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Livestock Inspector Series

Livestock Inspector Series

California State Personnel Board Specification

Series established April 5, 1983


This series specification describes the classes in the Division of Animal Industry of the Department of Food and Agriculture used to administer and enforce California state laws and regulations relating to livestock quarantine.


Livestock Inspector Series Specification - Class Titles and Codes
Schem Code Class Code Class
AT85 0823 Livestock Inspector
AT94 0825 Senior Livestock Inspector (Specialist)

Definition of Series

Incumbents in these classes consult and advise livestock owners on cattle importation requirements, proper sanitary procedures, methods and facilities used in raising or handling livestock, and in eradicating diseases; inspect facilities and methods used in cooking garbage fed to swine for compliance with State regulations and standards; issue and review permits for the movement within and from a quarantined district of livestock, livestock products, or materials associated with livestock; supervise the cleaning and disinfection of premises where livestock are kept and vehicles used in the transportation of livestock; issue citations, investigate violations, and assist in the prosecution of violations of State laws or regulations; assist veterinarians in administering animal health programs, conducting tests on animals for infectious diseases, monitor the dipping of animals infested with parasites, or the destruction and disposition of animals that are detrimental to the livestock industry; review and approve or disapprove routine animal health inspection reports for conformance with State and Federal policies and procedures; attend and speak at meetings and conferences; keep records; and prepare correspondence and reports.

Factors Affecting Position Allocation

Level and variety of work assigned; independence of action; degree of responsibility; supervision received and exercised; and public contact.

Definition of Levels

Livestock Inspector

This is the entry, training, and first working level. Incumbents work: (1)�under close supervision to become familiar with animal health inspection�and enforcement work by performing a variety of less complex tasks; (2)�under general supervision to (a) independently perform animal health inspection and enforcement work of average difficulty, (b) perform as a veterinarian's assistant in administering animal health programs in assignments not requiring professional veterinary skills and knowledge, or in a major support function.

Senior Livestock Inspector (Specialist)

Under direction, incumbents perform the full range of animal health inspection and enforcement activities in an assigned area. As the specialist level, Senior Animal Health Inspectors (Specialist) have responsibility for the most complex field inspection, investigation, and enforcement activities. Incumbents in this class have no supervisory responsibilities but may serve as a lead over lower level inspectors.

Minimum Qualifications

Livestock Inspector

Either I


Education: Equivalent to graduation from a four-year college of recognized standing with specialization in animal husbandry or in a related agricultural subject.



Experience: Six months of experience performing the duties of an Agricultural Services Technician II, Range B, in the California state service. and Equivalent to completion of nine semester units of college level course work in animal husbandry or related agricultural subjects. (Applicants who are enrolled for the minimum appropriate college courses required may be admitted to the examination, but must show proof of completion before they will be considered eligible for appointment.)



Experience: Either


1. Two years of experience in raising livestock or in some other activity providing familiarity with livestock or livestock production; Or 2. One year of experience in a public agency in agricultural inspection or enforcement work pertaining to livestock production.


(Completion of a two-year course in an agricultural college of recognized standing with specialization in animal husbandry or in related agricultural subjects may be substituted for one-half of the experience required in Pattern

Iii. )

Senior Livestock Inspector (Specialist)

Either I


Experience: One year of experience in the California state service performing duties in the class of Livestock Inspector, Range B.



Three years of experience in a public agency in inspection or enforcement work pertaining to livestock production. (Experience must include two years in a position with a level of responsibility equivalent to a Livestock Inspector, Range B.)

Knowledge and Abilities

All Levels:

Knowledge of: Principles and practices of animal husbandry and the operation of livestock ranches.


Ability to: Communicate effectively at a level required for successful job performance; interpret and apply laws and regulations relating to animal quarantine; learn and apply formal investigation techniques and procedures; prepare concise and complete reports; establish and maintain cooperative relations with those contacted in the work; and prepare correspondence.

Senior Livestock Inspector (Specialist)

Knowledge of: All of the above in practice and application; and laws and regulations relating to animal quarantine, procedures for preventing the transmission of animal diseases, and for eradication of existing disease outbreaks, investigation techniques, procedures, and techniques of training and supervision.


Ability to: All of the above, and plan, organize, conduct, and/or direct complex inspections and investigations; coordinate inspections and investigations with related agencies, determine sufficiency and validity of evidence necessary to prosecute violations of the Code, and functionally train and coordinate the work of others; review and evaluate the work of others and give guidance and counsel on work methods and procedures; analyze situations accurately and adopt an effective course of action; and communicate effectively before groups.

Special Personal Characteristics

All Levels:

Possession of a valid California driver's license; willingness to work irregular hours; difficult and hazardous conditions associated with handling livestock; and willingness to travel.

Class History

Livestock Inspector Series History - Dates Established, Revised, and Title Changed
Class Date Established Date Revised Title Changed
Livestock Inspector 04/05/1983 08/08/2008 --
Senior Livestock Inspector (Specialist) 04/05/1983 08/08/2008 --

Alternate Range Criteria

Livestock Inspector

Range A. This shall apply to person who do not meet the criteria for appointment to Range B.


Range B. This shall apply to persons who have:

Either I


One year of experience in the California state service performing the duties of Livestock Inspector, Range A.



a. Three years of experience in raising livestock or in some other activity providing familiarity with livestock production at least one year of which is at a level of responsibility equivalent to Livestock Inspector, Range A; or


b. Two years of experience in a public agency in agricultural inspection or enforcement work pertaining to livestock production, at least one year of which is at a level of responsibility equivalent to a Livestock Inspector, Range A.


(Completion of a two-year course or program in an agricultural college of recognized standing with specialization in animal husbandry or in related agricultural subjects may be substituted for one-half of the experience required in Pattern II of the Alternate Range Criteria.)

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