CalHR assumed responsibility for this program under the Governor's Reorganization Plan Number One of 2011. Currently CalHR contracts with Cooperative Personnel Services (CPS) HR Consulting to audit and provide services to counties.
The State of California adopted Local Agency Personnel Standards (LAPS) to implement Government Code Sections 19800 -19811. Of the 58 California counties, most are authorized to administer their own personnel systems for program employees based on CalHR's review and approval of their personnel management system. These counties are often referred to as Approved Local Merit Systems (ALMS) counties. These ALMS counties are periodically audited to ensure that they continue to be in compliance with LAPS.
The remaining counties comprise the Interagency Merit Systems (IMS) counties. Through CalHR, CPS provides technical human resources support and services to these counties to ensure they adhere to LAPS standards.