contracts with private vendors; serve as liaison between clients and private vendors; devise improvements in methods and procedures; enforce safety rules; and evaluate the performance of personnel and recommend appropriate action.
Definition of Levels
Printing Trades Specialist Trainee (General)
This is the recruiting and developmental class for persons qualified to learn machine operations in one or more areas of a broad range of reproduction and duplication methods. Under close supervision, employees learn to apply safety rules and regulations; select proper machines for each job requirement; select proper papers and films; adjust and regulate machine speed; process different types of masters; maintain supplies; oil, clean, and make minor repairs; and sort, trim, and assemble finished materials.
Printing Trades Specialist I (General)
This is the first journeyperson level. Under general direction, employees at this level perform a variety of tasks and operate a variety of machinery in performing work of average difficulty in one or more areas of a broad range of reproduction and duplication methods.
Printing Trades Specialist III (General)
This is the second journeyperson level. Under general direction, employees at this level perform a variety of tasks and operate a variety of machinery in performing the most complex work in one or more areas of a broad range of reproduction and duplication methods.
Senior Printing Trades Specialist (General)
This is the first supervising level. Under general direction, employees at this level are either (1) in full charge of a small reproduction or duplication installation, or (2) an assistant supervisor in a medium-sized installation, or (3) a working supervisor in a medium or large installation training and directing the work of a unit of machine operators.
Printing Trades Production Coordinator
This is an advanced journey level, nonsupervisory specialty class for the Department of General Services, Office of Support Services, and departments with delegation to contract with outside vendors in providing printing services. Under general direction, employees at this level manage production control and job scheduling for the entire reprographics installation, administer contracts with private vendors, perform cost estimating, production monitoring, client consulting, and product inspection. Employees in this class may also be required to operate printing equipment as needed.
Printing Trades Supervisor I (General)
This is the second supervising level in this series. Under general direction, employees at this level are either (1) in full charge of a medium-sized reproduction or duplication installation, or (2) an assistant supervisor in a large installation.
Printing Trades Supervisor II (General)
This is the top supervising level in this series. Under general direction, employees at this level are in full charge of a large reproduction or duplication installation.
Minimum Qualifications
All Levels:
Experience and education which provide ability to perform successfully as a Printing Trades Specialist at the level and in the specialty for which application is made. (Candidate's application will be screened and those showing qualifications below the "Desirable Qualifications" which follow may be eliminated without further examination.)
Desirable Qualifications
Printing Trades Specialist Trainee (General)
Either I
One year of experience in the California state service at a level of responsibility equivalent to that obtained in the class of Office Assistant (General) or Service Assistant (Duplicating).
Completion of a formal work experience training program in machine operation, such as those operated under the Manpower Development Training Act (MDTA), the Job Corps, the Neighborhood Youth Corps, the Concentrated Employment Program (CEP), the Work Incentive Program (WIN), or similar programs operated by State, Federal, or local agencies.
Printing Trades Specialist I (General)
Either I
Six months' experience in the California state service performing the duties of a Printing Trades Specialist Trainee.
One year of experience operating one or a combination of machines in one or more areas of a broad range of reproduction and duplication methods.
Printing Trades Specialist III (General)
Either I
One year of experience in the California state service performing the duties of a Printing Trades Specialist I.
Two years of experience operating a variety of machines in one or more areas of a broad range of reproduction and duplication methods.
Senior Printing Trades Specialist (General)
Either I
One year of experience in the California state service performing the duties of a Printing Trades Specialist III.
Three years of varied experience operating a variety of machines in one or more areas of a broad range of reproduction and duplication methods.
Printing Trades Production Coordinator
Either I
One year of experience in the California state service performing the duties of a Printing Trades Specialist III or a Senior Printing Trades Specialist.
Two years of experience in the California state service performing the duties of a Printing Trades Specialist II.
Three years of varied experience operating a variety of machines in one or more areas of a broad range of reproduction and duplication methods.
Printing Trades Supervisor I (General)
Either I
One year of experience in the California state service performing the duties of a Senior Printing Trades Specialist or two years of experience performing the duties of a Printing Trades Specialist II or a Printing Trades Specialist III.
Four years of varied experience in the operation of a variety of machines, at least one year of which must have been in a supervisory capacity in one or more areas of a broad range of reproduction and duplication methods.
Printing Trades Supervisor II (General)
Either I
One year of experience in the California state service performing the duties of a Printing Trades Supervisor I or two years of experience performing the duties of a Senior Printing Trades Specialist.
Five years of varied experience in operation of a variety of machines, at least two years of which must have been in a supervisory capacity in one or more areas of a broad range of reproduction and duplication methods.
Knowledge and Abilities
All Levels:
Knowledge of: The safety and health policies and procedures contained in the department's Injury and Illness Prevention Program, and knowledge of basic safe work practices.
Ability to: Carry out directions, learn rapidly the operating details of reproduction and duplication equipment, meet deadlines, maintain a clean and safe work area, and communicate at the level required for successful job performance.
Printing Trades Specialist I and III (General)
Knowledge of: Reproduction and duplication processes, equipment, materials, and methods.
Ability to: Operate, adjust, and maintain equipment in good working condition; and follow directions.
Printing Trades Specialist IV
Knowledge of: All of the above, and reproduction processes, equipment, materials, and methods.
Ability to: All of the above, and operate, adjust, and maintain sophisticated printing and camera equipment in good working condition; and follow directions.
Senior Printing Trades Specialist (General)
Knowledge of: All of the above, and capabilities of various reproduction and duplication machines and their application to various job requests; current development in methods, materials, and equipment; principles and techniques of personnel training and supervision; a manager's/supervisor's responsibility for promoting equal opportunity in hiring and employee development and promotion, and for maintaining a work environment that is free of discrimination and harassment; the basic safety and health regulations contained in the California Code of Regulations, Title 8 Industrial Relations, General Industry Safety Orders; the department's safety and health policies and procedures as contained in the department's Injury and Illness Prevention Program, and the supervisor's role in maintaining an effective injury and illness prevention program.
Ability to: All of the above, and repair various reproduction and duplication equipment, supervise a small group and work well with others, analyze situations accurately and take effective action, estimate costs, maintain records, and make reports; and effectively promote equal opportunity in employment and maintain a work environment that is free of discrimination and harassment.
Printing Trades Production Coordinator
Knowledge of: All of the above, and capabilities of various reproduction and duplication machines and their application to various job requests; current development in methods, materials, and equipment; paper, ink, and other materials required to produce finished products; principles of effective job layout and production; cost estimating and job scheduling techniques; and the department's equal opportunity policies.
Ability to: All of the above, and accurately analyze staffing and equipment capabilities and schedule work accordingly; interpret customer work orders correctly; and analyze situations accurately and take effective action, maintain records, and make reports.
Printing Trades Supervisor I (General)
Knowledge of: All of the above, and principles of organization and management, modern office methods, and procedures.
Ability to: All of the above, and modify reproduction and duplication equipment, coordinate the work of assistants, and supervise a medium-sized reproduction or duplication unit.
Printing Trades Supervisor II (General)
Knowledge of: All of the above.
Ability to: All of the above, and apply creativity in the design and modification of a complex reproduction or duplication installation, and supervise a large reproduction or duplication unit.
Special Personal Requirements
All Levels:
Aptitude for and interest in machine operation; neatness; orderliness; alertness; manual dexterity; willingness to follow a prescribed routine, stand for long periods of time, and work in noisy surroundings.
Class History