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CalHR Statewide Training

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Learn. Grow​. Advance.

​Join California's initiative to modernize government and enhance performance.

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​​CalHR Training - CalLearns

CalLe​arns​​ is CalHR Statewide Training's Learning Management System, used for trainings provided by CalHR and other statewide agencies. 

Please review your department's training policy or contact your department's Trainin​g Officer​ for more information.​​ 

​​Internet Explorer is not supported on CalL​earns.

Developing Your Career, Learning for You

The CalHR Statewide Training Center provides opportunities for continuous​ learning and training. ​Contin​uous learning and constant skill development are key elements to improving job performance and advancing your career. We offer a wide range of training classes that can help build your skills, stay up to date, and meet your own unique needs.​

See Government Code 19995.1.5.

Growing Leaders, CA Leadership Academy

The California Leadership Academy provides foundational mandated trainings for Supervisors, Managers, and Executives in state service. These positions require a specific set of skills to manage other employees and provide leadership. The Academy’s programs are designed to teach individuals what is needed to be effective and successful in a Leadership role.

See CalHR Manual Policy 2801.​

Modernizing Government, CA Lean Academy

The California LEAN Academy is dedicated to modernizing the processes of government and improving performance. The Academy provides and oversees training for state workers and public service agencies on LEAN methodology, tools and techniques to continuously improve any process by working smarter and eliminating waste.​

  Updated: 6/9/2022
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