Archivist I
California State Personnel Board Specification
Schematic Code: BU30
Class Code: 2805
Established: 08/04/1966
Revised: --
Title Changed: --
Under the direction of the Chief of Archives, to do the less difficult professional work involved in the operation and maintenance of the State Archives; and to do other related work.
Typical Tasks
Plans and directs procedures for processing documents received into the State Archives; analyzes documents of historical significance to determine their organizational and functional relationships within creating agencies; categorizes and determines the arrangement of documents for filing and control purposes; develops and maintains indexing systems; formulates descriptions of document storage units; compiles finding-aids and guides to archival holdings and edits them for publication; plans and directs a program for micro-filming documents; determines space and equipment requirements for the safe storage of archival materials; provides for and directs the security and physical maintenance of storage facilities.
Minimum Qualifications
Experience: Two years of professional experience in archival work or historical research or in the manuscript department of a research library. and Education: Equivalent to graduation from college. (Possession of the equivalent of a master's degree with specialization in history may be substituted for the required experience.)
Knowledge and Abilities
Knowledge of: Archival principles, organization and procedures; methods of processing and filing archival materials; care and preservation of archival materials; methods and techniques of historical research and research in archival materials; types of materials important to historical research; history of California and the United States; organization and functions of California state and local government.
Ability to: Plan and direct programs for processing documents of historical significance; analyze documents and classify them in accordance with agency functions and organization; establish and maintain effective indexing procedures; describe document filing and storage units for control purposes; edit copy of finding-aids and guides to archival holdings; supervise and train assistants.