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New DWC Regulations Effective 10-08-2010

PML 2010-024

Issued October 5, 2010
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Workers' Compensation - NEW DWC Regulations

The California Division of Workers' Compensation (DWC) has recently updated notification requirements that go into effect on October 8, 2010.
Destroy your old stock and begin using these forms on October 8, 2010:
  • Employee's Claim Form For Workers' Compensation Benefits (English/Spanish) e3301 (Rev. 9/10) - DWC 1 (Rev. 6/10)
  • Posting Notice (English) e13913 (Rev. 09/10)
  • Posting Notice (Spanish) e13914 (Rev. 09/10)

 Also, as of October 8, 2010, you are required to provide this NEW form to all employees at the time of hire:

  • MPN Implementation Notice (English/Spanish) e3843 (New 10/10)

Beginning October 8, 2010, you must place this current form in close proximity to the posting notices listed above as well as continue to provide it to your employees at the time of injury/illness. 

  • Guide to the State Fund Medical Provider Network for State of California Employees (English/Spanish) e13174 (Rev. 04/08).

Please note that you can now distribute all MPN notices (MPN Implementation Notice and Guide to the State Fund Medical Provider Network for State of California Employees) electronically if your employees have regular access to e-mail at work. However, electronic distribution does not replace the requirement to post the notices.

If you have multiple locations, you will need to post the Notice to Employees (e13913/e13914) and the Guide to the State Fund Medical Provider Network for State of California Employees (e13174) at each location.
It is important that you follow these notification mandates. Failure to provide the required forms to your employees may result in possible fines as well as the loss of medical control of your workplace claims.
/s/ Greg Beatty
Benefits Division Chief
Tracy Caldwell, Workers' Compensation Program
(916) 445-9760
Fax: (916) 324-3213
  Updated: 3/12/2012
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