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Catholic Chaplain (9916)

Catholic Chaplain

California State Personnel Board Specification

  • Schematic Code: XT20
  • Class Code: 9916
  • Established: 05/24/1957
  • Revised: 04/21/1994
  • Title Changed: --


Under direction, gives spiritual and moral guidance to State institution residents; conducts Roman Catholic religious services and instruction; and does other related work.

Typical Tasks

Interviews and counsels mental patients, juvenile or adult offenders, or Veterans Home members on ethical and moral problems and spiritual matters; celebrates Mass, administers the Sacraments, and conducts other Roman Catholic religious rites as needed by institution residents; organizes and instructs classes in Roman Catholic religion, ethics, and sacred music; cooperates with other staff members in carrying out the institution treatment program; supervises the arranging of programs conducted in the institution by visiting religious and allied groups; assists in problems involving welfare agencies where family help is needed; visits the sick; works with residents in their group and club activities; counsels with families on problems involved in rehabilitation; explains and interprets the institution's religious program to community groups; serves, when designated, as a member of or consultant to the institution classification committee.

Minimum Qualifications

Either I


Ordained priest, duly accredited by and in good standing with the Roman Catholic Church, and approved by the Bishop of the diocese in which the institution is located.



A lay person or ordained deacon, with demonstrated pastoral competence, duly accredited for pastoral ministry by a nationally recognized Roman Catholic chaplain certification institution; and approved by the Bishop of the diocese in which the institution is located.

Knowledge and Abilities

Knowledge of: Factors involved in the development of behavior problems, including mental disorders and the principles of mental hygiene; purposes of mental and correctional institutions; methods of rehabilitation.


Ability to: Organize, prepare, and conduct Roman Catholic religious services and courses on ethics, religion, and sacred music; counsel institution residents and their families on moral and ethical problems; establish rapport with institution residents; analyze situations accurately and adopt an effective course of action; use spiritual assessment, planning, intervention, and evaluation in the clinical setting; understand and help others discover meaning in the experiences of suffering grief and loss; understand the ways in which psycho-social dynamics and cultural/ethnic differences affect pastoral care practices; provide intensive and extensive pastoral care to persons in various life situations and crisis circumstances; integrate pastoral theology with pastoral practices; assist and support others in the application of their own values in decision making; communicate effectively through active listening and responding.

Special Personal Characteristics

Insight into the factors involved in the development of behavior problems, including mental disorders; demonstrated aptitude for working effectively with the socially abnormal; interest in the welfare and spiritual needs of institution residents; emotional stability; adaptability; firmness; patience; self-control; tact; neat personal appearance; pleasant and wholesome personality; good judgment in moral, ethical, and religious matters.

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