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Brand Inspector Series

Brand Inspector Series

California State Personnel Board Specification

Series established January 23, 1986


This series specification describes classes in the Division of Animal Industry of the Department of Food and Agriculture used to administer and enforce provisions of the Hide and Brand Law.


Brand Inspector Series Specification - Class Titles and Codes
>Schem CodeClass CodeClass
AP500303Brand Inspector
AP304429Senior Brand Inspector
AP204430Regional Brand Supervisor (abolished 09/06/2017 per Pay Letter 17-29)

Definition of Series

Incumbents in these classes perform or supervise inspections of livestock at stockyards, shipping points, ranches, slaughterhouses, feedlots, and rendering plants for identifying marks and brands, and otherwise facilitate livestock transfer of ownership transactions; they assure lawful ownership, enforce brand registration and inspection laws, and prevent irregular transactions. Incumbents perform or supervise the collection of fees and forward them with proper reports to the central office, issue certificates of inspection, check licenses of dealers and slaughterers, work with livestock owners on recording and renewing brands; assist in theft and estray investigations including gathering information and assisting Bureau investigative staff, sheriffs, and district attorneys in preparing court actions; and prepare reports as necessary. In central office assignments, incumbents may provide staff support to register brands, maintain brand files and records, prepare and update the brand book and provide other technical support.


Incumbents in supervisory positions plan, direct, review, and evaluate the work of subordinates; train new employees; identify overall staff training needs; identify and evaluate program strengths and deficiencies and initiate or recommend corrective action; review reports; and assist higher level management in the operation of the program.

Factors Affecting Position Allocations

Level and variety of work assigned, independence of action, degree of responsibility, supervision received and exercised, and public contact.

Definition of Levels

Brand Inspector

This is the entry, training, and first working level. Incumbents work under supervision to become familiar with brand inspection and enforcement work by performing a variety of the more routine tasks. As incumbents become more proficient, they work under general supervision, independently performing brand inspection duties of average difficulty.

Senior Brand Inspector

This is the advanced journey-lead level. Under direction, incumbents perform the full range of brand inspection duties in an assigned area. Incumbents are expected to regularly perform the more complex field work, including leading and training less experienced inspectors.

Regional Brand Supervisor

This is the full supervisory level. Incumbents have complete field responsibility for supervising the brand inspection function in a major district of the State. Incumbents assist higher level administrators in program operation; assist in preparation and revision of rules and regulations and provide other technical staff support as necessary.

Minimum Qualifications

Brand Inspector

Either I


Experience: Six months of experience performing the duties of an Agricultural Services Technician II, Range B, in the California state service. and


Education: Equivalent to completion of nine semester units of college level course work in job-related sciences. (Applicants who are enrolled for the minimum appropriate college courses required may be admitted to the examination, but they must show proof of completion before they will be considered eligible for appointment.)



1. Two years of experience in the production of and working with commercial beef cattle on the range, at commercial feedlots, livestock markets, cattle slaughter plants, stock pens, or other closely related areas. (Completion of a two year course in an agricultural college with specialization in animal husbandry or related subjects may be substituted for one year of the required experience.) or


2. Six months of seasonal experience in the State's Livestock Identification Program assisting in hide and brand inspection in a class equivalent in level of responsibility to that of an Agricultural Inspector I (Intermittent).



Equivalent to graduation from college with specialization in animal husbandry or in related livestock subjects.

Senior Brand Inspector

Either I


One year (or 1920 hours) of experience in the California state service performing the duties of a Brand Inspector.



Three years of experience in breeding, raising, buying, selling, shipping, or inspecting cattle. (Experience must include two years in a position with a level of responsibility equivalent to Brand Inspector.) (College training in animal husbandry or in a related agricultural subject may be substituted for two years of the required experience, on the basis of one year of college being equivalent to six months of experience.)

Regional Brand Supervisor

Either I


One year of experience in California state service performing the duties of a Senior Brand Inspector.



Four years of experience in a responsible capacity in breeding, raising, buying, selling, shipping, or inspecting cattle. (Experience must include two years in a position with a level of responsibility equivalent to Senior Brand Inspector.) (College training in animal husbandry or in related livestock subjects may be substituted for a maximum of two years of the required experience on the basis of one year of college being equivalent to six months of experience.)

Knowledge and Abilities

All Levels:

Knowledge of: Methods of branding and marketing cattle; principles and practices of animal husbandry and operation of livestock ranches; methods of operation used by cattle thieves; provisions of laws and regulations designed to prevent theft of cattle.


Ability to: Read and write English at a level required for successful job performance; apply provisions of laws and regulations designed to prevent theft of cattle to specific situations; detect altered brands; make investigations; analyze situations accurately and take effective action; develop and maintain cooperative relations with people contacted in the work; understand and follow directions; make arithmetical calculations; write legibly, spell correctly, use good English, and prepare clear and accurate reports.

Senior Brand Inspector

Knowledge of: All of the above, and in practice and application; production, marketing, and trade practices of the cattle industry; familiarity with rules of evidence and court procedures.


Ability to: All of the above, and assist in investigations; provide leadership to lower level employees.

Regional Brand Supervisor

Knowledge of: All of the above, and purpose and operation of the Bureau of Livestock Identification; principles of effective supervision and personnel management; the Department's Affirmative Action Program and the supervisor's role in meeting its objectives.


Ability to: All of the above, and direct the work of others; train subordinates; assist higher level staff in administering the program; and effectively contribute to the Department's Affirmative Action objectives.

Special Personal Characteristics

All Levels:

Willingness to travel and to work long and irregular hours. Possession of a valid California driver license.

Additional Desirable Qualification

All Levels:

Education equivalent to completion of the twelfth grade.

Class History

Brand Inspector Series History - Dates Established, Revised, and Title Changed
ClassDate EstablishedDate RevisedTitle Changed
Brand Inspector193101/23/1986--
Senior Brand Inspector01/23/1986----
Regional Brand Supervisor (abolished 09/06/2017 per Pay Letter 17-29)07/29/198501/23/1986--
  Updated: 12/13/2017
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