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Water and Sewage Plant Supervisor (6723)

Water and Sewage Plant Supervisor

California State Personnel Board Specification

  • Schematic Code: QDIO
  • Class Code: 6723
  • Established: 08/09/1946
  • Revised: 05/21/1981
  • Title Changed: --


Under general direction, to have responsibility for the operation of a water treatment and sewage treatment plant, or for the operation of a large and complex plant of either type; to maintain and repair facility treatment equipment; may instruct, lead or supervise inmates, wards or resident workers; and do other related work.

Job Characteristics

Positions in this class typically exist at larger State institutions, parks, historical monuments, or recreational areas which have both water and sewage treatment plants, or a large plant of one type. In small institutions having only one of these plants, the work is usually performed by personnel in lower classes, supervised by the Chief Engineer.

Typical Tasks

Supervises the operation of a water treatment and/or sewage treatment plant; directs the taking of daily tests of water and sewage in the various stages of treatment and personally makes the more involved analyses; interprets tests and determines necessary changes in dosage and treatment processes; supervises or performs the cleaning, painting, and upkeep of equipment; adjusts and repairs mechanical equipment such as pumps, chlorinators, gas engines, and metering devices; operates or directs the operation of related equipment at incinerators and swimming pools and other mechanical equipment; operates equipment as a relief operator when necessary; may supervise assistants; may perform minor plumbing duties in connection with water and sewage systems.

Minimum Qualifications

Three years of engineering or operating experience in a water filtration plant or a sewage treatment plant serving a population of at least 2000; and Possession of an appropriate State of California Certification for Sewage Treatment Plant Operator and/or Water Treatment Plant Operator is required at the time of appointment. Certificates are issued by the Department of Health Services and Water Resources Control Board. (Applicants who are within six months of obtaining the required certification will be admitted to the examination but must produce evidence of certification before they can be considered eligible for appointment.

Knowledge and Abilities

Knowledge of: Water, sewage and other mechanical systems and equipment, and methods, materials and tools used in the operation, maintenance, and repair of such equipment; principles of water and sewage treatment; the department's affirmative action program objectives; a manager's role in the affirmative action program and the processes available to meet affirmative action objectives.


Ability to: Read and write English at a level required for successful job performance; make and interpret chemical and physical laboratory tests to determine effectiveness of water and sewage treatment; prepare routine reports and keep accurate records; train and supervise employees engaged in operating water and sewage treatment plants; read, interpret, and work from plans, drawings, and specifications; think and act quickly in emergencies; analyze situations accurately and take effective action; effectively contribute to the department's affirmative action objectives.

Additional Desirable Qualification

Education equivalent to completion of the twelfth grade.

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