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Health Facilities Evaluator Series

Health Facilities Evaluator Series

California State Personnel Board Specification

Series established June 30, 1971


This series specification describes eight Health Facilities Evaluator classes used to conduct, supervise, and manage the licensing and certification of public and private health facilities in the Department of Health Services.


Health Facilities Evaluator Series Specification - Class Titles and Codes
Schem Code Class Code Class
SZ72 8007 Health Facilities Evaluator Trainee
SZ70 8001 Health Facilities Evaluator I
SZ95 8011 Health Facilities Evaluator Nurse
SZ64 8052 Health Facilities Evaluator II
SZ63 8051 Health Facilities Evaluator II (Supervisor)
SZ60 2246 Health Facilities Evaluator Specialist
SZ55 8050 Health Facilities Evaluator Manager I
SZ50 7993 Health Facilities Evaluator Manager II

Definition of Series

The Health Facilities Evaluator series describes classes used to conduct, supervise, and manage the review, evaluation, inspection, and certification of health care operations and procedures in public and private health facilities under State and Federal medical care legislation. These facilities include general acute care, psychiatric and chemical dependency recovery hospitals, clinics, intermediate care facilities, skilled nursing facilities, home health agencies, adult day-care centers, intermediate care facilities for the developmentally disabled, intermediate care facilities for the developmentally disabled-rehabilitative, and primary care clinics. The series determines compliance with State licensure and Federal certification laws, rules, and regulations relating to patient care. The classes provide consultation to health facilities, and State, Federal, and local agencies; develop, evaluate, apply, and/or recommend changes in licensing and certification regulations, policies, and procedures; develop, conduct, and provide staff training; perform or supervise complementary staff support functions; and provide expert testimony at hearings related to disputed findings. May serve as an administrative hearing officer or other specialty capacity.

Factors Affecting Position Allocation

Health Facilities Evaluator levels are differentiated by the following factors: the complexity of work assigned, such as the complexity of the health facilities assigned for investigation and evaluation; the independence of action and decision- making authority; the nature, level, and variety of personal contacts and relationships with public and private organization representatives in the field; the nature of supervision exercised and received; the consequence of error; the degree of responsibility for program and policy implementation; the impact of investigative and consultative programs upon the plans, programs, and policies of health facilities covered under the laws administered by the Department of Health Services. The number and level of professional evaluators supervised will determine to a large extent the appropriate supervisory level allocations. This standard is described in the definition of levels for each class.

Definition of Levels

Health Facilities Evaluator Trainee

This is the trainee level in the series. Under close supervision, performs a variety of technical and administrative duties while receiving training and learning the specialized administrative, staff, and technical work required of a Health Facilities Evaluator. Performs the more routine health facilities evaluation duties. Learns applicable principles and statutes used by Health Facilities Evaluators through study of licensing and certification laws, regulations, policies and procedures and, under close supervision, applies them in assigned phases of the work. Assists in surveys by collecting information on health facilities and health services through interview, inspection, and other investigative processes. Evaluates information and assists in preparing reports. Persons at this level are expected to demonstrate ability to progress to the next higher level class.

Health Facilities Evaluator I

This is the journeyperson level of the series. Incumbents conduct inspections, investigations, surveys, and evaluations of health facilities for conformity with licensing and certification requirements of the Department of Health Services and for compliance with State and Federal laws, rules, and regulations relating to medical care. Advise health facilities administrators and community agencies regarding State health facilities inspection, licensing, and certification programs. Primary responsibility is for enforcement of licensing and certification laws and Federal regulations, conditions, and standards of participation pertaining to the physical plant and environmental conditions, the governing body and administration, dietary services, and activity programs. Incumbents may act as team leaders and may assist in the training of new staff.

Health Facilities Evaluator Nurse

This is the journeyperson level of the series. Incumbents conduct inspections, investigations, surveys, and evaluations of health facilities for conformity with licensing and certification requirements of the Department of Health Services and for compliance with State and Federal laws, rules, and regulations relating to medical care. Advise health facilities administrators and community agencies regarding State health facilities inspection, licensing, and certification programs. Primary responsibility is for enforcement of State and Federal laws, rules, and regulations pertaining to areas affecting total patient care such as nursing, physician, restorative, pharmacy, social, dental, and related services. Incumbents may act as team leaders and may assist in the training of new staff.

