ABOLISHED 06/04/2015 PER PAY LETTER 15-17 - Principal Buyer
California State Personnel Board Specification
Schematic Code: KP20
Class Code: 4890
Established: 07/11/1953
Revised: 09/01/1966
Title Changed: --
Under direction in the Office of Procurement to supervise a group of buyers responsible for purchasing activities in several major commodity areas; to personally negotiate difficult and important purchases and contracts; and to do other related work.
Typical Tasks
Supervises the purchasing activities performed by a group of buyers (typically five to nine) who are responsible for several major commodity areas; determines conformity to policy or law, and appraises the soundness of judgment exercised in the making of major awards; receives and reviews requisitions; prepares and reviews specifications; invites quotations, examines bids and awards, and negotiates contracts; interviews vendors or their agents; conducts surveys to determine the quantities and qualities of goods required by departments and institutions; investigates sources of supplies; negotiates directly with heads and assistant heads of State agencies served on questions of item substitution; compares and analyzes quotations, signs purchase orders, and makes awards on bids; checks vendors' compliance with legal requirements such as performance bonds and workmen's compensation insurance; analyzes requisitions and makes recommendations as to which ones can be more economically purchased on a contract basis; follows up purchases to insure receipt of proper quality and quantity on specified dates; investigates complaints; assigns work and maintains discipline in the supervision of buyers and a small group of clerical assistants; acts for the Deputy State Purchasing Agent in his absence.
Minimum Qualifications
Either I
One year of experience performing the duties of a Buyer II in the California state service.
Experience: Five years of experience in the large-scale buying of materials, supplies, and equipment. (In appraising experience, emphasis will be placed upon its recency and breadth. Experience in stores inventory control, or in acquisition of materials by requisition through a central purchasing organization is not qualifying buying experience.) and
Education: Equivalent to graduation from college. (Additional qualifying experience may be substituted for the required education on the basis of one year of experience being equivalent to two years of education.)
Knowledge and Abilities
Knowledge of: Purchasing principles and practices; market conditions and practice and of current prices; law of contracts and of State purchasing procedures; methods of purchasing by specification and competitive bidding; traffic procedure; characteristics and types of materials, supplies, and equipment suitable to meet the needs of a large governmental jurisdiction; trade names, brands, and sources of supply; modern office methods and practices; principles of management and supervision.
Ability to: Direct the work of others; develop purchasing standards and specifications; analyze situations accurately and adopt an effective course of action.