Personnel Specialist Series
California State Personnel Board Specification
Series established March 22, 1968
This series specification describes four classifications which perform specialized personnel transactions duties in State service.
Definition of Series
Incumbents in these classes are distinguished from other classes by being regularly required to apply State laws and departmental and control agency rules and regulations, and bargaining unit provisions pertaining to a variety of personnel transactions in the areas of personnel record keeping, certification, payroll, and personnel documents processing and related personnel transactions functions. The predominant duties of positions in these classes require a thorough and detailed knowledge of appropriate laws, rules, regulations, and contract language pertaining to personnel transactions. Positions in this series are typically located in the headquarters or field personnel offices of a State department or major subdivision, the personnel office of a State institution, and the operating sections of the State Controller's Office.
Factors Affecting Position Allocation
Variety and complexity of work, independence of action and decision, supervision received, supervisory responsibilities, level and amount of personal contact with customers; and the consequence of error.
Definition of Levels*
Personnel Specialist
This is a multirange level class, spanning entry through advanced journey levels. Incumbents assigned to Range A perform the least difficult transactions duties. Based upon the appropriate alternate range criteria, incumbents advance to Ranges B, C, and D. Under close supervision at the entry level, and under general supervision at the journey and advanced levels, and in accordance with established procedures, incumbents are assigned progressively more complex and difficult transactions duties in a variety of personnel transactions areas. Experienced incumbents in this class may provide functional guidance to lower-level staff.
Senior Personnel Specialist
This is the expert journey level of the series. Under general direction, incumbents serve as the expert staff resource responsible for the most difficult and complex personnel/payroll issues. As a "staff specialist", researches critical personnel problems and recommends alternative solutions; develops and maintains specialized training programs; reviews various control agency letters, memos, and bargaining contract provisions, and develops/revises internal procedures as necessary; prepares management reports, spreadsheets, and charts; drafts correspondence; functions as a team member on personnel-related projects; are coordinators for a variety of personnel/payroll programs, e.g., FMLA; and may act in a lead role (i.e., training, workload, etc.) over lower-level staff.
Personnel Supervisor I
This is the first supervisory level in the series and incumbents are responsible for one or more personnel transactions programs. Under general supervision, incumbents supervise a staff of Personnel Specialists performing personnel/payroll transactions functions. There may be functional supervision of lower-level Personnel Specialists in geographically separated locations. Incumbents develop and provide training and technical assistance to internal and departmental staff.
Personnel Supervisor II
This is the second supervisory level in the series with full charge of all transactions functions. Through subordinate supervisors, incumbents plan, organize, and direct the work of the department's transactions program. There may be functional supervision over lower-level Personnel Specialists in geographically separated locations.
Minimum Qualifications
Personnel Specialist
Either I
One year of experience in the California state service performing office duties at a level of responsibility equivalent to an Office Assistant, Range B.
Two years of office experience. [Academic education above the 12th grade may be substituted for one year of the required general experience on the basis of either (a) one year of general education being equivalent to three months of experience; or (b) one year of education of a business nature being equivalent to six months of experience.]
(Qualifying experience may be combined on a proportionate basis if the requirements stated below include more than one pattern and are distinguished as Either I, II, or III, etc. For example, candidates possessing qualifying experience amounting to 50 percent of the required time of Pattern I, and additional experience amounting to 50 percent of the required time of Pattern II, may be admitted to an examination as meeting 100 percent of the overall experience requirement.)
Senior Personnel Specialist
One year of experience in the California state service performing the duties of a Personnel Specialist, Range D, or a Personnel Services Specialist II.
Personnel Supervisor I
One year of experience in the California state service performing the duties of a Personnel Specialist, Range D, Senior Personnel Specialist, or Personnel Services Supervisor I.
Personnel Supervisor II
One year of experience in the California state service performing the duties of a Personnel Supervisor I or a Personnel Services Supervisor II.
Knowledge and Abilities
All Levels:
Knowledge of: Current office methods, procedures, equipment, and basic math principles.
Ability to: Think logically, multitask, and apply laws, rules, regulations, and bargaining contract provisions concerning personnel transactions; independently interpret and use reference material; give and follow directions; gather data; design and prepare tables, spreadsheets, and charts; advise employees of their rights; consult with supervisors on alternative actions which they may take on various transaction situations; communicate effectively; operate a computer keyboard/terminal; establish and maintain cooperative working relations with those contacted during the course of the work; organize and prioritize work; create/draft correspondence; maintain personnel records.
Senior Personnel Specialist
Knowledge of: All of the above, and laws, rules, regulations, and bargaining contract provisions affecting personnel record keeping, personnel transactions, payroll, and certification processes used in State departments.
Ability to: Perform all of the above, and represent the department on intra/interdepartmental teams; coordinate a variety of personnel/payroll transactions; research critical transactions and recommend alternative solutions.
Personnel Supervisor I and Above
Knowledge of: All of the above, and a supervisor's responsibility for promoting equal opportunity in hiring and employee development and promotion, and for maintaining a work environment that is free of discrimination and harassment.
Ability to: Perform all of the above, and plan, organize, direct, and evaluate the work of subordinate staff; analyze work processes, evaluate suggestions, and develop and implement effective courses of action; effectively present ideas and recommendations; develop subordinate staff and assess training and developmental needs; effectively promote equal opportunity in employment and maintain a work environment that is free of discrimination and harassment.
Greater emphasis is placed on supervisory and program administration skills at each higher level in this class series.
Additional Desirable Qualifications
All Levels:
Familiarity with automated systems.
Class History
* Additional information regarding functions performed, complexity factors, and scope of responsibility is contained in a separate document titled "Allocation Guidelines."