Health Facilities Evaluator II

Incumbents at this level perform program analysis activities in a statewide program; prepare regulations, policies, and procedures in one or more program areas; analyze legislation, and make recommendations; prepare technical reports and correspondence; review and analyze the operations and procedures of field offices; or incumbents who are allocated as trainers will design, develop, conduct, and provide a comprehensive in-service and out-service training program for evaluators on a regional/statewide basis; or serve as leadperson on special projects in the Department of Health Services' headquarters setting.

Health Facilities Evaluator II (Supervisor)

This level is a first-line supervisor of at least four field office staff of evaluators engaged in surveys for issuing and relocating health facility licenses, issuing citations and levying civil penalties, and determining program flexibility decisions; reviewing health facilities for participation in Federal Title 18 (Medicare) and Title 19 (Medi-Cal) programs; and may perform the more difficult and complex surveys of health facilities.


Positions in this class are supervisory, having authority in the interest of management to: hire, transfer, suspend, layoff, recall, promote, discharge, assign, reward, train, or discipline other employees; or responsibility to direct them, adjust their grievances, or effectively to recommend such action.

Health Facilities Evaluator Specialist

Under general direction, incumbents at this level function as high level nonsupervisory program specialists. These specialists may either preside over and conduct administrative hearings or act as an Enforcement Coordinator for the Department of Health Services' Licensing and Certification Program. In the Hearing Officer capacity, incumbents control the course of hearings, instruct participants and witnesses, and restrict testimony to relevant issues relating to health facilities appeal to enforcement actions involving citations and/or penalties; question participants/ witnesses for clarification and interpretation of pertinent documents; review pre-and post-hearing evidence; prepare and issue written decisions and the basis for the decision. In the Enforcement Coordinator capacity, the employee coordinates and tracks enforcement actions against licensed health facilities and related activities on a statewide basis; develops temporary suspension order denial and revocation packages against licensed health facilities; acts as program representative during processing of action; represents program on settlement negotiations with health care industry; coordinates and monitors program's progress on collecting citation penalties and settlement agreements; monitors litigation workload and compliance trends in conjunction with changes in Federal law on a statewide basis.

Health Facilities Evaluator Manager I

Under general direction, incumbents function as supervisors in the Department of Health Services' Licensing and Certification Program performing in one of the following capacities: (1) first-level supervisor in headquarters over at least four professional staff performing specialized support staff duties; or (2) second-level supervisor of a field office supervising a staff including at least two Health Facilities Evaluators II (Supervisor); and provide direct supervision of the medical consultants and support staff for a district office.


Positions in this class are supervisory, having authority in the interest of management to: hire, transfer, suspend, layoff, recall, promote, discharge, assign, reward, or discipline other employees; or responsibility to direct them, adjust their grievances, or effectively to recommend such action.

Health Facilities Evaluator Manager II

Incumbents at this level plan, organize, and direct either (1) the operation of a large district office defined as those offices with a minimum of 40 professional and clerical staff; (2) a statewide program of licensing, inspection, investigation, and/or certification of health facilities under public medical care legislation; (3) direct the administrative appeal hearing activities statewide; supervise appeal hearing staff, Health Facilities Evaluator Specialists; hear the most complex health facilities appeals; and serve as senior program consultant to the Department's legal staff and the Attorney General's Office on the most controversial and sensitive enforcement issues involving licensing actions pursued through arbitration or court litigation; or (4) organize, plan, coordinate, and direct the activities of Health Facilities Evaluator Managers I engaged in providing policy direction, procedural development, and related support.


Positions in the class are supervisory, having authority in the interest of management to: hire, transfer, suspend, layoff, recall, promote, discharge, assign, reward, or discipline other employees; or responsibility to direct them, adjust their grievances, or effectively to recommend such actions.

Minimum Qualifications

All Levels:

Possession of a master's degree in a recognized health field, i.e., microbiology, laboratory technology, nursing, physical therapy, psychology, medical social work, or other health related field from a recognized school may be substituted for one year of the required general experience.

Health Facilities Evaluator Trainee

Either I


Education: Equivalent to graduation from a four-year college or university with a degree in a recognized health field, i.e., microbiology, laboratory technology, nursing, physical therapy, psychology, medical social work, or other health related field. [Experience as a Registered Nurse, Licensed Vocational Nurse, or Licensed Psychiatric Technician may be substituted for the required education as follows: one year of experience as a Registered Nurse, or two years of experience as a Licensed Vocational Nurse, or Licensed Psychiatric Technician is equivalent to one year of education (30 semester units). Under this substitution pattern, applicants must possess the appropriate current California license.] (Administrative or clinical experience requiring definition and implementation of operational program policy in health planning, public health, the military medical service or hospital corps, or health program administration may be substituted for the required education on a year-for-year basis.)


