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Tribal Consultations Training

The Tribal Consultations Training aims to improve government-to-government relations between the State of California and Tribal Nations in California.​

This two-hour course​​ provides instruction on government-to-government (G2G) tribal consultations, focusing on Native American California tribal sovereignty's central role in these discussions. The training also provides an exploration of practical strategies for fostering genuine partnerships with tribes based on respect, reciprocity, and accountability.

Learning Objectives:

  • ​Understand G2G consultation roles and responsibilities.
  • Know laws, regulations, resources, and general techniques for G2G tribal consultations.
  • Know how and when to consult with tribal governments on policies that affect them and their members.
  • Identify key events, policies, and actions by federal and state governments that have impacted tribes in California.
  • Apply historical context to analyze and address contemporary issues impacting tribes in California.
  • Advocate for informed and respectful engagement in tribal consultations and G2G relationships to promote equitable and sustainable outcomes for tribal communities.

Required Audience

  • Governor
  • Attorney General
  • Constitutional officers and statewide elected officials
  • Directors and chief councils of each state agency/department
  • Chair and executive officer of each state commission and task force
  • Delegated officials formally designated by those listed in the G2G Act who are authorized to represent the state in G2G consultation


  • ​In 2011, Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. Issued Executive Order B-10-11 to create the position of the Governor’s tribal advisor to oversee and implement effective government-to-government consultation between the administration and tribes on policies that affect California tribal communities, and to serve as a direct link between the tribes and the Governor in facilitating communication and consultations between the tribes, the office of the Governor, state agencies, and agency tribal liaisons, review state legislation and regulations affecting tribes, and make recommendations on such proposals.
  • The order further provided that it is the policy of the administration that every state agency and department encourage communication and consultation with California Indian tribes. Additionally, agencies and departments were instructed to permit elected officials and other representatives of tribal governments to provide meaningful input into the development of legislation, regulations, rules, and policies on matters that may affect tribal communities. Executive Order B-10-11 was reaffirmed by Governor Gavin Newsom via Executive Order N-15-19 on June 18, 2019.
  • Existing law encourages and authorizes all state agencies to cooperate with federally recognized tribes in California on matters of economic development and improvement for the tribes, including providing information on programs available to assist Indian tribes, providing technical assistance on the preparation of grants and applications for public and private funds, and conducting meetings and workshops.
  • On September 23, 2022, Governor Gavin Newsom signed the Government-to-Government Consultation Act (Act) into law as Government Code (GC) 11019.81. The Act serves to support the executive branch’s commitment to government-to-government consultation by establishing whom in state agencies has authority to represent the State of California in such consultations, providing for how such consultations will be conducted, and requiring training to support such consultations.
  • The Act requires the California Department of Human Resources (CalHR), in consultation with state entities experienced in tribal issues and with tribal governments, to develop training regarding government-to-government consultations by June 1, 2024. The Act requires designated state officials to complete the training by January 1, 2025, and for officials appointed after that date to do so within six months of their appointment and requires each official to retake the training annually.
  • CalHR partnered with California’s Government Office of Tribal Affairs and a third-party vendor, Kauffman and Associates, Inc. (KAI), to outreach to tribal nations in California and to develop the mandated training. KAI reached out to the tribes, directly on behalf of the CalHR team.
  • KAI conducted research on historical and political factors that play into government-to-government (G2G) relations between the State of California and tribal nations. KAI also worked with the California Government Office of Tribal Affairs and CalHR to develop an effective, mandatory training that incorporated the required elements of G2G consultations and (GC) 11019.81.​

​​​CalHR Team Members

  • ​Sarah Gessler, CalHR Division Chief
  • John Sanborn, CalHR Chief Learning Officer
  • Jeffrey Graves, Statewide Learning Manager
  • ​Janet Guastavino, CalHR Business Solutions and L&D Lead

​​​Kauffman and Associates, Inc. Team Members

  • Dr. Robin Harwick, KAI Senior Researcher
  • Nicole Pino, KAI Project Manager I
  • ​Jaime Begay, KAI Project Specialist III

Government Office of Tribal Affairs

  • Christina Snider-Ashtari, Secretary
  • ​Loretta Miranda, Deputy

​Contact Us

​John Sanborn

Chief Learning Officer

Statewide Talent Development

(916) 322-2402

  Updated: 10/15/2024
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