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Public Health Medical Officer II (7722)

Public Health Medical Officer II

California State Personnel Board Specification

  • Schematic Code: SI90
  • Class Code: 7722
  • Established: 05/25/1946
  • Revised: 12/18/1974
  • Title Changed: 02/02/1951


Under general direction, independently to perform responsible medical public health work either in carrying out a major assignment for one of the divisions or bureaus of the Department of Health Services or in conducting a public health program in a local health agency; and to do other work as required.

Distinguishing Characteristics

Employees in this class will work as assigned in either one or more of the bureaus of the Department of Health Services or in the field carrying on the various major phases of a public health program or on assignment to local health departments in positions requiring independent judgment and personal responsibility.

Typical Tasks

Conducts and has personal responsibility for a general public health program in a county or area where direct service is given by the State Department of Health Services or where personnel is loaned to the local jurisdiction; assists the various divisions and bureaus of the Department in doing general medical work in a public health program in the offices, laboratories, or clinics; does special medical work in the public health program in conjunction with or at the direction of qualified specialists; evaluates the effectiveness of administrative, diagnostic, preventive, and therapeutic procedures being used; carries on research programs; supervises and works with registered nurses, public health nurses, sanitary inspectors, bacteriologists, venereal disease investigators, and other professional workers in special public health programs; assists in the development of general and special public health programs and addresses community groups on various public health subjects; dictates correspondence and prepares reports.

Minimum Qualifications

Possession of the legal requirements for the practice of medicine in California as determined by the California Board of Medical Quality Assurance or the California Board of Osteopathic Examiners. (Applicants who are in the process of securing approval of their qualifications by the Board of Medical Ouality. Assurance or the Board of Osteopathic Examiners will be admitted to the examination but the Board to which application is made must determine that all legal requirements have been met before candidates will be eligible for appointment.) and Either ISuccessful completion of one year of graduate study toward a Master's Degree in Public Health or its equivalent in a recognized school of public health. Or IIOne year of public health medical experience in a public health agency. Or IIIOne or a combination of:


1. Two years of experience in preventive medicine in the military service; or


2. Two years of postgraduate training or experience in an accepted specialty in an approved hospital or institution.

Knowledges and Abilities

Knowledge of: Modern principles and practices of general medicine and skill in their application, including preventive medicine; principles and practices of public health administration; prevention of communicable diseases, including venereal disease and tuberculosis; preventive medical procedure in maternal and child health, industrial hygiene, and adult health; public health nursing principles and practices, hospital consultation and inspection policies and procedures, and medical care administration; purposes and organization of the State Department of Health Services; functions of voluntary health agencies.


Ability to: Plan and organize a public health program; direct a professional or clerical staff; analyze situations accurately and adopt an effective course of action; speak and write effectively.

Special Personal Characteristics

Administrative ability; tact; and freedom from communicable diseases.

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