(Registration as a senior in a recognized institution will admit applicants to the examination, but then must produce evidence of graduation or its equivalent before they may be considered eligible for appointment.)



One year of experience in the California state service performing health-related duties in a class comparable to Management Services Technician, Range B.

Health Facilities Evaluator I

Either I


One year of experience in the California state service performing the duties of a Health Facilities Evaluator Trainee.



Education: Equivalent to graduation from a four-year college or university with a degree in a recognized health field, i.e., microbiology, laboratory technology, nursing, physical therapy, psychology, medical social work, or other health related field. (Additional qualifying experience may be substituted for the required education on a year-for-year basis.) and


Experience: One year of responsible professional administrative or clinical experience requiring definition and implementation of operational program policy in a health facility, clinic, or related agency. or


Two years of medical service corps or hospital corps experience in a branch of the armed services.

Health Facilities Evaluator Nurse

Possession of the legal requirements to practice as a professional registered nurse in California. and One year of professional nursing experience which includes a minimum of six months of administrative responsibility requiring definition and implementation of operational program policy for maintenance of nursing care standards. (Equivalent to college graduation with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing may be substituted for the required administrative experience.) Experience in the California state service applied toward this requirement must be performing the duties of a class at a level of responsibility equivalent to that of Registered Nurse III.

Health Facilities Evaluator II

Health Facilities Evaluator II (Supervisor)

Either I


Two years of experience performing the duties of either (1) a Health Facilities Evaluator I, or (2) a Health Facilities Evaluator Nurse in the California state service.



Education: Equivalent to graduation from a four-year college or university with a degree in a recognized health field, i.e., microbiology, laboratory technology, nursing, physical therapy, psychology, medical social work, or other health related field. (Additional qualifying experience may be substituted for the required education on a year-for-year basis.) and


Experience: Three years of professional administrative experience requiring definition and implementation of operational program policy in the direction of a health facility program involving patient care or in a public health activity directly related to health facility management or operations.

Health Facilities Evaluator Specialist

Health Facilities Evaluator Manager I

Either I


One year of experience performing the duties of a Health Facilities Evaluator II or Health Facilities Evaluator II (Supervisor) in the California state service.



Education: Equivalent to graduation from a four-year college or university with a degree in a recognized health field, i.e., microbiology, laboratory technology, nursing, physical therapy, psychology, medical social work, or other health related field. (Additional qualifying experience may be substituted for the required education on a year-for-year basis.) and


Experience: Four years of increasingly responsible professional experience requiring definition and implementation of operational program policy including or supplemented by at least one year of professional administrative or clinical experience as a supervisor or consultant in a health facility planning, licensing, certification, or general health administration program. [Experience in California state service applied toward this requirement must include one year at a level of responsibility equivalent to the Health Facilities Evaluator II or Health Facilities Evaluator II (Supervisor) levels.]

Health Facilities Evaluator Manager II

Either I


One year of experience performing the duties of a Health Facilities Evaluator Manager I or Health Facilities Evaluator Specialist in the California state service.



Two years of experience performing the duties of a Health Facilities Evaluator II or Health Facilities Evaluator II (Supervisor) in the California state service.



Education: Equivalent to graduation from a four-year college or university in a recognized health field, i.e., microbiology, laboratory technology, nursing, physical therapy, psychology, medical social work, or other health related field. (Additional qualifying experience may be substituted for the required education on a year-for-year basis.) and


Experience: Four years of increasingly responsible professional administrative or clinical experience requiring definition and implementation of operational program policy including or supplemented by two years of professional administrative or clinical experience as a supervisor or consultant in a health facility planning, licensing, certification, or general health administration program. (Experience in California state service applied toward this requirement must include one year at a level of responsibility equivalent to the Health Facilities Manager I or Health Facilities Evaluator Specialist levels.)

Knowledge and Abilities

Health Facilities Evaluator Trainee

Knowledge of: Principles and purposes of regulations governing health facilities and services.


Ability to: Collect and analyze data; participate effectively in conferences and training sessions; communicate effectively; establish and maintain effective working relationships.

