Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is the CalHR HR Credentialing Program?
The CalHR HR Credentialing program allows journey-level human resources and EEO staff at state departments to be professionally recognized in their mastering of specific human resource areas (modules). This program is part of the Civil Service Improvement (CSI) effort and promotes a culture of continuous learning and development of current and future HR and EEO professionals.
2. What is the benefit for me to participate in the HR Credentialing program?
The program is designed to provide successful candidates with validation of their mastery and a way to communicate this to others. Successful completion will result in recognition at various levels, including state, departmental and co-worker level, for your mastery of the knowledge associated with each module. You will also be able to highlight successful completion of a module when competing for future career opportunities.
3. Is there any financial benefit to me to get certified?
There is no direct financial benefit to you upon passing a module.
4. How do I apply for an HR Credential?
You are encouraged to do a self-evaluation of your skills associated with the available modules and review
the credentialing program website that provides an overview of the modules. The intent of this program is that participants are journey-level with respect to the specific module. Based on your self-evaluation and meeting the application criteria, you can complete and submit a standard state application. Based on the timing of your application and the next available testing dates, your material will be evaluated to determine if it is complete and whether you will be invited to take the module exam. You do not need supervisory approval in order to apply for the exam, although you should obtain supervisory approval for the time required to apply and—if accepted—take the exam. If your application is incomplete, you will be contacted to provide further information.
5. What type of exam is it? How long will I have to complete it?
The exams consist of a series of multiple-choice items administered via computer. They vary in length, but are approximately 100 items. You will have two hours to receive the instructions and complete an exam. You will have the opportunity to flag items for later consideration and, time permitting, the option to review your answers before final submission.
6. How do I prepare for an exam?
If you are accepted to take an exam, we recommend that you closely review
the credentialing program website and review any associated module materials. Review reference materials associated with the content area that you have gathered through training and your experience, including but not limited to policy bulletins and manuals, regulations, and government codes.
7. How often will the exam be offered? Where is it given?
At this time CalHR anticipates offering the exam every six months. The exam is administered in-person at CalHR, 1515 S Street, North Building in Sacramento.
8. How was the exam developed?
Each module exam and pass point was developed by subject matter experts in the particular area. This includes staff from CalHR as well as departmental representatives who had topical expertise. The exams went through a multi-stage review process.
9. Will there be instructor- or web-based training associated with each of the modules?
At this time there is no instructor- or web-based training specifically designed to prepare individuals for the module exams. The HR Credentialing program is designed for state employees that have journey-level knowledge about the module topic. There is training available through CalHR related to certain content areas; please review
our training website.
10. Are there practice tests or study guides available?
At this time there are no practice tests or study guides available. Please refer to the
HR Credentialing website for additional information on the scope of each exam.
11. Will employees be given state time to apply and participate in the exams?
CalHR recommends that departments allow their employees a reasonable amount of time to complete the application and participate in the examination process. Test-takers should obtain supervisory approval for the time needed to prepare for and take the exam(s).
12. What happens if I pass the exam?
You will receive formal written notification that you have successfully passed the module exam; CalHR will also notify your department of your successful completion. In addition, there will be periodic formal ceremonies to announce and recognize those that have passed a module. CalHR will also develop a webpage highlighting the individuals (with their permission) that pass the various exam modules.
13. What happens if I don't pass the exam? When can I re-take it?
You will receive formal written notification that you did not pass the exam. There is no re-test period, meaning you can take the exam the next time it is offered.
14. If I don't pass, will I receive specific feedback on the areas I did poorly on?
At this time there are no plans to offer specific formal feedback on content areas that unsuccessful candidates need to improve upon. If you have questions, please contact the HR Credentialing administrator at
15. Is there going to be continuing education component to the successful completion of the module?
There is no required continuing education component at this time. CalHR will continue to investigate other educational opportunities for HR professionals, and we encourage you to visit
our training course catalog to identify additional classes to assist with your development.
16. Has there been any consideration to partnering with the Society of Human Resources Management (SHRM) in this credentialing program?
This program is designed for State of California employees that work in state human resource areas. At this time there is no relationship or partnership with SHRM. The goal of the HR Credentialing program is that it will grow and be recognized as a best practice within California civil service.
17. Upon successfully completing a module, will there be an advanced certification associated with that specific module?
Upon the successful launch of the initial eight modules, the project team will explore the next steps of the project such as an advanced certification program and additional modules being developed.
18. If an applicant takes and passes all HR Credentialing exams, will they be given some type of additional recognition?
Yes; CalHR will provide some type of "advanced" recognition to any candidate that takes and passes all module exams.
19. Will my department be notified if I don't pass an exam?
No. No notice will be provided to your department should you fail to pass an exam module.
Additional questions can be sent to
I'm not in a Human Resources or EEO Office. Can I still apply for the exam?
As long as you meet the eligibility requirements (three years
of experience performing duties in a state HR work environment or EEO program), you may apply for an exam. Please note that your training and experience should be of such a nature that it prepares you for the credentialing exam you are applying for.