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Workers' Compensation Insurance Supervisor and Manager, State Compensation Insurance Fund Series

Workers' Compensation Insurance Supervisor and Manager, State Compensation Insurance Fund Series

California State Personnel Board Specification

Series established April 9, 1981


This series specification describes supervisory and management job classifications in the State Compensation Insurance Fund.


Workers' Compensation Insurance Supervisor and Manager, State Compensation Insurance Fund Series Specification - Class Titles and Codes
Schem Code Class Code Class
WH60 9334 Workers' Compensation Insurance Supervisor I
WH58 9335 Workers' Compensation Insurance Supervisor II
WH50 9310 Manager I, State Compensation Insurance Fund
WH40 9309 Manager II, State Compensation Insurance Fund

Definition of Series

Positions in the Workers' Compensation Insurance Supervisor and Manager, State Compensation Insurance Fund, classes are designated as supervisory or managerial. Positions are either: (1) managerial, having significant responsibility for formulating or administering agency policies and programs; or (2) supervisory, performing duties which are substantially different from those of subordinates, and having authority, in the interest of management to: hire, transfer, suspend, lay off, recall, promote, discharge, assign, reward, or discipline other employees, or responsibly direct their work, or adjust their grievances, or effectively recommend such actions. Lead positions are not appropriate for allocation to this series.


A major purpose of this generalist series is to promote the development of a reservoir of knowledge and skills for the execution and development of Fund insurance administrative policies and procedures; therefore, incumbents in positions at each level in this series are expected to be able to perform in any position at that level as a necessary part of the State Fund's Management Development Plan. During tenure in the Workers' Compensation Insurance Supervisor�II and the Manager I or II, State Compensation Insurance Fund, classes, each incumbent may be assigned to two or more different positions in district or Home Office programs.

Entry Level

Entry into this series is primarily from lower or parallel classes in the Workers' Compensation Insurance Technician, Workers' Compensation Insurance Representative, Workers' Compensation Claims Adjuster, or Workers' Compensation Payroll Auditor classification series, or from classes of comparable levels in the Department which provide a broad knowledge of the operations and practices of the State Compensation Insurance Fund.

Factors Affecting Position Allocation

The scope and volume of services provided by units subordinate to the position, degree, and level of administrative and supervisory responsibilities, scope, and complexity of programs administered, independence of action, level of decision-making authority, supervision received, responsibility for program and policy implementation, and impact of the position on the programs, policies, and achievement of the objectives of the Fund. Where State Fund positions may be appropriately allocated to specialized class series, such as in the areas of information systems, business services, human resources, training, auditing, and accounting, the levels of these positions in the Manager, State Compensation Insurance Fund, series will be consistent with those of similar positions elsewhere in State service.

Definition of Levels

Workers' Compensation Insurance Supervisor I

Positions allocated to this class are typically first-line supervisors of units performing work allocated to the Workers' Compensation Insurance Technician or Workers' Compensation Payroll Auditor classes.

Workers' Compensation Insurance Supervisor II

Positions allocated to this class typically are first-or second-level supervisors of units performing work allocated to the Workers' Compensation Payroll Auditor, Senior Workers' Compensation Payroll Auditor, Workers' Compensation Insurance Representative, Senior Workers' Compensation Insurance Representative, Workers' Compensation Claims Adjuster, or Senior Workers' Compensation Claims Adjuster classes.

Manager I, State Compensation Insurance Fund

Positions allocated to this class are typically first-or second-level supervisors of units performing work allocated to the Workers' Compensation Payroll Auditor, Senior Workers' Compensation Payroll Auditor, Workers' Compensation Insurance Representative, Senior Workers' Compensation Insurance Representative, Workers' Compensation Claims Adjuster, or Senior Workers' Compensation Claims Adjuster classes.

Manager II, State Compensation Insurance Fund

Positions allocated to this class are typically managers of a major program component within district offices, staff departments, or other organizational units with equivalent responsibility, and typically report to a higher-level manager in the series.

Minimum Qualifications

Workers' Compensation Insurance Supervisor I

Either I


One year of experience in the California state service performing duties in a class with a level of responsibility not less than that of a Workers' Compensation Claims Adjuster, Range B; or a Workers' Compensation Insurance Representative, Range B; or a Workers' Compensation Payroll Auditor, Range B. (Applicants who have completed nine months of the required experience will be admitted to the examination but must complete the required experience before they will be eligible for appointment.)



Three years of experience in the California state service performing duties in a class with a level of responsibility not less than that of a Workers' Compensation Insurance Technician, Range B. (Applicants who have completed 30 months of the required experience will be admitted to the examination but must complete the required experience before they will be eligible for appointment.)



Three years of experience in professional workers' compensation broker, loss control, underwriting, claims adjusting, vocational rehabilitation, claims field investigation, or premium auditing. One year of the required experience must have been in a supervisory or managerial capacity. (Experience in the California state service applied toward this pattern must include at least one year of experience performing the duties of a class with a level of responsibility equivalent to that of a Workers' Compensation Claims Adjuster, Range B; or a Workers' Compensation Insurance Representative, Range B; or a Workers' Compensation Payroll Auditor, Range�B; or three years of experience performing the duties of a class with a level of responsibility equivalent to that of a Workers' Compensation Insurance Technician, Range B.)