Health Facilities Evaluator I

Knowledge of: State and Federal laws, regulations, and rules administered by the Department governing the planning, construction, licensing, inspection, regulation, and supervision of such public and private health facilities as hospitals, nursing homes, intermediate care facilities, clinics, adult day-care centers, and home health agencies; health facility organization, operation, and procedures; applicable departmental policies and procedures; functions and techniques of health facility management, services, organizations, and standards for patient care; investigative methods and techniques and rules of evidence; types and usage of modern health facility buildings, furnishings, and equipment; medical terminology.


Ability to: Interpret and apply pertinent State and Federal laws, regulations, and rules; establish and maintain cooperative relationships with personnel in the health facility industry, within the Department, and with other community social and health agencies.

Health Facilities Evaluator Nurse

Knowledge of: All of the above, and operations and services affecting patient care.


Ability to: All of the above.

Health Facilities Evaluator II

Knowledge of: All of the above, and effective group and individual training techniques and methods.


Ability to: All the above, and analyze problems arising out of field operations; perform quality control review of field staff work; design, develop, conduct, and provide a full range of in-service and out-service training for evaluators to include group and individual training techniques and methods; secure accurate data and record and report data systematically; develop and evaluate alternatives; reach logical conclusions and implement effective changes as corrective actions to identified problems; produce clear, accurate, and concise reports; analyze situations accurately and take effective action; utilize and apply effectively required technical knowledge.

Health Facilities Evaluator II (Supervisor)

Knowledge of: All of the above, and principles, practices, and techniques used in the administration of the licensing and certification program; principles and practices of effective supervision and personnel relations; group and individual training methods; and principles of effective supervision and the Department's Affirmative Action Program objectives; a supervisor's role in the Affirmative Action Program and the processes available to meet affirmative action objectives.


Ability to: All of the above, and plan, organize, direct, and control the work of others; establish and maintain effective working relations; communicate effectively; produce clear, accurate, and concise reports; utilize and apply effectively required technical knowledge; effectively train personnel; provide consultation to staff; and effectively contribute to the Department's affirmative action objectives.

Health Facilities Evaluator Specialist

Knowledge of: All of the above, and in the Hearing Officer capacity, the rules-of-conduct governing quasi-judicial hearings and conduct of proceedings before administrative bodies. In the Enforcement Coordinator capacity, knowledge of enforcement action procedures against licensed health facilities.


Ability to: All of the above, and conduct the course of hearings in an effective and orderly manner; determine case factors; extract from testimony and case records pertinent facts and data; analyze evidence and draw logical conclusions; present statement of facts, laws arguments, and findings clearly and logically in oral and written form; render decisions, citing contributing factors for the decision; write clear, accurate, concise, and logical decisions; function independently with general or limited guidelines; exercise a high degree of judgment in applying pertinent laws, rules, and regulations; provides assistance to legal staff for civil case litigations.

Health Facilities Evaluator Manager I

Knowledge of: All of the above, and principles of effective supervision and techniques to implement affirmative action objectives.


Ability to: All of the above, and plan, organize, and direct the operation of an office health facilities program involving the licensing, inspection, investigation, and certification of health facilities under public medical legislation; effectively contribute to the Department's affirmative action objectives.

Health Facilities Evaluator Manager II

Knowledge of: All of the above, and budgeting practices as applied to management of a major health facilities program of the Department; Department's Affirmative Action Program objectives; a manager's role in the Affirmative Action Program and the processes available to meet affirmative action objectives.


Ability to: All of the above, and plan, organize, and direct the operation of a health facilities program involving the licensing, inspection, investigation, and certification of health facilities under public medical care legislation, or related administrative appeal; effectively preside over quasi-judicial appeal hearings and render appropriate decisions based on case factors and findings; and consult with legal staff for civil case litigations; effectively contribute to the Department's affirmative action objectives.

Special Personal Characteristic

All Levels:

Willingness to travel throughout the State.

Class History

Health Facilities Evaluator Series History - Dates Established, Revised, and Title Changed
Class Date Established Date Revised Title Changed
Health Facilities Evaluator Trainee 12/20/1972 12/18/1990 06/18/1985
Health Facilities Evaluator I 02/08/1946 12/18/1990 06/18/1985
Health Facilities Evaluator Nurse 12/20/1972 12/18/1990 06/18/1985
Health Facilities Evaluator II 06/18/1985 12/18/1990 --
Health Facilities Evaluator II (Supervisor) 06/18/1985 12/18/1990 09/20/1988
Health Facilities Evaluator Specialist 09/20/1988 12/18/1990 --
Health Facilities Evaluator Manager I 06/18/1985 12/18/1990 --
Health Facilities Evaluator Manager II 06/30/1972 12/18/1990 06/18/1985
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