The Civil Service Career Exploration Program Pilot is a grant funded pilot preapprenticeship program jointly administered by California Department of Human Resources, Department of Industrial Relation's Division of Apprenticeship Standards, SEIU Local 1000, and American River College. The program is designed to provide state employees, who meet specific criteria, with opportunities to gain skills which will enhance their current careers, introduce them to new industry sectors, and gain exposure to education which may be offered within our current IT and Financial Services apprenticeships. The program will consist of participants completing community college coursework, on their own time, aimed at an IT track or a Financial Services track.
American River College
First Term
BUS 100 - English for the Business Professional OR;
HCD 310 - College Success
Second Term
CISC 310 - Introduction to Computer Information Science (IT track) OR;
ACCT 101 - Financial Accounting (Financial Services track)
CISA 315 - Introduction to Electronic Spreadsheets (2 units)