Workers' Compensation Insurance Supervisor II

Either I


One year of experience in the California state service performing duties in a class with a level of responsibility not less than that of a Workers' Compensation Insurance Supervisor I; or a Workers' Compensation Insurance Representative, Range C; or a Workers' Compensation Claims Adjuster, Range C; or a Senior Workers' Compensation Payroll Auditor. (Applicants at the Workers' Compensation Insurance Supervisor I; or Workers' Compensation Claims Adjuster, Range C; or Workers' Compensation Insurance Representative, Range C; or Senior Workers' Compensation Payroll Auditor level, who have completed nine months of the required experience, will be admitted to the examination but must complete the required experience before they will be eligible for appointment.)



Four years of experience in professional workers' compensation broker, loss control, underwriting, claims adjustment, vocational rehabilitation, claims field investigation, payroll auditing, or administrative support services. One year of the required experience must have been in a supervisory or managerial capacity. (Experience in the California state service applied toward this pattern must include at least one year of experience performing the duties of a class with a level of responsibility equivalent to that of a Workers' Compensation Insurance Supervisor I, or a Senior Workers' Compensation Insurance Representative, or a Senior Workers' Compensation Claims Adjuster, or two years of experience equivalent to that of a Workers' Compensation Claims Adjuster, Range C; or a Workers' Compensation Insurance Representative, Range C; or a Senior Workers' Compensation Payroll Auditor.)

Manager I, State Compensation Insurance Fund

Either I


One year of experience in the California state service performing duties in a class with a level of responsibility not less than that of a Workers' Compensation Insurance Supervisor II, or a Senior Workers' Compensation Insurance Representative, or a Senior Workers' Compensation Claims Adjuster.



Five years of experience in professional workers' compensation broker, loss control, underwriting, claims adjustment, vocational rehabilitation, claims field investigation, payroll auditing, or administrative support services. Two years of the required experience must have been in a supervisory or managerial capacity. (Experience in the California state service applied toward this pattern must include at least one year of experience performing the duties of a class with a level of responsibility equivalent to that of a Workers' Compensation Insurance Supervisor II, or a Senior Workers' Compensation Insurance Representative, or a Senior Workers' Compensation Claims Adjuster.)

Manager II, State Compensation Insurance Fund

Either I


One year of experience in the California state service performing duties in a class with a level of responsibility not less than that of a Manager I, State Compensation Insurance Fund.



Two years of experience in the California state service performing duties in a class with a level of responsibility not less than that of a Workers' Compensation Insurance Supervisor II, or a Senior Workers' Compensation Insurance Representative, or a Senior Workers' Compensation Claims Adjuster.



Three years of broad and extensive experience in supervising or managing professional workers' compensation broker, loss control, underwriting, or claims adjustment. (Experience in the California state service applied toward this pattern must include at least one year of experience performing the duties of a class with a level of responsibility equivalent to that of a Manager I, State Compensation Insurance Fund, or two years of experience performing the duties of a class with a level of responsibility equivalent to that of a Workers' Compensation Insurance Supervisor II, or a Senior Workers' Compensation Insurance Representative, or a Senior Workers' Compensation Claims Adjuster.)

Knowledge and Abilities

All Levels:

Knowledge of: Compensation insurance problems, trends, laws, regulations, orders, classifications, rating plans, principles, and practices; general management principles and practices; human resource management and supervision; State Fund financial and business policies and procedures; research and analysis procedures; applicability of electronic information systems to varied work procedures; program planning and control; a manager's/supervisor's responsibility for promoting equal opportunity in hiring and employee development and promotion, and for maintaining a work environment that is free of discrimination and harassment in accordance with State Fund's Equal Employment Opportunity Program.


Ability to: Effectively apply the required knowledge of the class; formulate policies; plan, organize, and direct the work of a subordinate staff; establish and maintain harmonious and effective working relationships with Fund personnel, public and private organizations, and claimants; achieve results in terms of planned objectives; analyze situations and adopt an effective course of action; communicate effectively; and effectively promote equal opportunity in employment and maintain a work environment that is free of discrimination and harassment in accordance with State Fund's Equal Employment Opportunity Program.

Special Personal Characteristics

All Levels:

Willingness to travel extensively and change residence when necessary.

Class History

Workers' Compensation Insurance Supervisor and Manager, State Compensation Insurance Fund Series History - Dates Established, Revised, and Title Changed
Class Date Established Date Revised Title Changed
Workers' Compensation Insurance Supervisor I 04/09/1981 09/24/2002 --
Workers' Compensation Insurance Supervisor II 04/09/1981 09/24/2002 --
Manager I, State Compensation Insurance Fund 01/20/1966 09/24/2002 03/18/1971
Manager II, State Compensation Insurance Fund 01/20/1966 09/24/2002 03/18/1971
  Updated: 6/3/2012
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